Page 106 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
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                         Singtel  and a joint venture between  StarHub and   awarded through a call for proposal. Tan said it received
                         M1  were awarded licenses  to build two nationwide   three proposals, with the winners selected based on a
                         standalone (SA) 5G networks, with rollouts expected to   comprehensive  assessment of how their manifestos
                         start in January 2021. The winners were each allocated   would  deliver the best outcomes  for businesses  and
        Singapore        100MHz  of 3.5GHz  spectrum  and will  be required to   consumers  in  Singapore.  TPG  Telecom,  which  won
                         cover at  least  half  of Singapore  by  end-2022, then
                                                                        a  spectrum  auction  open  only to new entrants in
                         provide up to nationwide  coverage  by end-2025,   December  2016 and recently  launched  service,  was
                         the Infocomm  Media  Development Authority (IMDA)   the other bidder. IMDA said the joint venture between
                         stated. Singapore will be among the first countries in   StarHub and M1 will deploy and own key parts of the
                         the world to launch SA networks. The government held   5G network, leasing access to the two operators which
                         off releasing  5G spectrum  until this year in order to   will continue to operate separately and provide retail
                         move straight to the SA version from the start. Other   services to customers. The nationwide 5G networks will
                         operators will  have  access to  the networks through   be supplemented by localized mmWave deployments
                         wholesale arrangements. Tan Kiat How, CEO of IMDA,   providing  high-capacity  hotspots,  allowing  all
                         said:  “The  ongoing  COVID-19  situation  underscores   operators, including TPG Telecom and MVNOs, to offer
                         the criticality of a robust digital infrastructure and the   next-generation services. Singtel, StarHub and M1 also
                         importance of timely investments to meet our national   will each be assigned 800MHz of mmWave spectrum.
                         connectivity needs.” The nationwide 5G licenses were   (April 30, 2020)

                          Slovakia’s  Office  for  Regulation  of  Electronic   The Regulatory Office (Regulacny Urad, RU) has invited
                          Communications  &  Postal  Services  (Regulacny  Urad,   applications  for its  planned  auction  of 5G-capable
                          RU) is  planning  to push ahead with  an auction  of   spectrum in the 700MHz band as well as frequencies in
                          5G-capable spectrum  in  order to  comply with  an  EU   the 900MHz and 1800MHz bands. 2×30MHz is available
        Slovakia          deadline.  The  EU  requires  member  states  to  have   at 700MHz, with operators limited to 2×15MHz each.
                                                                        The spectrum will be sold in 2×5MHz blocks, with each
                          allocated  spectrum  in the 700MHz  band by  30 June
                          2020 and the RU recently announced a sale of licenses   carrying a  reserve price  of EUR16  million (USD17.5
                          in this band along with spare 900MHz and 1800MHz   million).  There  are  no  frequencies  reserved  for  the
                          frequencies.  While some  countries have postponed   SWAN Mobile/4ka, the smallest of the country’s four
                          spectrum  auctions  during  the  COVID-19  crisis,  Zive.  existing mobile network operators (MNOs); it had been
                          sk  cites the Slovak  regulator  as  saying that it will   speculated that the market’s newest player could have
                          stick with its timetable in order to meet the EU target.   spectrum reserved as it currently has no frequencies
                          Operators have  until  25  May  to  apply  to  take  part  in   in  the  sub-1GHz  range.  The  700MHz  licenses  will
                          the auction. Local cellcos are, however, calling on the   be valid for 20 years. Winning 700MHz bidders must
                          regulator  to  reduce  some  of  the  financial  burden  on   cover 95% of the population of every county town by
                          winning  bidders.  A spokesperson  for market leader   end-2025  and 90% of the population  outside  county
                          Orange is quoted  as saying:  ‘In the current crisis   towns by 2027, with 70% of the overall population to be
                          related  to the coronavirus pandemic,  we consider  it   covered by 5G by end-2027. 900MHz spectrum carries
                          important to set the most flexible  terms in terms of   a  reserve  price  of  EUR840,000  for  a  2×4.2MHz  block
                          payment  per  license,  given  that operators’  funds  will   and frequencies must be utilized within six months of
                          be under pressure from crisis management measures   acquisition, while the 1800MHz licenses have a reserve
                          at the same time.’ Smallest player 4ka, meanwhile, has   price of EUR550,000 for each of the three 3MHz blocks
                          said it would welcome a postponement and a change   on offer, with a requirement to use them within twelve
                          to the terms of the auction, with the regulator awarding   months.  These  licenses  are  valid  until  end-2025.
                          spectrum to cellcos at minimum prices to ensure the   Applications are open for all licenses until 25 May.
                          rapid deployment of 5G services.              (April 2, 2020)
                          (April 20, 2020)

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