Page 32 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 32


        Enhanced  Customer  Experience  &  Managed  Service Capabilities  at  the
        Core of etisalat by e&’s Newly Launched E-Care Program

        Etisalat UAE, branded as etisalat by e&, has announced the launch
        of  the  E-care  program,  that  will  efficiently  support  customers
        through a  range of end-to-end  bespoke  managed  network and
        infrastructure solutions. etisalat by e& will elevate the customer
        experience  and operational  agility  by enhancing  its  in-house
        capabilities and joining forces with key technology players to deliver
        maximum benefits. In recent years, the subscription adoption rate
        for managed services has increased as businesses shift to a more
        reliable and professionally managed service solution. As part of
        the E-care program, etisalat by e& is investing heavily in enhancing
        its technology platforms, team skillsets, and partner ecosystem.
        Having always channeled  its  efforts  towards managing and
        fulfilling customer expectations, its new approach of designing and
        deploying innovative and integrated solutions will help customers
        in building a robust infrastructure leading to sustainable growth
        with  the expertly-designed  and professionally  managed new
        service offering, etisalat  by e&  supports  customers by reducing
        the total cost of ownership, allowing them to focus on their core
        business and sustainable growth. Hamad Mohamed Al Marzooqi,
        Senior  Vice  President  of Pre-Sales  and  Business  Operations,   aims  to accelerate  growth  through the  creation  of a  resilient
        etisalat by e& said: “At etisalat by e& we are on a mission to deliver   business  model representing  the  Group’s  main  business  pillars.
        outstanding  customer experiences  at  all  times.  With  the  E-care   The telecoms business currently continues to be led by etisalat by
        program, we are revamping our end-to-end managed network and   e& in e&’s home market and by e& international in the subsidiaries
        infrastructure services to cater to our customers' evolving needs.   outside of the UAE, upholding the Group’s rich telecoms heritage,
        One of the key building blocks of the E-care program is to create   bolstering  the  strong telecoms network and maximizing  value
        unique value propositions for our customers through our in-house   for the  Group’s  various  customer  segments.  Ramping  up  the
        capabilities  supported  by a  robust  partner  ecosystem. We  look   digital  services  for individual  customers to elevate  their  digital-
        forward to rolling out the E-care program that will strengthen our   first lifestyle, e& life brings next-generation technologies through
        managed  services  offering  as  we  stay  committed to delivering   smart connectivity platforms in entertainment, retail and financial
        strong value for our customers and continue to be their trusted   technology. To enable the digital transformation of governments,
        partner.” E-care program fortifies the managed services offering of   large-scale enterprises and corporates, e& enterprise focuses on
        etisalat by e& by providing bespoke end-to-end managed network   maximizing value through its end-to-end solutions in cybersecurity,
        and  infrastructure  operations  covering  customers’ infrastructure   cloud,  Internet  of Things  (IoT)  and  Artificial  Intelligence  (AI),  as
        from hardware to software, networking, new solutions acquisition   well as deploying mega projects. e& capital allows the Group to
        and setup, and support services. Etisalat Group has changed its   focus  its  efforts  on driving new mergers and  acquisitions  while
        brand identity to e&, effective from 23 February 2022. Its strategy   maximizing shareholder value and strengthening global presence.

        etisalat by e& Injects Investment to Expand Capacity of Cell Towers in


                                                               Hazem  Metwally,  CEO  of  Etisalat  by  e&,  said  that  the  company
                                                               has a total of 9,000 cell towers across Egypt, after adding about
                                                               650 new base stations this year, noting that a capacity expansion
                                                               is  carried out annually  for all  stations  with  investments  ranging
                                                               between  EGP  4–5bn.  This  came  during  the  company’s  annual
                                                               press  conference, on the  sidelines  of the  42nd  edition  of the
                                                               GITEX  Global  exhibition  and  conference,  which  was  held  from
                                                               10  to  14  October.  Metwally  stressed  that  the  4G  technology
                                                               has  caused a great  leap  during the  last  stage  in  upgrading  the
                                                               communications service. He pointed out that the 4G is the latest
                                                               boom in the telecommunications sector in Egypt, and the company
                                                               continues to support its services to meet the growing customer
                                                               requirements, noting that the company is also ready to operate the
                                                                                            32   SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2022
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