Page 102 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
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                         concerned,  as  the 2.6GHz  band is  close to  the band   spectrum in the 700MHz band on its fixed line home
                         it  uses  to  provide  coverage  for  air  traffic  controllers,   broadband services.
                         according to a report by SP Global. Virgin Media uses   (April 12, 2020)

                         Latvian  telecoms  watchdog  the Public  Utilities   airwaves. The SPRK is planning to divide the spectrum
                         Commission  (Sabiedrisko  Pakalpojumu Regulesanas   into the following three lots, each of which would have
                         Komisija, SPRK) has published a public  consultation   a starting price of EUR1 million (USD1.1 million):
                         document  on the conditions  for the planned  auction   1.  703MHz-713MHz, 738MHz-743MHz and 758MHz-
                                                                           768MHz (25MHz total)
        Latvia           of  spectrum  in  the  700MHz  band.  The  tender  will   2.  713MHz-723MHz, 743MHz-748MHz and 768MHz-
                         comprise spectrum in the 703MHz-733MHz/738MHz-
                         788MHz  range,  which  will  be  available  for  mobile   778MHz (25MHz total)
                         communications from 1 January 2022. The SPRK notes   3.  723MHz-733MHz, 748MHz-758MHz, and 778MHz-
                         that  the spectrum  will  gradually become  available   788MHz (30MHz total).
                         during a transition period between 1 January 2022 and   The regulator is accepting comments on its proposals
                         30  June  2022,  as  TV  broadcasters  cease  use  of  the   until 25 May 2020. (April 28, 2020)

                         The  government  has  announced  new  investment  in   to rural households that are currently without access
                         rural broadband network capacity, which it hopes will   to the internet, and means remote communities will be
                         ‘help lift  the development  and wellbeing  of  isolated   much better equipped to get going again when we exit
                         communities  as  New  Zealand’s  economy  recovers   lockdown,’ Broadcasting, Communications and Digital
        New Zealand      from COVID-19’. Up to NZD15 million (USD9.06 million)   Media Minister Kris Faafoi said in a press release. He
                         in  savings  from  the  Ultra-Fast  Broadband  Initiative   added  that  while  the  government’s  Rural  Broadband
                         (UFB) initiative has been allocated to upgrade existing   Initiative  aims  to  provide  access  to  99.8%  of  the
                         rural mobile towers, improve wireless backhaul   population  by  the end of  2021,  this  work  will  bring
                         between  remote  sites and central  networks,  and   forward capacity upgrades to meet demand in isolated
                         install  external antennae to  households  to  improve   regions during the pandemic.
                         coverage. ‘This investment brings broadband services   (April 29, 2020)

                         The  government  of  Niger  has  announced  it  has   3G  concessions  has  been  set  at  XOF28.4  billion.  In
                         awarded a 15-year license for the establishment and   November 2019 France’s Orange Group completed the
                         operation  of  a  4G  network  to  Zamani  Com,  the  new   sale of its entire 95.5% stake in Orange Niger to Zamani
                         owner of mobile operator Orange Niger. At the same   Com, after the transaction received approval from the
        Niger            time, the cellco’s  existing 2G  and 3G  licenses  have   relevant authorities. Zamani Com is wholly owned by
                         been renewed for a further 15 years. Orange will pay   businessmen  Mohamed Rissa  of Rimbo Invest  and
                         a total of XOF12 billion (USD19.7 million) for the new   Moctar Thiam, both already minority shareholders  of
                         LTE  license,  while  the  price  of  renewing  its  2G  and   Orange Niger. (April 7, 2020)

                         The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has   not  yet  been  deployed  in  the  country.  The  Minister
                         confirmed  that  Nigeria  has  successfully  completed   of Communications  and Digital Economy, Mr. Isa  Ali
                         its  5G trials.  While reiterating  that 5G is not yet   Ibrahim Pantami, said that the Council had not released
                         operational  in Nigeria, the communications  industry   any bulk frequency spectrum for the deployment of 5G.
        Nigeria          regulator said that it had approved the trialing of the   He added that no license had been issued in Nigeria for

                         technology  in  2019,  completed  in  collaboration  with   the deployment of the technology. The NCC said that
                         the Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy   5G would transform the world by efficiently connecting
                         and  MTN  Nigeria.  At  the  same  time,  the  NCC  added   everything  with  everybody.  The  organization  stated
                         that it had issued a statement in response to the widely   that  the deployment of  5G  in  Nigeria would create
                         circulating conspiracies regarding 5G and coronavirus   millions  of  jobs  and  add  billions of  dollars  to  the
                         (COVID-19).  The  regulator  said  that  there  is  no  link   economy (GDP).
                         between  5G and COVID-19, but assured that 5G had   (April 9, 2020)

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