Page 126 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
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        employees, which were stipulated in BSI guidelines. The guidelines   The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) announced
        included a set of directives related to business continuity during a   the allocation of a new frequency band that allows UAE telecom
        global emergency, developed by experts from various sectors. The   operators  to expand  the application  of 5G, in line with  the
        guidelines provide a general framework for safe working, represent   decisions  of the World Radio communication  Conference  2019
        a  comprehensive  source of  globally  agreed best practices,   (WRC-19), which was  a  pivotal stage in the transition towards
        support  comprehensive  risk  assessment and provide practical   5G, as it allocated frequency bands for countries to be used in
        examples of risk  management  methods. It  helps organizations   implementing the new technology. With this development, the UAE
        manage infectious disease  risks.  In his speech  at  the opening   has taken a new step towards comprehensive implementation of
        of the virtual meeting, Hamad Obaid Al Mansoori, TRA Director   5G, which is a key enabler of smart cities and the applications
        General and Head  of the UAE  Digital  Government,  welcomed   of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Frequencies in the millimeter
        the  British  Ambassador  and  the  attendees,  and  added:  “Due  to   wave  range  between  24.25  -  27.5  GHz  have  been  allocated  to
        COVID-19 pandemic, we found ourselves as a global community   the  development  of  5G  networks,  which  strengthens  the  UAE’s
        facing a critical test that requires quick adaptation and flexibility   leading position in the region, as the first in the Middle East and
        in order to continue life in all aspects. In the UAE, we are proud   North Africa to allocate this range. This will help the deploy and
        to be among the few countries that have been able to continue   use of 5G, which will support various sectors and institutions in
        working, learning, and purchasing remotely since the early days   their endeavor to use emerging  technologies  and their various
        of  the  pandemic. TRA has  been at the forefront of  government   applications such as self-driving cars, robots, smart industry, big
        entities that  have  worked to  support  this  trend. In  terms  of  its   data, and the Internet of things. The band will be allocated in two
        responsibility for one of the most important sectors, which is the   phases  based  on  the  equipment  availability.  The  first  phase  is
        ICT  sector,  we  are  proud  to  obtain  this  international  certificate   scheduled to start on the first of September 2020, in which the
        as the first in the region to meet the standards of BSI for Safe   frequency band 26.5-27.5 GHz will be allocated to the operators.
        Working  during  COVID-19.”  TRA  has  taken  many  measures  to   The second phase will start in the third quarter of 2021, through
        ensure a safe workplace during the last period, as it was one of   which  1  GHz  will  be  allocated  per  operator  in  the  (25.5  -  27.5
        the first entities to implement remote work on March 26, 2020,   GHz) range. The new 1 GHz bandwidth will provide each of the
        as part of its efforts to enhance precautionary measures in the   mobile operators  with  an  opportunity to enhance  and develop
        ICT sector and avoid physical interaction between its employees.   wireless broadband services using 5G technologies  in terms
        TRA also developed plans for the process of gradually returning   of speed and data volume compared to 4G. It will also provide
        to work, and took all  effective measures to protect  employees   other  additional features such  as higher  rates to transfer data
        during work. It reorganized office space for employees to ensure   per second and enhanced communications capacity per square
        social distancing, provided  transparent protection  barriers,  and   kilometer, while ensuring the quality of services and increasing
        maintained remote meetings. TRA issued a guide to return to work   performance  efficiency  compared  to  previous  generations.  TRA
        in light of emergency  conditions, which  stipulated  the gradual   also confirmed that 5G deployment in the UAE by the licensees
        return to work in TRA offices in successive stages. The first phase   complies with Guidelines on Limiting Exposure to Electromagnetic
        included  the return of 30% of employees,  excluding  pregnant   Fields approved by  recognized international  organizations
        women,  people  of determination,  senior  citizens  and residents,   such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the International
        in addition to those with chronic diseases, mothers who care for   Commission  on  Non-Ionizing  Radiation  Protection  (ICNIRP),
        children from the ninth grade and below. The guide includes the   and the  Institute of Electrical  and Electronics  Engineers  (IEEE),
        procedures that the employees must follow from the moment they   and  in  line  with  TRA’s  framework  for  Non-Ionizing  Radiation
        leave home until reaching TRA building, arriving at their office and   Limits  for  Telecommunication  Networks.  Commenting  on  this
        ending  with  leaving  TRA  office.  TRA  has  also  implemented  all   decision, H.E. Hamad Obaid Al Mansoori, TRA Director General,
        health protection measures, starting from the moment of entering   said: “5G technologies play a vital role in developing smart cities
        TRA offices until leaving, by placing health check devices at the   and societies,  as  they  accelerate  access to  a  more  digitally
        entrances to examine the employees upon entry, and distributing   connected  world.  These technologies have  enormous  capacity
        the necessary sterilizers and sanitary  tools in the corridors,   that can be combined with other technologies such as artificial
        offices and bathrooms. TRA has implemented a set of sterilization   intelligence  and  big data, in order to enhance  the digitalization
        procedures  outside  working  hours,  such  as  the  employees’   process and enrich the digital  economy  and infrastructure in
        adherence to leaving work on time in order to sterilize the place,   the UAE." H.E. Al Mansoori added: “This decision comes in line
        sterilizing TRA’s buildings on a daily basis using disinfectants and   with the UAE Strategy  for 5G and beyond  (2020-2025), as the
        sterilizers, as well as ultraviolet rays. Furthermore, TRA organized   provision of frequency spectrum for 5G contributes to building a
        virtual awareness  workshops  for its employees,  in cooperation   high-standard global communication platform, and enabling the
        with the Ministry of Health and Prevention, on the best ways to   UAE to use and apply the latest ICT, to provide global standards
        protect  against COVID-19, during which  the lecturers provided   services,  achieve  long-term  social  and  economic  benefits  in
        advice on prevention  measures  and protection  from the risk  of   various areas such as manufacturing, transportation, healthcare,
        infection. TRA implemented the Federal Authority for Government   and education.  Moreover, this initiative comes  as a result  of
        Human Resources decision on the return of federal government   international coordination and  technical  studies that  have
        employees to the workplace at a rate of 100% as of July 5, 2020,   lasted  more  than  4  years, which highlights the importance of
        with adherence to all necessary preventive measures.   international coordination and harmony in  providing access to
        (October 24, 2020)                          this important part of the spectrum.” Al Mansoori stressed that
                                                               the UAE is always striving to strengthen the telecommunications
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