Page 104 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
P. 104


                         To  that  end,  the  MTC  said  it  has  coordinated  with   consume customers’ data allowance. A spokesperson
                         the nation’s telcos to ensure  that the public  are   for the MTC said that six million students and 600,000
                         not charged for accessing  the government’s  home   teachers  would  be able to use the home  schooling
                         schooling website and that utilizing the site does not   platform free of charge. (April 7, 2020)

                         The Department of Information and Communications   providing  fixed  internet  services  to  homes.  “We  can
                         Technology  (DICT)  will  lower  the  spectrum  user’s   encourage small players, small ISPs (internet service
                         fee (SUF)  for telecommunication  companies  on their   providers),  to improve their infrastructure and their
                         fixed  WiFi  internet  connectivity  services  to  homes   services,” Rio said. He said thousands of ISPs stand
        Philippines      and offices as a move to encourage telcos to improve   to benefit. “In our provinces, there are so many small
                                                                        ISPs,” he said.
                         the speed,  accessibility and cost of their  services
                         to Filipino homes,  especially  during  the extended   (April 27, 2020)
                         enhanced  community quarantine (ECQ)  in  most
                         parts  of the country  due to the coronavirus disease   The National Telecommunications Commission (NTC)
                         (COVID-19) pandemic. Eliseo Rio Jr.,  undersecretary   has  directed  all  Public  Telecommunication  Entities
                         for operations, said the DICT will issue a department   (PTEs) and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to submit
                         order to the National Telecommunications Commission   a business continuity plan that details measures they
                         (NTC) for the lowering of the SUF for the provision of   have taken to ensure uninterrupted service in view of the
                         fixed internet to homes and offices by telcos. “(DICT)   increased demand for information and communications
                         Secretary (Gregorio) Honasan is going to come up with   technology  (ICT)  services.  In  a  statement,  the
                         a department order, a policy  that will  lower the SUF   Department of  Information and Communications
                         for frequencies  being  used  for internet  connectivity,   Technology (DICT) said the order aims to boost efforts
                         WiFi  internet  frequencies  and IP  (internet protocol)   at maintaining the operation of vital ICT services and
                         radio  frequencies,”  Rio  told  The  STAR  in  a  phone   supporting infrastructure, as the national government
                         interview the other day. “The spectrum user’s fee for   extended  the enhanced  community  quarantine  (ECQ)
                         all spectrum that are used for internet WiFi, IP radios   until April 30 in a bid to curb the further spread of the
                         will  be  reduced  substantially,”  Rio said.  He said the   coronavirus  disease (COVID-19).  “For  the duration
                         DICT  wanted  to  encourage  further  the  current  surge   of the ECQ, telecommunications  play  a  key  role as
                         in work-from-home  (WFH)  arrangements  prevailing   many businesses  shift from traditional operations
                         among private  companies  and the skeleton  staff  in   to  work-from-home arrangements for health and
                         government  offices  during  the  ECQ  being  enforced   safety concerns,”  the department said.  According  to
                         as  a result of the  global COVID-19 pandemic.  “Now,   DICT, the order is also in line with its directive to the
                         our problem is that the internet connectivity going to   NTC  to  monitor  mobile  network  operators  and  ISPs
                         homes is not fast enough and the subscription price   to ensure continued  provision of reliable  services
                         is expensive because many are connected through the   through  sufficient  bandwidth  allocation.  Reports
                         mobile  network  (of  big  telcos),”  Rio  said.  “There  is  a   on  the  business continuity  plans are expected  to
                         serious shortage of cable to the home, fiber optic to   be  submitted  to  the  Office  of  the  Commissioner  of
                         the home, at least even just the fixed line, fixed wireless   the  NTC  on  or  before  April  17.  The  DICT  said  these
                         broadband,” Rio said, stressing the need to strengthen   measures also  complement  the Republic  Act No.
                         cyber infrastructure. By lowering the SUF for the fixed   11469, otherwise known as the “Bayanihan to Heal as
                         wireless  broadband  internet  services,  Rio said they   One Act,” which mandates the continued operation of
                         can help  telcos,  especially  the small  players in the   telecommunications  as  a  critical service during  the
                         other urban centers outside Metro Manila, focused on   ECQ. (April 14, 2020)

                         Poland  publicized plans to dismantle its current 5G   because  operators  had already made moves, the
                         auction  and restart the  tender  process,  to avoid any   postponement  undermined  the legal status of the
                         legal ramifications after it delayed the sale due to the   process.  “The  government’s  intention  is  to  introduce
                         COVID-19  (coronavirus) pandemic.  In  a  statement,   a  commercially  functioning  fifth  generation  network
        Poland           the Ministry  of  Digital  Affairs said  suspending  the   to Poland as soon as possible and meet the deadlines
                         process on the  assumption of  continuing  when the
                                                                        set out in the Digital Agenda for Europe.” “Therefore,
                         epidemic subsides was not in line with auction rules,   having regard to the possible consequences, as well as
                         leaving it open to legal challenges. Poland’s regulator,   the above-mentioned safety issues, it was decided to
                         the  Office  of  Electronic  Communications,  put  the   repeat the entire procedure”, the ministry stated. The
                         auction on ice in mid-April, but the government noted   ministry also detailed a revamp of Poland’s telecoms

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