Page 123 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
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        reached 168.97 million by end-August compared to 168.04 million   total complaints. Telenor, which has the second largest number
        by end-July, which registered an increase of 0.95 million, during   of consumers, was third with 1,554 i.e. 19.21 percent complaints
        the period under review. Monthly Next Generation Mobile Service   were received against it. Ufone had 1,172 complaints against its
        (NGMS) penetration increased from 39.25 percent in July to 40.95   various services, which make up 14.49 percent of the total CMO-
        percent in August 2020. Jazz's total count for 3G users stood at   related complaints. The PTA also received 186 complaints against
        10.247 million by end August compared to 10.480 million by end   basic telephony, where 176 were addressed during August 2020.
        July, registering a decrease of 0.233 million. Jazz 4G user numbers   Further 676 complaints were received against the ISPs, where 615
        jumped from 19.982 million by end July 2020 to 21.068 million   were addressed. (September 23, 2020)
        by end August 2020. Zong 3G subscribers decreased from 6.314
        million by end-July 2020 to 6.118 million by the end-August, while   Pakistan’s   Ministry   of   Information   Technology   and
        the number of 4G users jumped from 18.131 million by end July   Telecommunication (MoITT) disclosed on its website that it has
        2020 to 18.777 million by end August. The number of 3G users   begun preparations for an upcoming auction of additional mobile
        of Telenor network decreased from 6.790 million by end-July to   broadband spectrum. The brief statement reads: ‘On the direction
        6.665 million by end August. The number of 4G users jumped from   of Federal  Minister for IT and Telecommunication  Syed Amin
        11.583 million by end July 2020 to 12.250 million by end August.   Ul  Haque, [the  MoITT]  has  started working to  release/auction
        Ufone 3G users decreased from 5.258 million by end July to 5.148   additional available frequency  spectrum  for improvement of
        million by end August. The number of 4G users of Ufone increased   mobile broadband services and network expansion in the country.
        from 4.221 million by end July 2020 to 4.534 million by end August.   The  network expansion  will facilitate better  digital connectivity,
        Teledensity for cellular mobile increased from 79.21 percent by   online education, e-commerce etc. Additional spectrum release/
        end  July  to  79.65  by  end  August.  The  broadband  subscribers   auction will help enhancement of 4G services and subscriber base
        increased from 83.17 million by end June 2020 to 84.82 million by   which is necessary for the successful launch of 5G technology
        end July 2020. The PTA received 8,961 complaints from telecom   in  the  country.’  The  announcement  did  not  mention  specific
        consumers against different telecom operators including (cellular   frequency  bands or  other details.  TeleGeography  notes that
        operators, the PTCL, the LDIs, the WLL operators, and the ISPs) as   local operators Jazz, Telenor  and Zong  have all  carried  out 5G
        of August 2020. The PTA said it was able to get 8,807 complaints   testing under  temporary  trial  licenses  but do not yet  possess
        resolved i.e. 98 percent. According to the PTA data, Jazz leads   commercial 5G concessions. This trio alongside Ufone have all
        the chart with 2,949 complaints, and Zong at second position as   rolled  out  extensive  4G  LTE  network  coverage  using  1800MHz
        the most complained telecom operator with 2,373. Cellular mobile   band frequencies and, in Telenor’s case, 850MHz spectrum. 4G
        subscribers constitute major part of overall telecom subscriber   mobile subscribers overtook the number of 3G users in Pakistan
        base, therefore, maximum number of complaints belong to this   in the second half of 2019, and the 4G base accounted for 30.6%
        segment. Total number of complaints against CMOs by August   of  the  nation’s  active  mobile  SIMs  by  end-June  2020  (up  from
        stood  at  8,086.  In  terms  of  the  segregation  of  complaints  on   19.8% a year earlier), compared to 3G’s 17.8% (down from 22.8%),
        operator basis, a total of complaints were received against Jazz,   according to TeleGeography’s GlobalComms Database.
        which is 36.47 percent of the total CMO-related complaints. Zong   (September 8, 2020)
        stood  second  with  2,373  complaints  i.e.  29.34  percent  of  the

                                                                                               Saudi Arabia

        The Communications and Information Technology Commission   and contribution  to  GDP.  Dr.  Mohammed Al  Tamimi,  Governor
        (CITC) announced a new brand identity as part of its strategy to   of CITC, stated, “The digitalization of the world’s economy  has
        benefit users, service providers and investors in Saudi Arabia’s   significantly  accelerated  in  2020.  Our  new  strategy  aims  to
        ICT and postal sectors. Under this new direction, Telco, IT, and   place  Saudi  Arabia  among  the  world’s  best  when  it  comes  to
        emerging tech will all work together to create the essential digital   implementing and regulating new digital technologies across all
        ecosystem, which combined with postal services, will deliver an   sectors. “We are one of the most tech-savvy and connected nations
        attractive communications infrastructure for the Kingdom. Driving   in the world and CITC, as the national regulator, must ensure that
        innovation in regulation will help position Saudi Arabia as a global   the digital infrastructure and regulatory framework reflects this.
        leader in the ICT sector. CITC is on track to be classed as a fifth-  “Saudi Arabia has already received international recognition for
        generation  regulator by the International  Telecommunication   our achievements in the ICT sector and, with this new direction, we
        Union  (ITU),  which  defines  a  harmonized  and  forward-looking   will be able to accomplish even more.” CITC’s new strategy comes
        approach to ICT regulatory frameworks. ITU’s fifth generation is   directly in line with the Vision 2030 ambitions and the ICT Sector
        reserved for the world’s most advanced and high-performing ICT   Strategy 2023 set out by the Ministry of Communications  and
        regulators. Another of the Kingdom’s ambitions is to break into   Information Technology (MCIT). Saudi Arabia is a digital nation,
        the top 20 countries for the telecommunications and information   perfectly positioned  to kick-start  an exciting era of investment
        technology sector by 2030, improving the sector’s performance   and innovation across a wide variety of sectors. CITC’s move from

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