Page 103 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
P. 103


                         The government of Niger has announced the award of   last year. Zamani Com is wholly owned by Mohamed
                         a 4G license to operator Zamani Com. The award of the   Rissa of Rimbo Invest and Moctar Thiam of Greenline
                         15-year license for the establishment and operation of   Communications, both minority shareholders of Orange
                         a 4G network to Zamani Com, the new owner of mobile   Niger. The company’s services were to continue to be
                         operator Orange Niger, makes it the second operator in   marketed under the Orange brand during a transition
                         Niger, after Airtel, the local subsidiary of Indian giant   period. In its press announcement at the time, Orange
                         Bharti  Airtel,  to  plan  to  offer  4G  in  the  country.  The   said that the Africa and Middle East region remained
                         announcement also notes that Zamani Com’s existing   a  strategic priority for the Orange Group. “However,”
                         2G and 3G licenses have been renewed for a further 15   it  added,  “the market  environment in  Niger has  led
                         years. According to local press reports the total cost   Orange to make this decision responsibly, prioritizing
                         will be around $19.7 million for the new 4G/LTE license.   business  continuity  for  the  benefit  of  the  company’s
                         The 2G and 3G renewals will cost around $47 million.   customers and protecting the interests of the women
                         Orange completed the sale of its entire 95.5 per cent   and men working at Orange Niger.”
                         stake  in  Orange  Niger  to  Zamani  Com  in  November   (April 7, 2020)

                         The  National  Communications  Authority  (Nasjonal   The  National  Communications  Authority  (Nasjonal
                         kommunikasjonsmyndighet,  Nkom)  has launched   kommunikasjonsmyndighet,  Nkom)  has announced
                         a  consultation  regarding the possible future  use of   that  an  additional  NOK150  million  (USD14.6  million)
                         spectrum which is currently available in the 410MHz-  is being made available by the government to support
                         430MHz  range.  In  a  press  release  announcing  the   the rollout of broadband services in those areas of the
        Norway           consultation, the regulator noted that there is currently   country  not  considered  commercially  profitable.  In  a
                         2×1.8MHz   free   (410.8MHz-412.6MHz/420.8MHz-  press  release the regulator noted  that  in  its  ordinary
                         422.6MHz), and as such it is looking to gauge interest   state budget, the government had earmarked NOK256
                         in these frequency resources. Having suggested that   million for rural broadband development in fiscal 2020,
                         one option would be to devote most of the available   but has now increased that figure by NOK150 million
                         spectrum  to mobile  communication,  the Nkom has   as part of economic measures designed to address the
                         called  for  feedback,  while  asking  specifically  for   potential  consequences  of the COVID-19 pandemic.
                         comments on several points, including whether it would   While the  Nkom had previously managed  the  state
                         be appropriate to divide the frequency band and make   broadband scheme, in November 2019 it was revealed
                         the spectrum available on a region-by-region basis. A   that from 2020 county municipalities would take over
                         deadline of 29 May 2020 has been set for submissions   the responsibility of managing broadband funding. For
                         from interested  parties, and the regulator  has said   its part, the regulator continues to have an active role in
                         that following the consultation it will make a decision   offering guidance regarding the use of allocated funds,
                         regarding how the available spectrum resources will be   and on issues regarding  state aid regulations  and
                         allocated.                                     rules on third party access. It also continues to gather
                         (April 17, 2020)               statistics on the development of broadband networks
                                                                        that results from state funds. (April 8, 2020)

                         The  Ministry  of  Transport  and  Communications   obligations.  In a related  development,  meanwhile,
                         (Ministerio  de  Transportes  y  Comunicaciones,  MTC)   the MTC confirmed several measures it has taken to
                         has praised a private RAN sharing agreement between   address the changing  role of the sector  during  the
                         cellcos Movistar Peru and Entel Peru. In a statement   COVID-19 pandemic. To that end, the ministry issued
        Peru             the  ministry said that the  pact would  help  maximize   a decree (Emergency Decree No. 035-2020) requiring
                                                                        telcos  to  priorities  telecommunications  traffic  from
                         the use of existing resources and encouraged further
                         sharing  agreements.  Such  measure allow for more   public entities, in particularly those in the health sector,
                         efficient  use  of  infrastructure  that  has  already  been   to prevent vital communications being slowed by the
                         deployed, the MTC went on, adding that it would also   increasing use of networks for tele-work, tele-education
                         enable  companies to improve coverage,  capacity   and  leisure  activities.  The  decree  obliges  telcos  to
                         and service quality of their mobile services. However,   provide better access to telecommunications services
                         the ministry stressed that both companies must still   to the government  ministries involved in combating
                         comply  with the  terms of their licenses  and other   the pandemic, including those for the interior, defence
                         obligations,  adding  that the  RAN sharing  agreement   and education. Separately, the MTC is working with the
                         did not exempt either party from the fulfilment of those   education  ministry to help  deliver online  schooling.

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