Page 101 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
P. 101


                         (DoT) received requests that the additional SUC should   that it can assess what steps may be needed to protect
                         only be charged for the spectrum bands that are being   such users following the extension of India’s stay-at-
                         shared,  rather  than the  operators’ entire spectrum   home order to 3 May. TRAI asked cellcos – including
                         holdings (i.e. including frequencies that they had not   two state-owned operators – to provide details such
                         been permitted to share), indicating that the fee was   as  the number  of users that  ran out of credit during
                         being  applied  to cellcos  incorrectly in some places.   the lockdown period and  have  not recharged their
                         Consequently,  the  DoT  has  requested  that  the  TRAI   account,  and what proportion of their pre-paid user
                         recommend whether the SUC should be applied to the   bases these customers made up at  the start  of the
                         specific band being share or to the Weighted Average   lockdown. Providers were also asked how many users
                         Rate for SUC – which has been derived from all bands   were given free credit of INR10 (USD0.13) or more by
                         – or an alternative, that the TRAI deems fit for purpose.  the  cellcos to ensure continuous connectivity  during
                         To  that  end  the  TRAI  has  requested  stakeholders   the shutdown. Once it  receives  this  information,  the
                         submit their views regarding the methodology for the   TRAI is expected to finalize advice or instructions for
                         application  of the charge. Further, the regulator  has   further protective  measures  for customers  that  may
                         sought comments on the potential for the fee to act as   have access to  communications  services limited by
                         a deterrent to spectrum sharing, and what measures   the  lockdown  extension.  The  regulator  has  not  yet
                         could be introduced to promote sharing.        taken steps to oblige operators to provide protections
                         (April 27, 2020)               for potentially vulnerable  pre-paid customers,  as  the
                                                                        cellcos have each introduced various measures of this
                         Sector  watchdog  the  Telecom  Regulatory  Authority   kind, such as extending the validity of their plans until
                         of  India  (TRAI)  has  revised  the  pricing  regime  for   17 April (i.e. for the original duration of the lockdown
                         International  Termination  Charges  (ITC)  following   period),  and providing  free  credit.  With the extension
                         a  review  of the  market.  Under the new system,  the   of the stay-at-home order, however, the TRAI is keen
                         TRAI has imposed a forbearance regime with a range   to ensure that similar protections remain in place, but
                         of  INR0.35  (USD0.0046)  per  minute  to  INR0.65  per   industry lobby group the Cellular Operators Association
                         minute. To maintain a level playing field, however, the   of India (COAI) has warned that the government may
                         regulations  require access  service providers to offer   need  to  provide  companies  with  financial  assistance
                         the  same  non-discriminatory  ITC  rate  to  standalone   from  the  universal  service  fund.  The  TRAI  has  given
                         and integrated International Long Distance Operators   no indication yet that it intends to force providers to
                         (ILDOs).  Explaining  the  move,  the  TRAI  notes  that   implement further protective measures, with a senior
                         the  fixed  rate  of  INR0.30  per  minute  it  had  imposed   TRAI  official  quoted  as  saying  that:  ‘It’s  for  them  to
                         in  February  2018  to  mitigate  potential  grey  market   come forward and announce extensions of the offers
                         concerns  was  amongst  the  lowest in the  world.   for pre-paid  customers since the lockdown period  is
                         Consultation with industry stakeholders late last year   now  extended.’ On  a  similar  note, whilst  the COAI  is
                         had indicated that  the move was  an  unwarranted   keen for the government to acknowledge and address
                         overcorrection,  with  the system  exacerbating  other   the  level  of  financial  stress  in  the  sector,  director
                         pressures on the industry, such as the shift in traffic   general  Rajan  Mathews  clarified  that  the  COAI’s
                         from carriers to over-the-top (OTT) routes.    members would ‘continue  to  monitor the situation
                         (April 20, 2020)               and decide on appropriate means to meet the needs
                                                                        of  customers.’  According  to  the  TRAI’s  most  recent
                         Sector watchdog the Telecom Regulatory Authority of   data, pre-paid users made up more than 95% of India’s
                         India  (TRAI)  has  asked  the  nation’s  mobile  providers   mobile customers in September 2019.
                         to submit data on their pre-paid customer bases, so   (April 15, 2020) The Economic Times

                         The  telecoms  regulator,  ComReg,  has  announced   depending on technology to connect with others and
                         that  it  will  release  additional mobile spectrum  to   to  access  services.  These  regulations  will  ensure
                         ease network congestion  on the country’s  networks   that our mobile network operators  have the capacity
                         during the Covid 19 pandemic. The move comes after   to accommodate the increase in demand. I’d like to
        Ireland          an  application  from  Eir,  Three  Ireland  and  Vodafone   thank ComReg for responding to this need so quickly,”
                         Ireland for the  release of additional spectrum  as
                                                                        Ireland’s Minister for Communications, Climate Action
                         millions of people across the  country are forced  to   and Environment, Richard Bruton said. The move has
                         work and study from home. The regulator will release   raised objections from both the Irish Aviation Authority
                         additional spectrum in the 700MHz and 2.6GHz bands,   and home  broadband  provider Virgin Media, who
                         while simultaneously relaxing restrictions on spectrum   both use spectrum in these  bands for their current
                         use in the 2.1GHz band. “Now, more than ever we are   operations. The Irish Aviation Authority is particularly

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