Page 25 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
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Cisco Continues Commitment to Customers and Partners by Supporting
Business Resiliency
Cisco is continuing its global commitment solutions to better manage their cash flow. employees and the community overall
to help customers and partners "Cisco Capital's goal is to make it easier to maintain productivity in these trying
navigate an evolving landscape with the for customers and partners to acquire times. The Business Resiliency Program
introduction of a new Business Resiliency the technology they need to keep their is another example of the company’s
Program. Offered through Cisco Capital, businesses running and productive. Their overall effort." The Business Resiliency
the vendor financing business within success is our priority," said Kristine A. Program from Cisco Capital is part of
Cisco, and designed to help mitigate Snow, SVP and President, Cisco Capital. Cisco’s overall commitment to supporting
financial challenges resulting from "The new Business Resiliency Program is customers, partners and communities
the COVID-19 pandemic, this program designed with this in mind and will help through the COVID-19 pandemic. Cisco
includes $2.5 billion in financing to provide address some of our customer's most recently committed $225 million in cash,
organizations with access to the solutions pressing concerns." In addition, Cisco in-kind, and planned-giving to support
they need to keep their businesses running Capital is supporting customers and both the global and local response. This
and productive, their employees safe and partners through Cisco Refresh, the Cisco includes technology and financial support
support their communities during these certified remanufactured product portfolio, for non-profits, first responders and
unprecedented times. "Cisco's customers to help with budget constraints. Cisco governments. Cisco is also empowering
and partners are under enormous pressure Refresh offers a wider range of products customers and partners with its free
to keep their businesses connected while and further discounts and promotions Webex and Security offers enabling them
remaining productive and secure," said to help customers and partners receive to stay securely connected and productive
Chuck Robbins, Chairman and CEO of competitively priced, pre-owned products during this time. For more information see:
Cisco. "Whether it's technology, financing quickly and easily. Cisco Refresh solutions • Business Resiliency Program for
or helping those most in need, Cisco is are also eligible for the Business Resiliency Customers
committed to working together to fight Program where 95 percent of the cost can • Business Resiliency Program for
this pandemic on every front." Cash flow be deferred until 2021. “This is a valuable Partners
is a top concern for Cisco customers and offering by Cisco” said Will Townsend, • Executive Blog from Chuck Robbins:
partners in the current environment. The Senior Analyst, Networking Infrastructure, Committing $225 million to global
new Business Resiliency Program offered Moor Insights and Strategy. "Through my COVID-19 response
by Cisco Capital includes an up-front countless discussions with organizations, • Executive Blog from Oliver Tuszik:
90-day payment holiday and allows a balancing cash flow while maintaining Helping Partners Support Customer
customer to defer 95 percent of the cost robust network operations is critical Business Continuity
of a new product or solution until 2021, given the impact of COVID-19. I continue • Supporting Business Continuity During
which in turn protects their business and to be impressed with Cisco’s proactive the COVID-19 Pandemic
increases their existing cash flow. Starting strategy to enable its customers, partners,
in January 2021, customers would then
make a monthly payment based on the
total financed amount and the remaining
term of the financing. All Cisco solutions
are eligible for this program, including
hardware, software and services as well
as up to five percent of partner provided
services, such as installation. The
program also offers support to Cisco’s
60,000 partner ecosystem. The Business
Resiliency Program will help partners
provide an additional solution to better
serve customers, without any change
to their own financial situation, in this
challenging business environment. It will
accelerate their sales cycles and allow
partners to offer their customers payment
25 APRIL 2020