Page 121 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
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        service providers, NTA has enforced Cyber Security By-law 2077.   service, Internet  service)  implement  the rules mandatorily.
        It  mentions  a list of rules  that the  Telecom  service  providers   Incompetence in implementing any rule mentioned in the Bylaw
        should strictly follow and prepare a security audit report to submit   will  be liable  of consequence.  As  known, NTA  will  analyze  the
        it to the authority for analysis. As the Cyber Security Bylaw 2020 is   bylaw continuously and make a revision if required, so that no one
        based on international standards, we can expect it to reduce the   needs to compromise on their Cybersecurity.
        risk of cybercrimes. The authority will make sure that the license   (September 1, 2020)
        holders  (Basic  Telephony/Landline,  Mobile  service,  Network


        The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) has invited   Oman’s  2040  vision,  which  considered  this  sector  a  supporter
        comments from telecoms licensees, other stakeholders and the   and enabler of economic sectors,” he added. “The ministry was
        general  public  on  its  draft  Market  Definition  and  Dominance   entrusted  with  unprecedented  and new competencies  such  as
        (MDD) Report 2020, which was last updated in 2013. Taking into   setting up the national space program, supporting programmes
        consideration  recent  and expected  future developments  in the   for developing  uses and applications  of space science  and
        telecoms sector, the TRA has completed its analysis of all retail   technology, establishing infrastructure for the development and
        and wholesale markets to assess their competition status and to   manufacturing of space systems and satellites, and transferring
        determine the ex-ante obligations that dominant service providers   and adopting advanced technology in the information technology
        in those relevant markets are subject to. Interested parties have   industry.”  The  Ministry  of  Transport,  Communications  and
        until 20 September 2020 to submit their comments on the MDD   Information Technology  has  set  up a  work  plan to  bring these
        Report 2020.  The draft states that Oman Telecommunications   projects to  reality.  It  will  involve  close cooperation  between
        Company (Omantel)  retains its  dominant position in the retail   the government  and  private  sector in  the country,  as  well  as
        fixed telephony market and the retail broadband market and will be   many researchers and scientists involved in the relevant fields.
        subject to obligations of tariff approvals, accounting separation,   “These  competencies  were  translated  through  the  ministry’s
        non-discrimination and publication of information, while Ooredoo   structure, there being  a center  for space, advanced technology
        is no longer found to be dominant in the retail broadband market.   and  artificial  intelligence,  and  directorates  for  infrastructure
        Both  operators  remain  dominant  in  the  retail  mobile  sector,   and digital  platforms, thereby  stimulating the sector, building
        although the TRA will reassess this market two years after the   future  skills  and  empowering  other  sectors,”  he  said.  “We  will
        launch  of commercial services  by the  third mobile  network   also  benefit  from  all  ideas  and  opinions  that  contribute  to
        operator.  Omantel  and  Oman  Broadband  Company  (OBC)  have   improve  the  ministry’s  work  and  projects.  Al  Shidhani  went  on
        been designated dominant operators in the wholesale broadband   to add: “Accordingly, we are working in the ministry to set work
        market, although only Omantel will be subject to obligations of   paths  within  all  these  competencies  under  specific  indicators
        supply of service, publication of reference offer, wholesale price   that measure performance  and achievement,  and we will  work
        control and accounting separation. (September 7, 2020)  to achieve these goals in partnership  and cooperation  with all
                                                               government entities, the private sector, and Omani experts and
        As  part  of its  efforts  to  diversify its  economy  and promote   specialists in the field of technology and communications.” The
        research and innovation in the country, Oman plans to set up a   undersecretary also praised another of His Majesty’s initiatives:
        national space program, which will be complemented by space   the donation  of laptops to underprivileged  and needy  students
        research  and  technology  initiatives.  The  plans  for  Oman’s   in Oman. “The directives of His Majesty to provide computers to
        expansion  into space were listed by  Dr.  Ali Al Shidhani,  the   higher education students from the social security segment and
        Undersecretary of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and   those  with  low  income,  and  the  government’s  rapid  endeavor
        Information  Technology  for Communications  and Information   to  deliver  communication  and  internet  services  to  598  villages
        Technology, who said  that  developments  in this  direction  were   and  rural  areas  in  the  Sultanate  during  this  year,  confirm  His
        part of the objectives for expansion stated by His Majesty Sultan   Majesty’s  interest  to  empower  all  citizens  of  the  nation  with
        Haitham  Bin  Tarik.  “The  ministry’s  competencies  in  relation  to   technical  services  and  knowledge.  “The  Ministry  of  Transport,
        advanced  technologies  came  as  a  translation  of  His  Majesty’s   Communications and Information Technology will work side by
        vision of moving forward to grasp the science and skills of the   side with all  partners  in the communications  and information
        future, and enhancing  the use of advanced  technologies  and   technology sector to improve the quality of the services to meet
        employing them to improve the competitive capabilities of the   the needs of citizens and the strategic sectors,” he added.
        national  economy,”  said  Al  Shidhani.  “This  comes  in  line  with   (September 1, 2020)

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