Page 124 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
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        a telecom regulator to a digital regulator will further accelerate the   participated in the virtual opening ceremony of the World Summit
        growth of the Kingdom’s digital economy. The Kingdom currently   on the Information Society (WSIS 2020). During his speech, His
        ranks fifth in the world for mobile Internet speed, with an average   Excellency  the Governor  referred to the importance of digital
        speed of 77.55 Mbps. A modern and pragmatic spectrum strategy   transformation,  which has  become  the new backbone  of life
        puts Saudi Arabia second among the G20 countries for spectrum   and a  tool for achieving growth and prosperity,  especially with
        allocation and fourth in the world for 5G networks deployment.   all  vital  sectors  such  as  health,  education  and trade adopting
        (October 19, 2020)                 technology  as  a  basis  for business continuity  and mitigating
                                                               the  effects  of  the  COVID-19  pandemic.  He  also  affirmed  that
        The Communications  and Information Technology  Commission   the Kingdom's commitment to continue its international efforts
        (CITC) organized a virtual workshop on enabling connected car   related to  communications  and information technology,  and
        services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which is an emerging   supporting the digital trends that contribute in enhancing the use
        technology CITC is keen on adopting, in accordance with the latest   of technology, and maximizing its role in supporting development
        and best international practices. The workshop was attended by   and the well-being  of people  around  the globe. The Kingdom,
        participant from  governmental entities, car  manufacturers and   represented  by a number  of government  and private entities,
        dealerships, in addition to ICT service providers from all over the   won an award and 7 certificates within the competition held by
        Kingdom. During the workshop, CITC discussed  the readiness   WSIS, to  honor  the best projects that  harness communication
        of networks and systems of mobile telecommunications service   and information technology  in  implementing  the outputs of
        providers to provide connected car services, and the regulations   the World Summit on the Information Society.  This brings the
        related  to this type  of services. The  workshop's agenda  also   Kingdom's  score  to  a  total  of  (10)  awards  and  (22)  certificates
        included  underlining  challenges each  stakeholder  faces,  in   of excellence  obtained in the previous summit sessions since
        addition to discussing service aspects with  car manufacturers   its launch in 2012. The Digital Giving Initiative 'Attaa', launched
        around the world. This workshop comes within CITC's framework   by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology
        to regulate IOT technologies  in the Kingdom,  while stimulating   with the aim of localizing digital knowledge, won the award for the
        and adopting  all emerging  technologies  and providing  the   'The Cultural Diversity and Identity, Linguistic Diversity, and Local
        appropriate environment  for launching  connected  car  service.   Content'  category, while the projects of the Ministry of Justice,
        Which  requires opening  communication  channels  with car   the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, the Ministry
        manufacturers and service providers, and working to make the   of Tourism, the Qassim University, King Khalid University, Saudi
        most  of  communications and information technology  services   Aramco,  and  the  Saudi  Telecom  Company,  received  certificates
        in the automotive industry, including  self-driving car services,   in  various  categories in  education, employment, agriculture,
        which contributes to making the Kingdom among the top leading   and communication infrastructure. The Communications  and
        countries  in developing  and using technology  to  improve the   Information  Technology  Commission (CITC) is the  Kingdom's
        quality of life and achieve the goals of Saudi Vision 2030.  focal point  with  the International Telecommunication  Union,
        (September 14, 2020)                    and is keen to highlight the Kingdom's efforts and achievements
                                                               internationally related to the Union's work, including participating
        The  Governor  of the  Communications  and Information   in the World Summit on the Information Society each year.
        Technology  Commission,  Dr.  Mohammad bin Saud  Al-Tamimi,   (September 7, 2020)

                                                                                                     Sri Lanka

        Bharti  Airtel  Lanka  has  been  awarded  4G-suitable  spectrum   The Minister of Energy Udaya  Gammanpila said  the
        in  the  850MHz  band  by  the  Telecommunications  Regulatory   Telecommunications  Regulatory Commission  (TRC) has taken
        Commission of Sri Lanka (TRCSL) and says it will ‘soon’ launch   note of the complaints received continually by the Commission
        its high speed mobile broadband services across the country. The   regarding  the payment for data  that is not used  at  night  and
        DailyFT  newspaper  reports  the  Bharti  Airtel  Limited  subsidiary   steps will be taken to find a practical solution for the issue. The
        as  saying  that  in  using  850MHz  spectrum,  its  4G  service  will   Minister was responding to a question raised by a journalist at
        offer  end  users  ‘superior  indoor  coverage’  due  to  its  higher   a  media  briefing  at  the  Government  Information  Department
        signal  propagation. Commenting  on the spectrum  allocation,   on whether  there was  a  formal  solution to the issue of people
        Airtel  Lanka  CEO  and  managing  director  Ashish  Chandra  said:   paying extra for services that are not used at night. He further
        ‘We are thankful to the government of Sri Lanka and the TRCSL   said that the  amount  of data provided  at night  and during  the
        for allotting us the 4G spectrum. We look forward to delighting   day has been changed to motivate the consumer to reduce the
        customers across Sri Lanka with world-class 4G services. The   internet congestion during the day. However, he added that the
        850MHz band will enable us to deliver a truly differentiated high   Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) is focusing
        speed network experience to our customers with superior indoor   on providing a practical solution to the issue of paying for night
        coverage, which is a must in today’s scenario of work from home   data that is not used by many.
        and online education.’ (October 22, 2020)  (September 12, 2020)
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