Page 94 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
P. 94



        The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) is investigating   Internet  Service Providers Association  of Pakistan  (ISPAK), the
        the reported data breach of some 115 million Pakistani mobile   PTA had exempted itself from helping the nation in testing times
        users, which is being sold on the dark web for millions of dollars.   and tried to pass on the entire responsibility to telecom operators.
        “It  is  still  a  claim  that  data  of  115  million Pakistani  users has   In a letter written to PTA, ISPAK Convener Wahaj us Siraj said while
        been breached but we are trying to verify the authenticity of the   telcos in many countries had provided relief to their customers
        claim by someone on the dark web," stated Chairman PTA Major   with better packages, they had been fully backed and subsidized
        General  (R)  Amir  Azeem  Bajwa,  quoted  Arab  News.  “There  are   by their  respective governments  and regulators  in form of
        multiple reports we are receiving during our investigation as few   elimination of taxes, regulatory fees and provision of subsidies.
        claims are surfacing that it is old data," he added. The chairman   Terming the proposed package by PTA ‘irrational’, the letter said
        said that they have contacted all mobile operators and will be able   a package with 40GB data limit would be consumed in just few
        to verify the report in a week. Meanwhile, Minister for Telecom,   days.  It  added  that  one month’s  extension  in payment of bills
        Syed Aminul Haque, has said that the government is taking steps   could be given if PTA provided a financial guarantee for defaulters
        to ensure the safety of cyber data and working on new legislation   who would not pay deferred charges. “There’s no comparison of
        for the country's Cybersecurity. The development comes after a   costs of a cellular operator with fixed line operators. Deployment
        Pakistani Cybersecurity company discovered a data dump of 115   costs of FTTH is 30x of a cellular customer. There is no upfront
        million Pakistani mobile users' data, which have been put up for   cost of a cellular operator in connecting a new customer whereas
        sale on the dark web on Friday. As per rewterz, the company that   FLOs installation cost for one customer is around Rs10,000,” it
        has found the data dump says that the cybercriminal behind this   said. According to ISPAK, the cost of providing internet services
        data breach is demanding $2.1 million for the data. The company   to  customers  during  COVID-19  had  increased.  The  bandwidth
        said that it has analyzed the samples of the data dump that has   usage increased drastically due to which FLOs had to buy costly
        been  released  on  a  popular  dark  web  forum.  The  stolen  data   additional bandwidth  in US dollars from upstream providers. A
        includes  users' personal details, such as  full  name, complete   reference had been pending with PTA for last three years to delink
        address, their mobile numbers as well as their NIC number and   the cost of bandwidth with US dollars but nothing happened, it said.
        Tax number. (April 13, 2020)             It said the FLOs had to adopt safety measures for their employees
                                                               and this added to operational costs. Revenues had also drastically
        As the internet use in the country  has increased  during  the   decreased by  50-60pc due  to corporate  sector  shut down,  the
        COVID-19 lockdowns, the Pakistan Telecommunication Autho   rity   ISPAK said, adding that the operators were struggling to keep their
        (PTA) has asked internet providers to offer affordable services to   employees and not opting for layoffs. The association urged the
        customers. In a letter to Fixed Line Operators (FLO) on Thursday   PTA to review its proposal. It urged the authority to abolish 12.5pc
        —a copy of which is available with Dawn — the PTA said during   advance income tax and 19.5pc provincial sales tax, thus giving
        the ongoing lockdown across the country, the overall requirement   32pc direct relief to internet users. It also called for reduction in
        in the country for broadband had increased considerably. In view   the cost of wholesale internet bandwidth of upstream providers
        of the  prevailing COVID-19 circumstances  and mandate  given   from  current  $2-2.5/Mbits/month  to  $0.5/Mbis/month  (as  per
        under  Section  4(1)  C  read  with  Section  6  (F)  of  the  Paki stan   international prices). The association also urged the authority to
        Telecomm unication (Re-organization) Act 1996, the PTA directed   delink bandwidth costs with USD so that internet users could get
        all fixed-line operators to immediately launch student/work from   50-100Mbps speed broadband at affordable price. When asked
        home packages of 2Mbps (40GB data limit) at a reasonable rate   for comment on the concerns raised, the PTA said it would review
        of less than Rs600 (inclusive of tax) per month. The letter further   the letter and take action where needed. “We have written letters
        advised operators to offer more relief to its subscribers in terms   to licensed operators to encourage them to launch pro-consumer
        of additional data on top of package limits, one-month extension   offers in the wake of COVID-19. The PTA’s intentions are to act in
        in billing due dates and continuity of services to the customers if   support of all stakeholders including consumers and operators,”
        they could not pay within the due date. However, according to the   a PTA spokesperson told Dawn. (April 6, 2020)

                                                                                               Saudi Arabia

        Governor  of  the  Communications  and  Information  Technology   Commission  for  Sustainable  Development.  The  leaders  of  the
        Commission  Dr.  Mohammed  bin  Saud  Al-Tamimi  participated   communications and information technology sector from various
        in  the  virtual  meeting  of  the  United  Nations  Broadband   governmental,  international  and private agencies  took part in

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