Page 95 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
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        the meeting  to discuss ways to harness  technology  to combat   technology  services to  all  users  and enterprises  across  the
        the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). During  the meeting,  Dr.  Al-  Kingdom. CITC revealed that mobile service providers have been
        Tamimi delivered a speech in which he expressed the Kingdom   temporarily licensed to use an additional 40 MHz in the 700 MHz
        of Saudi  Arabia's  keenness  and commitment  to combat this   and  800  MHz  bands,  which  represents  a  50%  increase  in  the
        pandemic through taking precautionary and preventive measures.   spectrum holdings of Saudi service providers in those bands. CITC
        He  pointed  out that  the safe communication  has become  an   said that the activation plan for these frequencies commenced on
        important requirement today, in light of the of applying the remote   March 26th and noted that service providers networks showcased
        work procedures taken by most countries, noting that the Kingdom   a considerable increase in quality of service and mobile internet
        witnessed during the last short period an increasing demand for   speeds in the areas where these frequencies have been activated.
        communications  and information technology  services. He also   CITC is predicting further performance gains as these frequencies
        affirmed that the Kingdom has taken early measures to harness   are fully  activated in service providers networks across the
        technology to serve many social and economic fields.   Kingdom over the next few days. Last week, CITC revealed that
        (April 4, 2020)                             since the implementation of the preventive measures against the
                                                               spread  of  the  Corona  virus,  the  daily  mobile  and  fixed  Internet
        The  Communications  and  Information  Technology  Commission   traffic have increased by 66,000 Terabytes, a 33% increase over
        (CITC)  has  awarded  additional  spectrum  for  mobile  service   February's daily average. CITC also acknowledged the cooperation
        providers in the  Kingdom as  preventive measures against the   and crucial role played by mobile service providers in the Kingdom
        spread of the Corona virus are being implemented in the Kingdom   to maintain the quality and reliability of services provided to all
        and many countries around the world. The aim of this decision is to   users and enterprises in the Kingdom.
        boost the performance of 4G and 5G networks in the Kingdom and   (April 1, 2020)
        ensure uninterrupted delivery of communication and information

                                                                                                     Sri Lanka

        Ministry of Health, Nutrition  and Indigenous  Medicine  together   either  the Google  PlayStore, Huawei  Appstore store and Apple
        with  the  Information  and  Communication  Technology  Agency   app store, citizens will  be  prompted  to record their  location  at
        (ICTA) of Sri Lanka, the apex ICT institution in the country has   the time of using the application. The application locally maps
        developed an application to inform, engage and react to the deadly   the trail of the mobile app user's locations traveled so that in an
        spread of the New Coronavirus also known as COVID-19 under the   unfortunate event of the app user being infected with the virus,
        instructions of his excellency the President Gotabhaya Rajapakse.   they can  disclose  the  stored  location  history information  with
        This is in the wake of a global pandemic reaching the shores of   the authorities to protect their family and friends who they have
        Sri Lanka and with the steadily rising number of infected citizens,   associated with, in the last 14-days. All recorded location data
        the need for a robust mobile application was felt. Representatives   are kept securely within the mobile, and will not be transmitted to
        from both  organizations including volunteers  from the private   any external systems without the consent of the mobile app user.
        sector worked tirelessly to ensure that through this app citizens   If you have crossed paths with an infected individual, you have
        will have access to a news feed that shares verified information   the option to self-register with the national disease surveillance
        on the current MyHealth  Sri Lanka  mobile app populated  by   system.
        data shared by medical  authorities.  Once  downloaded  through   (April 13, 2020)

                                                                                 United Arab Emirates

        The  Telecommunications  Regulatory  Authority,  TRA,  has   the authority said on Wednesday. Commenting on this milestone,
        announced  that  42,000  trainees  from  83  countries  had  taken   Hamad  Obaid  Al  Mansouri,  TRA  Director-General,  said  that  the
        advantage  of  the  free  training  courses  available  on  the  TRA   TRA  Academy  has  proven  UAE’s  readiness  to  face  challenges.
        Academy (previously Virtual  Academy)  during  the last  week   "We in  the UAE  believe that  the development  and training of
        of  March.  This  shows  a  significant  increase  in  the  number  of   human resources must continue under all circumstances, being
        trainees, which demonstrates the success of the academy as a   the most valuable asset and the most important force. In light of
        modern solution for those wishing to develop their capabilities   the conditions the world is witnessing, and the near-full halt of
        and their personal and professional knowledge, especially in light   training and educational centers in most countries of the world,
        of the exceptional circumstances the world is witnessing today,   the TRA Academy has been a solution accessible to thousands

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