Page 105 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
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law, aiming to improve customer rights as it moves to Applications for the auction of four 15-year nationwide
bring the market in line with the European Electronic licenses were opened on 6 March, but the process has
Communications Code. Fresh rules require operators now been temporarily suspended and will resume at a
to improve contract cancellation processes, and later date. Each concession offers 80MHz of spectrum
be more transparent about contract end dates and in the 3.4GHz-3.8GHz band. (April 17, 2020)
best tariff options. To support the new regulations,
the regulator will operate a centralized platform for The Office of Electronic Communications (Urzad
operators and ISPs to communicate with consumers, Komunikacji Elektronicznej, UKE) has opened a
a move expected to smooth the process of switching consultation on the refarming of spectrum in the
services. (April 29, 2020) 2100MHz band. The regulator is proposing that
TDD frequencies between 1900MHz and 1920MHz,
The auction of 5G-capable 3.6GHz spectrum has plus FDD spectrum in the 1920MHz-1980MHz and
become the latest victim of the COVID-19 crisis, with 2110MHz-2170MHz ranges should be opened for 5G
the sale having been postponed by telecoms regulator use. The frequencies are currently utilized for 3G and
the Office of Electronic Communications (UKE). 4G services. (April 14, 2020)
Romania’s government has transferred approximately The National Authority for Management and Regulation
RON700 million (USD157.1 million) from the National in Communications (ANCOM) has confirmed that
Authority for Management and Regulation in Orange Romania and Vodafone Romania have both
Communications’ (ANCOM’s) reserves to the state paid EUR30 million (USD32.9 million) to extend
Romania budget, in order to support efforts to combat the their 2100MHz licenses until end-2031, following a
government decision establishing the renewal fees last
COVID-19 pandemic. The move was made possible
by an emergency ordinance, passed on 15 April, which week. The two operators’ 2100MHz licenses, which are
approved the regulator’s annual budget. Following currently used to provide 3G services, are now valid for
consultation with telecom operators and the media, the the period 1 April 2020 until 31 December 2031.
same ordinance also postponed until 31 October the (April 1, 2020)
deadline for spectrum fee payments. (April 17, 2020)
Russia’s lower house of parliament the State Duma has Communications or Minkomsvyaz) has drafted a
adopted a law reforming universal communications new strategy document on 5G network development,
services (UCS) which mandates the provision of public including proposed details of operations under a joint
Wi-Fi internet services to all villages with over 100 venture (JV) to be formed by national cellcos MTS,
Russia residents while making it mandatory to deploy mobile MegaFon, Beeline and Rostelecom/Tele2. As reported
by ComNews, the proposals include allocating regions
network services to all remaining settlements with
100-500 residents which currently lack any cellular to each of the four cellcos for exclusive 5G network
connection. The law also contains provisions to appoint rollout. In an initial phase, the selected ‘anchor
UCS operators for certain regions, whereas to date operator’ for a given region would share access to the
state-backed fixed line operator Rostelecom has held new network with the other JV participants, who would
the status of exclusive Federation-wide UCS provider. pay a share of the operational costs. Once sufficient
As reported by ComNews, the law officially removes 5G spectrum resources became available in a region,
a previous requirement to deploy ‘collective access each JV partner would be permitted to deploy their
points’ as part of UCS, due to a lack of demand for such own 5G networks. The four main players agreed in
usage, while universal payphones are to be upgraded principle on forming a JV to support 5G development
with public emergency warning facilities. The existing in December 2019. The Ministry’s draft also includes
UCS mandate of Rostelecom (which owns cellco Tele2 a proposal to issue operators 5G spectrum licenses
Russia) included the provision of payphones in remote without competitive auction, in return for the federal
settlements throughout the Federation, public Wi-Fi government obtaining an ownership share in the 5G JV.
access points in settlements of 250-500 people plus The document also reportedly contains plans to push
collective internet access points in larger villages. forward with the allocation of 5G mobile frequencies in
(April 7, 2020) the 700MHz (694MHz-790MHz) band which currently
remains partially occupied by TV services.
Russia’s Ministry of Digital Development, (April 7, 2020)
Communications & Mass Media (a.k.a. Ministry of
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