Page 35 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
P. 35


        Microsoft Partners with the Industry to Unlock New 5G Scenarios with Azure

        Edge Zones

        Cloud, edge computing, and IoT are making   ultra-low  latency,  and  connectivity  combine the power of Azure, 5G, carriers,
        strides to transform whole industries and   requirements. 5G opens new frontiers with   and technology partners around the world
        create opportunities that weren't possible   enhanced  mobile broadband  up to 10x   to  enable  new scenarios for developers,
        just a few years ago. With the rise of 5G   faster, reliable low-latency communication,   customers, and partners, with the preview
        mobile connectivity,  there  are  even more   and very high device density up to 1 million   of Azure Edge Zones.
        possibilities to  deliver immersive, real-  devices per square kilometer. Microsoft is
        time experiences that have demanding,   announcing  transformative advances to

                                             Viu Releases Latest Original Series Pretty Little

        Viu,  a  leading  pan-regional  OTT  video   series  is released  with all 10 episodes   darkest secrets. The series is directed by
        service from  PCCW  Media  Group with   available for binge viewing and enjoyment   Emil Heradi, best  known  for his work on
        more  than  41  million  monthly  active   by  subscribers  in the 16  markets where   Night Bus, which won six Indonesian Film
        users, announces  the launch  of Pretty   Viu is available. Viu’s adaptation is set in   Festival Awards in 2017. In addition to the
        Little Liars, a  Viu Original series starring   the fictional town of Amerta, Bali, following   main ensemble cast, the series showcases
        an ensemble of top stars from Indonesia   the lives  of four  female students  whose   a number of seasoned Indonesian actors
        and Malaysia.  Adapted  from the  English-  clique falls apart when their leader, Alissa   such  as  Wulan  Guritno,  Tarra  Budiman
        language teen mystery drama of the same   (Yuki  Kato), goes  mysteriously  missing.   and Irgi  Fahrezi,  alongside  young rising
        name,  this series  follows Viu’s success   A year later, Hanna (Anya Geraldine), Ema   stars such as Jennifer Coppen and Marcell
        with adaptations of globally  acclaimed   (Eyka Farhana), Sabrina (Valerie Thomas)   Darwin.  Ms.  Sahana  Kamath,  Head  of
        properties  such  as  Endemol  Shine   and  Aria  (Shindy  Huang)  find  themselves   Original Production for Viu Indonesia and
        Group’s  The  Bridge  and  CJ  E&M’s  Black,   reunited  when  they begin  to receive   Malaysia, said, "As part of our continuous
        as  well  as  series  based on Viu’s  original   messages from a mysterious figure known   commitment  to  bringing  fresh Asian
        IP  development.  The  Pretty  Little  Liars   as  "A", who threatens to expose their   content  to our  Viu’ers, we are proud  to

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