Page 30 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
P. 30


        Facebook Details Path Forward for Libra Project

        Facebook outlined a revamp for its planned   digital currencies launched by banks and   plans for Libra, which proposed  using
        Libra  Cryptocurrency  project,  scaling-  it  will  marry  blockchain technology with   Cryptocurrency  in place  of traditional
        back its initial vision for initiative in a bid   accepted  regulatory frameworks. In light   money transfers to slash remittance costs
        to  appease  global  regulators.  The  move   of its changes,  Libra’s governing  body   and  promote  global  financial  inclusion.
        confirms  a  Bloomberg  report  last  month,   the Libra Association  started a process   Regulators argued digital currencies must
        which  speculated about an overhaul,  in   to formally apply for a  license with the   be fully investigated before launching, due
        light of the regulatory backlash Facebook   Financial  Markets  Supervisory  Authority   to concerns around money laundering and
        faced since unveiling Libra in June 2019.   in Switzerland. The licensing process will   impact  to  monetary  stability.  To  address
        In a statement, Facebook specified a “path   have input from central  banks and other   money  laundering concerns,  Facebook
        forward” for Libra, with an updated strategy   financial regulatory supervisors around the   added  it  would  establish  a  financial
        which will see the play run more akin to a   world. The company, which had originally   intelligence  unit to  vet  those using the
        traditional payments network by  offering   aimed to launch the  platform  early this   system.  Regulatory scrutiny  led to high-
        digital versions  of currencies  already on   year, will  now look to rollout  at the back   profile backers, including Vodafone Group,
        the market, dubbed “stablecoins”, backed   end. Backlash Facebook faced scrutiny US   Visa and Mastercard, among others,
        by their cash value. It also plans to support   and European  regulators  about its  initial   pulling their support for the project.

                                             OSN Unveils Multi-Year Partnership with Intigral

        OSN has  signed a  multi-year agreement   entertainment  programs that will engage   factual entertainment. Patrick Tillieux, CEO
        with Intigral, the media arm  of Saudi’s   all  members of a  household.  In addition   of OSN said: “Intigral is a natural partner
        STC, for its flagship home and OTT service,   Jawwy TV subscribers will have access as   for OSN.  We aim to bring  entertainment
        Jawwy  TV.  The  partnership  sees  Intigral   part of their telecom bundles to a host of   and joy  to a  broad  audience  with  quality
        secure first access to OSN’s new general   channels ranging from Arabic with OSN’s   content.  This  agreement  is  the  result  of
        entertainment  channel  ‘OSN  Mix’.  This   ‘Yahala’  and  ‘ART’  channels  that  provide   a  great relationship that has been  built
        new initiative aims to offer viewers a   the most sought after Arabic productions   over many years. It is based on a common
        window into OSN’s world of entertainment   in  the  region,  to  premium  Turkish  series   view  of  the  future  and  confidence  in
        featuring  a  curated  selection  of OSN’s   and the best of kids entertainment with   each other.”  Hamoud Al  Rumayan, CEO
        best series, movies, kids  and factual   channels  as well as documentaries and   of  Intigral  said:  ”Jawwy  TV  is  home  to  a
                                                                                 richest selection  of  entertainment and
                                                                                 we see a  bigger collaboration  happening
                                                                                 with OSN. The addition of OSN to our large
                                                                                 portfolio of content not only enhances the
                                                                                 attractiveness of our proposition but also
                                                                                 caters to the needs of our beloved clients in
                                                                                 KSA and other regional markets. In a time
                                                                                 where TV is the center of every household,
                                                                                 we proud ourselves of this timely and
                                                                                 unique  enhancements.”  According to
                                                                                 Zahra Zayat, SVP – digital, OTT and Telco
                                                                                 of OSN, the partnership  is “only phase
                                                                                 one  of a  much bigger  collaboration and
                                                                                 partnership”. OSN content is now available
                                                                                 to Jawwy TV customers in KSA, whilst STC
                                                                                 subscribers in Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and
                                                                                 Saudi Arabia  can access OSN through  a
                                                                                 range of bundles and offers.

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