Page 28 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
P. 28


                                             Eutelsat Selected by RCS Ghana for DTH Broadcast

        Eutelsat Communications (NYSE Euronext   which  has  become  a  new  DTH  hotspot   Sub-Saharan coverage of over 40 African
        Paris:  ETL)  has  secured  a  multi-year   for Sub-Saharan Africa with some of the   countries.”  Nicolas  Baravalle,  Regional
        contract  with RCS  Ghana to provide   fastest  growth  rates  in  the region. Mr.   Vice President,  Sub Saharan Africa of
        capacity  for  the  broadcast  of  its  DTH   Hamza Tanko, Chairman and CEO of RCS   Eutelsat said: “We are proud  to support
        bouquet  bringing  content  to  viewers in   Ghana:  “We are delighted  to partner  with   RCS Ghana in rolling out this high quality
        Ghana and beyond. RCS  will use Ku-  Eutelsat for the broadcast of the RCS DTH   content  offering.  This  contract  reflects
        Band  band  capacity  on  EUTELSAT  7B   bouquet,  delivering  exceptional content   the buoyancy of the Ghanaian broadcast
        to broadcast its  fast  growing free-to-  to viewers in Ghana and beyond,  and   market, the attraction of the unparalleled
        air  DTH  bouquet  comprising  SD  and  HD   enabling the broadcast of any channel in   coverage of our 7° East neighborhood and
        channels to the Ghanaian market and over   Ghana in  high quality  and  at  compelling   Eutelsat’s expertise in the African market.
        40  other  countries  in  Africa.  The  7°  East   rates. The 7° East position is ideal to serve   We look  forward to a  long  and fruitful
        neighborhood  is a key orbital position   the  Ghanaian  market  and  EUTELSAT  7B   collaboration”
        for  regional  TV  channels.  Over  500  TV   offers consistent coverage and signal
        channels  already  broadcast  from  7°  East   power all over Ghana as well as complete

                                              Facebook  Pushing  Coronavirus  Information
                                              Centre Across Africa

        Facebook  is  expanding  its  Coronavirus   COVID-19.”  The  new  countries  where   Uganda,  Zambia  and  Zimbabwe.  The
        Information  Centre  to  24  more  countries   Facebook  is launching  the Coronavirus   Coronavirus Information Centre is already
        in Africa in a bid to deliver news from   Information Centre are: Botswana, Burundi,   in place in the following sub-Sahara African
        trusted health authorities. The Coronavirus   Central African Republic, Comoros, Congo,   countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon,
        (COVID-19) Information Centre is featured   Djibouti,  Equatorial  Guinea,  Eritrea,  Cape  Verde,  Chad, Côte  d’Ivoire, Ethiopia,
        at  the top of News Feed  and provides a   Eswatini, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Lesotho,   Gabon,  Guinea,  Kenya, Mali,  Mauritania,
        central place for people to keep informed   Madagascar,  Malawi,  Mozambique,  Mauritius, Nigeria, Senegal,  Seychelles,
        about the Coronavirus.  It  includes real-  Namibia, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe,   South Africa, The Democratic Republic of
        time updates from national official sources,   Sierra  Leone,  South  Sudan,  Tanzania,   Congo (DRC) and Togo.
        regional and global organizations such as
        the Africa Centre for Disease Control and
        the World Health Organization, as well as
        helpful  resources  -  articles,  videos  and
        posts -  and tips  about social distancing
        and preventing  the spread of COVID-19.
        Facebook users can opt-in to  the Centre
        to  get  notifications  and  see  updates  in
        their News Feed from official government,
        regional or global health authorities.
        Facebook’s Director of Public Policy, Africa,
        Kojo Boakye, says: “Facebook is supporting
        the public health community’s work
        across the world to keep all communities
        informed   during  the   coronavirus
        pandemic. We are happy to provide nearly
        every country in Sub-Saharan Africa with
        its  own  Information Centre so people
        across the continent have a central place
        to  find  authoritative  information  around

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