Page 33 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
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        access  industry, Huawei focuses  on user   investment  in  product  R&D  provides   service  scenarios and business models
        experience and service requirements in the   industry-leading  end-to-end  solutions. In   to enable the entire industry  to  enter  the
        F5G era to continuously make innovations   addition, Huawei cooperates with operators   gigabit all-optical era.
        in key technologies. Huawei’s ongoing   and other industry partners to explore new

        Huawei Maintains Steady Growth in the Enterprise Market in 2019

        Huawei has confirmed steady growth in the   innovation, industry  digitization, and   market  research  firm  Dell’Oro  Group,
        enterprise market, achieving a global sales   intelligent  development.  Moreover, the   Huawei  ranked No.  1  in  the share  of  the
        revenue of USD12.8 billion—up 8.6% year-  principle of "Being Integrated" has been well   global Wi-Fi 6 indoor AP market, excluding
        on-year.  Huawei's  enterprise  business   adopted in its enterprise business, so that   North America between the third quarters
        has become one of the key drivers of the   success  is shared  with partners through   of  2018  and  2019,  through  its  provision
        company's overall expansion. In the Middle   fair, transparent, and simple partner   of quality services for customers  from
        East specifically, the company’s enterprise   policies.  Huawei also invested  15.3%   various sectors such as  education,  retail,
        business group  achieved exceptional   of its  2019  revenue  –  or approximately   healthcare, and manufacturing. In addition,
        results  with  sales  revenue  growing  24%   USD18.8  billion  –  back  into  R&D  in  line   in  2019,  Huawei  launched  CloudEngine
        year-on-year, making the region one of the   with its long-term investment  approach   16800,  the  industry's  first  data  center
        top performers for Huawei globally. As of   and commitment  to  provide technology   switch built for the AI era, which has been
        2019, more than 700 cities and 228 Fortune   innovations.  Its  total  R&D  spend  over   commercially deployed  in more than 150
        Global 500 companies have chosen Huawei   the  past  decade  now  exceeds  USD$85.9   enterprise data centers around the world.
        as their  digital transformation  partner. In   billion. During  2019, Huawei leveraged   The  three  OptiXs,  namely  OptiXtrans,
        addition, Huawei's enterprise business has   the synergy among cloud,  AI, and 5G to   OptiXaccess,  and OptiXstar,  have been
        a  network  of  more  than  28,000  partners   provide public cloud  services and hybrid   adopted by over 3,800 companies across
        worldwide, which contribute up to 86% of   cloud solutions that are stable, reliable and   158  countries  and  regions.  According  to
        the global revenue of the business group.   sustainable. HUAWEI CLOUD has launched   a Gartner's report released  in September
        According to Huawei, the trust  of these   more than 200 cloud  services and 190   2019, Huawei's storage products took up
        partners and customers has been essential   solutions, while more  than  3  million   the Leaders’ zone of the Magic Quadrant.
        to the company’s success, and Huawei will   enterprise users and developers currently   Huawei also released two flagship solutions
        continue to partner with governments and   use  HUAWEI  CLOUD to develop products   for the enterprise  market  –  HiCampus
        enterprises to bring digital to every person,   and solutions. Using Cloud  as the base,   and HiDC– by relying on its cutting edge
        home and organization for a fully connected   Huawei has launched  Huawei Horizon   technologies  in 5G, optical transmission,
        intelligent world. Through ongoing R&D and   Digital  Platform  by  integrating  new  ICT   Internet  Protocol  (IP)  networking,  and AI
        investment in new ICT technologies such   technologies  including  IoT,  AI,  big  data,   technologies  and making collaborative
        as  5G, AI, and cloud,  today Huawei fully   video, converged communications, and GIS   innovation across technological domains.
        leverages the collaborative advantages of   to build a foundation for the future digital   Huawei  has  a  wealth of experience  in
        new technologies to  accelerate product   world. According to leading  independent   helping  governments and enterprises go
                                                                                 digital. In areas such as smart city, campus,
                                                                                 transportation, energy, manufacturing,
                                                                                 and education, Huawei works with global
                                                                                 partners to roll  out innovative  solutions
                                                                                 and business models to create new value.
                                                                                 As of 2019, Huawei has partnered with
                                                                                 more than 4,200 service providers serving
                                                                                 over 50,000 customers around the world.
                                                                                 The  company  has  participated  in  smart
                                                                                 city projects in more than 200 cities across
                                                                                 over  40  countries  and  regions,  as  well
                                                                                 as  assisting  more  than  1,000  financial
                                                                                 institutions with digital transformation
                                                                                 in  terms  of  inclusive  finance,  data-driven
                                                                                 service innovation, and open  banking.
                                                                                 Huawei serves more than 170 urban  rail
                                                                                 lines in over 70  cities worldwide, striving
                                                                                 to build integrated transportation systems
                                                                                 for global cities. Building on the experience
                                                                                 gained from its own digital transformation,

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