Page 120 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
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        Providers must adhere to.  It  covers critical aspects such  as   globally and connect Qatar to the world.”
        advertising standards, marketing practices, billing transparency,   (October 3, 2024)
        contract  fairness,  data  privacy,  and  customer  notifications.
        Specific provisions are included to address common consumer   The Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) of the State of
        concerns,  including  unsolicited direct  marketing,  spam, and   Qatar, in collaboration with the Telecommunication Development
        the safeguarding of personal data. The regulation also lays out   Bureau (BDT) of the International Telecommunication  Union
        clear processes for handling consumer complaints and disputes,   (ITU), is hosting the ITU Workshop on Promoting and Measuring
        ensuring  that consumers  have continuous  access  to essential   Universal and Meaningful Connectivity for the Arab States. The
        emergency  services without disruption. “The Communications   three-day event, taking place from 1-3 October 2024 and brings
        Consumer  Protection Policy and Regulation  we have issued   together  key stakeholders,  policymakers and statisticians from
        marks a crucial step in our ongoing commitment to creating a fair   across the  region to discuss  strategies  for improving digital
        and transparent communications environment in Qatar. Aligned   inclusion  and access to  connectivity  for all.  The workshop
        with Qatar’s telecommunications law and regulatory framework,   aims  to explore how universal and meaningful  connectivity
        our goal is to protect consumers by ensuring they receive clear   can be achieved across the Arab world, focusing on the critical
        information,  fair  contracts,  and reliable services, while holding   role of Information and Communication  Technologies  (ICTs) in
        Service Providers to the highest standards,” said Amel Salem Al-  driving  sustainable  development.  It will provide  a platform  for
        Hanawi, Director of the Consumer Affairs Department at CRA. “By   policymakers, industry  experts,  and representatives from both
        issuing this  instrument, we  are  reinforcing our commitment  to   public and private sectors to share insights, best practices, and
        fostering a competitive and consumer-friendly communications   innovative solutions to address  connectivity  challenges.  As
        market, in line with Qatar’s Vision 2030 and the Digital Agenda   the world  becomes  increasingly reliant  on digital  platforms for
        2030,” she added. (October 21, 2024)     economic,  social, and educational growth, achieving universal
                                                               and meaningful  connectivity  has  never been  more important.
        In a move set to bolster Qatar’s position as a regional digital hub,   The workshop will  delve into key  areas, such as  the digital
        Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) announced plans to merge the   divide, infrastructure development, affordability of services, and
        telecommunications  businesses  of  Qatar  National  Broadband   the role of emerging technologies like Fifth Generation (5G) and
        Network  (QNBN)  and  Gulf Bridge International (GBI).  QNBN,   Artificial  Intelligence  (AI)  in  enhancing  access.  Eng.  Hussain
        Qatar’s leading passive fiber service provider, has a nationwide   Abdulla  Salatt, Public  Relations and Communication  Manager
        coverage  of over 95 per cent,  while GBI  offers high-capacity   at  CRA, emphasized the importance of  the workshop saying:
        connectivity solutions across the Middle East, Europe, and Asia.   “Universal and meaningful connectivity is essential for the socio-
        By merging their strengths, QNBN and GBI aim to attract global   economic development, and its importance continues to grow as
        hyperscalers  and AI innovators to Qatar, offering  a seamless   we advance toward achieving the goals of Qatar National Vision
        gateway to interconnect  within the  Middle East  region.  “With   2030 and the Digital Agenda 2030. At CRA, we are committed to
        highly  complementary assets and operations,  our  combined   working alongside international partners like ITU to achieve digital
        businesses will be better placed to capture the rapidly growing   inclusion in the Arab region. To realize this goal, we are focused
        international connectivity opportunity  to  support  our future   on fostering innovation, enhancing digital  infrastructure, and
        growth ambitions,  said Engineer  Essa  Bin Hilal  Al-Kuwari,   improving affordability, especially for underserved communities.
        chairman of QNBN and GBI. The combined entity will focus on   This workshop is a significant step toward building frameworks
        maximizing  opportunities  within  the  international  data  traffic   and strategies that  will  enable  everyone  to participate in the
        market, leveraging its combined resources to drive innovation and   digital economy.” Over the course of the workshop, participants
        expand its global presence. The transaction is expected to close   will also discuss how to measure progress in achieving universal
        in Q4 2024, subject to regulatory approvals. QIA’s CEO, Mansoor   connectivity, utilizing ITU’s frameworks and tools. These tools are
        Ebrahim  Al-Mahmoud, expressed the company’s  commitment   crucial for assessing the effectiveness of policy initiatives and
        to Qatar’s Third National Development Strategy, stating that the   ensuring  that all population  groups,  particularly in underserved
        merger would attract  foreign direct investment and serve as  a   and  remote  areas,  can  benefit  from  the  opportunities  that  the
        catalyst  for  economic  diversification.  Al-Mahmoud  added:  “We   digital economy provides.
        aim to position Qatar as a leading digital hub both regionally and   (October 1, 2024)

                                                                                               Saudi Arabia

        The  Communications,  Space  and Technology  Commission   Moraqeb. The Challenge was launched in collaboration with the
        (CST) announced the winners of the Tech Innovation Challenge   National Technology Development Program (NTDP), Huawei and
        2024, and crowned the winning teams Hams.AI, Sammu, VOIR,   the Artificial Intelligence Governance Association. This initiative
        Challenge The Space, Ebda, Sanad AI, Farm Care, Chromaero and   aims to support innovation and the development of tech products,

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