Page 97 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
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                                  REGULATORY ACTIVITIES BEYOND

                                            THE SAMENA REGION

                         The  Ministry  of  Telecommunications  &  Information   secretaries of state, namely Nuno  dos Anjos Caldas
                         Technology  (Ministerio  das  Telecomunicacoes  e   Albino, Secretary of State for Mass Media, and Mario
                         Technologias de Informacao, MTTI) has merged with   Augusto  da Silva  Oliveira, Secretary  of State for
                         the Ministry of Mass Media as part of a government   Telecommunications  and  Information  Technologies.
        Angola           reshuffle. The newly combined ministry will have two   (April 8, 2020) ANGOP

                         The  Australian  government  has  called  for  views   A total of 182 new base transceiver stations (BTS) will
                         from stakeholders and members of the public  on   be  delivered  under  the  fifth  round  of  the  Australian
                         a  proposed  update  of  the  Telecommunications  in   government’s  AUD380  million  (USD242  million)
                         New  Developments  (TIND)  policy.  In  a  press  release   ‘Mobile  Black  Spot  Program’,  bringing  the  total
        Australia        regarding the matter, the Department of Infrastructure,   number of BTS funded under the program to 1,229. In
                         Transport, Regional Development and Communications   a press release regarding the matter, the Department
                         (DITRDC)  said  the  proposed  revisions  to  the  policy   of  Infrastructure,  Transport,  Regional  Development
                         follow an  initial  round of public  consultation  that   and  Communications  (DITRDC)  noted  that,  together
                         concluded earlier this year. The DITRDC noted that the   with co-contributions from the funding recipients and
                         government  considers  ‘that the main features of the   state  governments, ‘Round  Five’  of the program will
                         TIND  policy  remain  appropriate,  but  changes  can  be   deliver more than AUD73 million in new infrastructure
                         made to improve the market’s operation and simplify   investment, including AUD34 million in Commonwealth
                         the policy going forward’. In line with this, the primary   funding. According to the regulator, to date the Mobile
                         changes  include  proposals that:  developers  remain   Black  Spot  Program  has  enabled  the  construction
                         responsible  for arranging for telecommunications   of  more  than  800  mobile  base  stations  across  the
                         infrastructure, both pit and pipe and active networks,   country  and  generated  more  than  AUD836  million
                         to be installed in their developments, and for funding   of new investment in  mobile infrastructure.  With  the
                         it; fixed line networks should be installed as a default,   Round 5 rollout expected to commence ‘shortly’, and
                         except where this  is  not reasonable, in  which case   the first new BTS set to be activated ‘later this year’,
                         fixed-wireless or satellite should be used – consistent   the government has also released a discussion paper
                         with  the proposed  statutory  infrastructure  provider   to consult on options for the design of the next round of
                         (SIP)  legislation; and that  the carrier contracted  to   the program. The DITRDC has noted that this upcoming
                         service a  development  should  be the infrastructure   round (‘Round 5A’) will use uncommitted  funds from
                         provider for that development, consistent with the SIP   ‘Round  Five’  to  continue  to expand  and improve
                         legislation. Further, it has been proposed  that, where   mobile coverage in regional and remote Australia. The
                         carriers  other  than  NBN  Co  have  end-user  charges,   consultation  is accepting  submissions  until 19 June
                         these should be published on their websites, and the   2020. (April 21, 2020)
                         total  end-user  charge for broadband  and television
                         services should  not exceed  AUD500  (USD319).  With   In publishing position papers, the Australian Competition
                         regards to NBN Co specifically, meanwhile, as per the   and Consumer  Commission (ACCC)  has  outlined  its
                         proposed  update  to  the  TIND  policy,  that  company’s   views on wholesale  access  terms currently being
                         current developer and end-user charges will be treated   considered by two National Broadband Network (NBN)
                         as price caps, meaning it has flexibility to charge below   related inquiries. However, the regulator has announced
                         the caps where necessary to respond to competition.   that  it  is  pausing its  inquiries,  which examine both
                         NBN Co will also be permitted to charge above the caps   NBN entry-level access pricing and wholesale service
                         where a developer asks for additional services, such as   standards, so as ‘to allow the communications sector
                         expedited installation. In addition, NBN Co will be free   to focus on its response to the COVID-19 pandemic’.
                         to install competing  infrastructure on  a commercial   According to the regulator, its position papers ‘provide
                         basis, but must keep records of its commercial decision   the ACCC’s current views of the nature and direction
                         making, while access to backhaul and NBN Co’s B2B   of any final access determination (FAD) that the ACCC
                         interface should  be pursued  on a  commercial basis.   may make, once circumstances stabilize’. With regards
                         Comments on the proposals have been requested by a   to  its  NBN  Wholesale  Service  Standards  Inquiry,  this
                         deadline of 8 June 2020. (April 27, 2020)  sets out the  ACCC’s views on  measures designed  to
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