Page 34 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
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        Huawei has successfully  built intelligent   OpenLabs  worldwide  to focus  on  the   with a  huge  number  of educational
        campuses  for more than 300 customers.   enterprise  market. At these  OpenLabs,   authorities,  universities,  and  other
        Through  innovative  ICT  technologies,   partners receive support on the joint   ecosystem players from around the world
        Huawei helps  various sectors including   innovation of solutions,  marketing,  talent   to build an open and favorable ecosystem
        manufacturing  and energy reshape  their   cultivation,  finance,  supply  chains,  and   to cultivate ICT talents and drive industry
        manufacturing  and value chains  while   IT systems to continuously  improve their   digitization. All financial statements in the
        boosting  upgrade of  their intelligent   capabilities and drive their transformation   2019  Annual Report  were independently
        systems.  As part  of powering  enterprise   for shared success. Committed to sharing   audited by KPMG, an international Big Four
        partners and building  a  prosperous   its  experience,  technology, and talent   accounting firm.
        ecosystem,  Huawei has established  13   cultivation standards, Huawei has worked

                                             Microsoft, AT&T Create Edge Compute Zones

        Microsoft  is  working  with  AT&T  to  bring   partnering  with carriers,  Microsoft will   announcing its partnership with Microsoft
        ultra-low-latency  edge  compute  to  also deliver standalone Azure Edge Zones   in  July  2019,  AT&T  also  announced  an
        joint  customers.  Its  Azure  Edge  Zones   in select cities over the next 12 months.   expanded  two-way relationship with
        are local  extensions of the Microsoft   Azure  Edge  Zones  will  deliver  consistent   IBM  at  around  that  same  time.  IBM  will
        Azure  cloud.  They’ll  bring  compute,   Azure services across cloud, on-premises,   continue  to  provide  AT&T  Business  with
        storage and networking closer to  end   and edge using the  same Azure Portal,   open  source  systems,  which  IBM  mostly
        users. And Microsoft is planning to work   APIs, development,  and security tools.   inherited  from its acquisition  of Red Hat.
        with  other operators  soon, including   Microsoft says  it  will  deliver a  variety of   And for its part, AT&T said it would provide
        Rogers,  Telefonica,  Vodafone  Business,   virtual network functions (VNFs), including   IBM  with  software-defined  networking
        SK  Telecom,  Telstra,  Etisalat  and  NTT   5G  software,  SD-WAN  and  firewalls  from   (SDN)  expertise.  In  addition,  AT&T
        Communications.  Microsoft  is  also  some of its  partners including  Mavenir,   Business will move more of its applications
        stressing a  5G  angle with  the edge   Nuage Networks from Nokia, Metaswitch,   to  the  IBM  Cloud.  In  May  2018,  Verizon
        compute  announcement.  It  said that  the   Palo  Alto Networks, and VeloCloud  from   named  Amazon Web  Services (AWS) as
        Azure  Edge  Zones  will  connect  Azure   VMware. Telcos and cloud providers have   its preferred public cloud provider. Verizon
        services directly  to  5G  networks  in  the   been  creating symbiotic relationships   said it  planned  to move 1,000 business
        carriers’  data  centers.  “We  were  the  first   for a while now.  Carriers,  including  telco   applications and  database systems over
        public  cloud to announce  5G  integration   and cable, have  thousands of  last  mile   to  AWS.  And in  December  2019  at  AWS
        with  AT&T  in  Dallas  in  2019,  and  now   endpoints that the cloud providers lack. By   reinvent,  Verizon and AWS announced
        we're announcing a  close collaboration   partnering with telcos, the cloud providers   a  partnership for  Verizon to  bring cloud
        with  AT&T  on  a  new  Edge  Zone  targeted   can get their services closer to end users.   compute closer to its 5G network edge by
        to become available in Los Angeles in late   From  the service provider perspective,   teaming with  AWS.  Verizon will  use AWS
        spring,”  wrote Corporate  Vice  President   they can bring  big cloud  compute  and   Wavelength, Amazon’s new cloud platform
        for Azure Networking Yousef  Khalidi, in   applications  to  the  edge,  for  the  benefit   designed  for edge  computing,  to make it
        a  blog  post.  In  July  2019,  AT&T  named   of their enterprise  customers.  Recently,   easier for developers to create and deploy
        Microsoft as  its  preferred cloud provider   AT&T and Google said they were working   low latency applications. At  least one
        for non-network applications  with a  plan   together  to  blend  AT&T's  edge  network,   European operator has also announced a
        to move those  applications  to Microsoft   including 5G edge computing solutions for   cloud partnership. In November 2019, the
        Azure. Microsoft, in turn, threw its support   enterprises, with Google Cloud's expertise   Vodafone Group said it had partnered with
        behind  AT&T's  efforts  to  consolidate  its   in   Kubernetes,   artificial   intelligence,   Google Cloud to host its big-data analytics
        data center infrastructure and operations.   machine learning, and data analytics. The   platform.  The  Vodafone  Neuron  big-data
        For its Azure Edge Zones, some of the first   two companies  intend  to jointly-develop   analytics platform serves as a data lake for
        use cases that Microsoft plans are remote   a portfolio of 5G edge compute solutions   Vodafone’s AI and business intelligence.
        meetings  and events,  online gaming   that can be delivered on a global scale, both
        and the internet  of things. In  addition to   on the edge and in the cloud. In addition to

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