Page 108 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
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The number of subscribers to the 5G mobile network the service in early April last year. Industry watchers
in South Korea passed the 5 million mark in February, attributed the February increase mainly to preorders
10 months after its commercialization, government for Samsung Electronics Co.'s new flagship Galaxy
data showed. Nearly 5.37 million South Koreans S20 smartphones. Industry leader SK Telecom's 5G
South Korea subscribed to the top-of-the-line wireless network customers accounted for 44.9 percent of the total in
as of end-February, up 8.1 percent from the previous
February, trailed by KT with 30.2 percent and LG Uplus
month, according to the data compiled by the Ministry with 24.8 percent. The data also showed the number
of Science and ICT. The nation's three mobile carriers of mobile communication subscribers in South Korea
-- SK Telecom Co., KT Corp. and LG Uplus Corp. -- totaling 69.1 million as of end-February, with SK
have been aggressively promoting the commercial 5G Telecom taking up 42.1 percent of the total.
network for premium smartphones after rolling out (April 1, 2020)
The Swedish Post and Telecom Agency (Post & The minimum bid for 3.5GHz frequencies is SEK100
Telestyrelsen, PTS) has announced plans for the sale million (USD10 million) per lot (SEK1.5 billion in total).
of 5G-capable spectrum in the 2.3GHz and 3.5GHz Up to 80MHz will be on offer in the 2.3GHz range, split
bands. The auction is due to start on 10 November into eight nationwide concessions, with a reserve price
Sweden 2020, with applications invited until 30 June. Up to 15 of SEK20 million per license (SEK160 million in total).
nationwide licenses will be sold in the 3.5GHz band The Sweden is home to four main mobile network
(3400MHz-3720MHz), incorporating a maximum operators, Telia, Tele2, Telenor and Tre, plus minor
320MHz of frequencies (one license will include player Net1.
40MHz of spectrum while the rest will offer 20MHz). (April 20, 2020)
Taiwan’s National Communications Commission plan, albeit on a conditional basis. It is understood
(NCC) has confirmed its approval of Chunghwa that certain conditions have been applied as a result of
Telecom’s information security plan, paving the way Taiwan Mobile having previously leased its 4G network
for the operator to launch 5G services in the third to Asia Pacific Telecom (APT) without first seeking its
quarter of 2020. With operators required to submit permission. As such, Taiwan Mobile has been told that
Taiwan and have approved both a business plan and an in respect of any core network sharing plans with other
information security prior to a commercial 5G launch, providers, it must first file an application to change its
the Taipei Times notes that Chungwha’s proposal had business plan. Further, should Taiwan Mobile seek to
previously been given the green light last week. As per share its spectrum with other carriers, it must also file
the latest development, it was reported that the telco’s an application in advance which has to be approved by
information security plan has now been approved after the NCC. Taiwan Mobile’s information security plan is,
it provided additional information on how it plans to however, still under review. Finally, the report also noted
gauge risks; enforce measures to safeguard and control that Far EasTone Telecommunications’ business plan
information security; install infrastructure to protect was approved last week, but that it has now been asked
information security; and detect potential threats within to provide additional information for its information
a specific time frame, as well as protect users’ personal security plan before a review could continue. APT and
data when implementing such measures. Separately, Taiwan Star both have yet to receive approval for either
the local news outlet reports that the NCC has also their business plan or information security plan.
given its approval to Taiwan Mobile’s 5G business (April 3, 2020)
The National Commission for State Regulation of Com- NCCIR confirmed that only UAH1 million (USD35,000)
munications & Informatization (NCCIR/NKRZI) issued a had been paid of the total UAH194.6 million asking
statement on its website yesterday (1 April 2020) that price. The launch of LTE by Intertelecom was intend-
it plans to cancel the 4G LTE license it had promised ed to form part of the program of 800MHz-900MHz
to CDMA mobile network operator Intertelecom, due to frequency redistribution/refarming between four op-
Ukraine non-payment of the license fees. On 7 February 2020 erators including GSM players Kyivstar, Vodafone and
Intertelecom received the green light from the NCCIR to Lifecell alongside the CDMA provider. The GSM trio
receive a 4G LTE operating license on 1 April 2020 and paid for their newly reallocated technology-neutral
begin a national LTE network rollout using refarmed 900MHz spectrum licenses last month, with permis-
800MHz-850MHz spectrum. However, by that date, the sion to launch LTE-900 services from 1 July 2020, while
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