Page 32 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
P. 32


        China Unicom and Huawei Jointly Release Industry's First eAI-Accelerated
        Education Broadband

        China Unicom and Huawei  have released   than 50% and ensuring  smooth online   a new  service  experience  to the  online
        the   first   eAI-accelerated   education   education.                   education industry."
        broadband  in China,  providing gigabit   •  Penetrating  one more wall: Industry-  Qin  Yang, Deputy General  Manager of
        high-speed  broadband for students in   leading  high-gain  antennas  and  China  Unicom  (Beijing),  said,  "We  are
        Beijing. The embedded AI (eAI) technology   intelligent  anti-interference  algorithms   dedicated to providing users with a superior
        reduces  the latency of online  education   allow  Wi-Fi  signals to penetrate one   experience using innovative technologies.
        services by more than 50%, and ensures a   more wall, ensuring zero frame freezing   The  education  broadband  released  using
        smooth online learning experience in  the   in  online classes, even under  severe   Huawei's eAI and big data technologies will
        fifth  generation  fixed  network  (F5G)  era.   interference.           provide students in Beijing with the same
        Online  education is increasingly popular   •  Instant  fault  recovery:  The  NCE   smooth education without requiring them
        as  a  convenient  teaching  method  and   intelligent  O&M  platform  makes  home   to be  physically  present  in classrooms."
        high-quality teaching resource favored by   Wi-Fi  network visible and supports   Jeffrey  Zhou,  President  of  Huawei's
        parents. As the number of people receiving   remote  optimization  to  reduce  Access  Network  Product  Line,  said:  "The
        online  education in China reaches  300   home  network  faults, enable quick   F5G gigabit  era has come.  High-quality
        million,  network quality is becoming  the   troubleshooting,  as  well as  ensure   online  education experience requires
        key  to ensuring a  premium education   students' online education experience.  zero  frame freezing, zero  disconnection,
        experience  for teachers  and  students   •  Reduced  carbon  emissions equivalent   higher bandwidth, lower latency, and wider
        alike. Approximately 20% to 30% of online   to  one  tree  planted:  The  intelligent   coverage. In the future, home  network
        education  participants experience  frame   hibernation mechanism reduces power   services also need to be more secure, agile,
        freezing or  disconnection,  which  severely   consumption  by  20%.  The  carbon   and energy efficient. The OptiXstar gigabit
        affects the online learning  experience.   emission reduced for each user per year   smart gateway launched  by Huawei will
        The  major  causes  include  low  Wi-Fi   is equivalent to planting a tree.  reshape the online education  experience
        bandwidth and high latency on the home   Zhang Yunyong, General Manager of China   and make online learning more efficient."
        network side, which cannot meet the   Unicom's  Product  Center,  said:  "Today,   The  new  education  broadband  product
        resolution  requirements of current 1K   we  released  the  Education  Broadband   can be subscribed to at customer service
        and  future  2K/4K  online  education.  As  a   as  a  step to  upgrade  our products  and   centers and the online service app at China
        leading operator in Beijing, China Unicom   services. Further innovative products  will   Unicom  (Beijing).  China  Unicom  is  an
        (Beijing)  proactively  communicates  with   be released in future to meet personalized   official partner of the 2022 Olympic Winter
        the municipal education  commission,   network  requirements  of various user   Games in Beijing. Its education broadband
        public schools, and training institutions to   groups. China Unicom is  committed to   product has attracted extensive attention
        understand  the requirements  of different   promoting the prosperity and development   from consumers,  and has set a  new
        education  scenarios  in  this  pandemic.   of  the telecom  industry  together with   benchmark  for home network  services,
        Understanding  that  online education   partners  across  the  industry  chain.  The   paving the way for a new round of online
        requires high bandwidth in both upstream   current education broadband will  bring   education. As a global leader in the optical
        and downstream directions, China Unicom
        (Beijing)  chose  Huawei's  eAI-accelerated
        education  broadband solution to  provide
        students  with   convergent  gigabit
        broadband  in both wired and  wireless
        modes,  thereby reshaping  the  online
        education  experience.  Huawei's  eAI-
        accelerated education broadband solution
        has  four  key  advantages: zero frame
        freezing, Wi-Fi penetrating one more wall,
        instant fault recovery, and reduced carbon
        emissions equivalent to one tree planted.
        •  Zero  frame  freezing  in  online  courses:
          Huawei's  unique  OptiXstar  gigabit
          smart education  gateway integrates
          eAI and can  instantly identify  online
          education services to perform targeted
          acceleration, reducing latency by more

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