Page 26 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
P. 26


        Cisco, Altiostar and WWT Team on Open vRAN

        Cisco, Altiostar and World Wide Technology   included is Altiostar’s 4G and 5G open vRAN   in 2011 Cisco also helped to fund some of
        (WWT)  are  working  together  on  an  open,   software, which supports open interfaces   the members of the Starent team to enable
        virtual  radio access network  (vRAN)   and disaggregates the radio hardware from   them to create a new company — Altiostar
        blueprint  for service provider networks.   the radio software. “Most service providers   Networks.  Of  the combined  blueprint
        The joint solution will help carriers deploy   need help accelerating the integration and   announced today, Altiostar EVP of Strategy
        cloud-based  vRAN systems based  on   adoption of open vRAN,” said Bob Everson,   Thierry Maupile said in a statement, “This
        technologies  from Cisco  and Altiostar   senior director of 5G Architecture at Cisco,   blueprint  brings together  leaders in all
        and that  will  be brought to  market  using   in a prepared  statement. Cisco’s former   the areas needed  to roll out a  complete
        the sales and integration  capabilities of   CEO John Chambers was one of a group   and open vRAN solution to both rural and
        WWT.  Their  vRAN  blueprint  consists  of   of people  who envisioned  virtualizing   urban networks.” The Open vRAN blueprint
        infrastructure software and hardware   the radio access network early  on.  In   will  be  validated  in  WWT’s  Advanced
        from  Cisco, including its  Cisco virtual   2009 Cisco paid $2.9 billion for Starent, a   Technology Center in St Louis. Joe Wojtal,
        infrastructure manager (CVIM), packet   startup that decoupled the mobile packet   CTO  for  WWT’s  Global  Service  Provider
        core, and converged SDN transport.  Also   core from the radio access network. Then   business,  recently  told FierceWireless,
                                                                                 “Given that mobile operators are focused
                                                                                 on disaggregating  mobile  infrastructure,
                                                                                 we’re spending  a  lot  of time  with  them."
                                                                                 He said in addition to work with Altiostar
                                                                                 and  Cisco,  WWT  has  also  been  working
                                                                                 with Affirmed Networks for mobile packet
                                                                                 core technology innovation. Affirmed was
                                                                                 recently purchased by Microsoft. In addition
                                                                                 to its Advanced Technology Center, WWT
                                                                                 has global integration centers in Mumbai,
                                                                                 Singapore, St. Louis, and Amsterdam.
                                                                                 WWT will take the open vRAN blueprint to
                                                                                 market as a fully integrated solution that
                                                                                 will be available for customers to test and
                                                                                 deploy in their networks with the support
                                                                                 of services from WWT and Cisco.

        NTT East Selects Cisco SD-WAN to Expand Its Managed SD-WAN Services

        for Enterprises

        Cisco announced that NIPPON TELEGRAPH   ISR 1100 series router  as the customer   Vice  President, Representative Director,
        AND  TELEPHONE  EAST  CORPORATION    premise  equipment  (CPE), the Cisco  CSR   NTT EAST. “We are very pleased to create
        (NTT  EAST)  has  selected  Cisco  SD-WAN   1000v as virtual CPE, and Cisco Network   this new service by collaborating with
        powered by  Viptela  for its  new  managed   Functions  Virtualization Infrastructure   Cisco  to deliver its  SD-WAN solution  to
        SD-WAN services under NTT EAST's VPN   (NFVI)  as  the managed  SD-WAN service   solve corporate challenges from workstyle
        service portfolio for enterprises. While the   foundation. Together, these products and   reform,  security measures, and  labor
        business environment is changing rapidly   technologies  enable  NTT  EAST  to  build   shortage. With these  enhancements,  we
        from increased use of cloud  applications   a  virtualized platform to  provide highly   are committed to continuing  to provide
        and growth of remote and mobile workers,   secure and flexible optimized  network   secure, reliable  and optimized  network
        organizations are  challenged  with  a   access  with zero-touch  provisioning.   services to solve challenges  that society
        shortage  of  IT  resources  and  increasing   Cisco’s  Customer Experience  team will   faces.” “We are pleased to collaborate with
        management  costs.  SD-WAN is  helping   provide customer support to adapt, deploy   NTT East to offer new managed SD-WAN
        address  these  challenges  by  efficiently   and manage  this new  managed SD-WAN   services  that  support  business  efficiency
        linking  applications,  branch  offices  and   service. Availability  for the managed  SD-  and advance digital transformation,” said
        mobile  workers  so organizations can   WAN service is  planned  for July 2020.   Ichiro Nakagawa, Vice  President,  Cisco
        securely deliver applications to users while   “We are constantly working to solve social   Service  Provider  Business  in  Japan.  “In
        achieving IT agility and reduced costs. The   issues  through  the  use  of  ICT  and  to   today's business  world where agility to
        new SD-WAN solution components include   advance digital transformation in society,”   respond  quickly to market changes  is
        the Cisco  SD-WAN Controller, the Cisco   said Mr. Naoki Shibutani, Senior Executive   critical,  we realize that this managed

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