Page 123 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
P. 123


                                                                                 United Arab Emirates

        The  United  Arab Emirates (UAE) is set to allocate  600MHz   context, Eng. Tariq Al Awadhi, Executive Director of the Spectrum
        and 6GHz frequency  bands to support  the development  of 6G   Department at TDRA, said, “Organizing this workshop comes as
        technology,  as  announced  by  the Telecommunications  and   part of our ongoing efforts to support digital transformation in
        Digital  Regulatory  Authority (TDRA).  This  move  is  expected  to   the State, and create a  regulatory/organizational environment
        pave the way for the introduction of 6G services between 2025   conducive to the adoption of advanced tech solutions.
        and 2026. According to TDRA officials, these frequency bands will   (October 25, 2024)
        facilitate the  evolution  of mobile  telecommunications  systems
        and gradually allow  consumers  to  access 6G  features.  Sixth-  The Telecommunications and Digital  Government  Regulatory
        generation  technology  promises  significant  advancements,   Authority  (TDRA)  organized  at its premises  a ceremony  to
        including  data  speeds  reaching  the terabit level, latency below   recognize participants in the development and implementation of
        one millisecond, and enhanced AI-driven networking capabilities.   the  first  round  of  the  Zero  Government  Bureaucracy  (ZGB)
        Majed Al Mesmar, TDRA’s director general, emphasized that these   Program. This recognition comes as part of the efforts to enhance
        innovations will mark a major leap in mobile connectivity.  efficiency  and  flexibility  in  government  service  delivery,  thus
        (December 3, 2024)                contributing  to a  paradigm shift in  government  work  and
                                                               improving customer experience. In his opening speech, H.E. Eng.
        The Telecommunications and Digital  Government  Regulatory   Mohammed Al Ramsi, Deputy Director-General  of the
        Authority  (TDRA)  organized  a special  workshop  on  Private 5G   Telecommunications Sector at TDRA and General Coordinator of
        Networks at its head office in Abu Dhabi, attended by a group of   the program,  stressed the relevance of the ZGB  Program in
        ICT experts and specialists alongside more than 100 participants   realizing the wise  leadership's  vision towards  building  a
        from 40 different entities. The  workshop  aimed to discuss  the   bureaucracy-free digital government that streamlines government
        opportunities and challenges related to the deployment of private   formalities,  ensuring  a  more  efficient  and  seamless  delivery  of
        5G networks in various sectors, with a  focus  on solutions  and   services to customers. In his remarks, he said,  “The ZGB Program
        innovations offered by this technology. During the workshop, ideas   is a strategic step towards raising the efficiency of government
        and visions were shared between all parties involved, to enhance   work  and radically improving the customer  experience.  This
        overall understanding of the private 5G technology and tap into   program contributes not only to saving time and effort, but also
        its features and benefits in the industrial and service sectors of   bolsters  UAE's  global  competitiveness  by  providing  simplified
        the United Arab Emirates. The workshop included presentations   and fast-track  government  services.” During the ceremony,
        by representatives of operators, suppliers and some government   highlights  of results of the ZGB  program were reviewed,
        entities in the UAE, reviewing current activities and future   highlighting  the reduction  in  turnaround times  by  50-80%,  by
        strategic directions, marked by a roundtable session to discuss   employing AI,  IoT  and digital  identity technologies  in  service
        the challenges  of deploying such networks, including  network   delivery, which helped improve customers” experience and better
        construction  costs and technical  requirements,  and identifying   work efficiency.
        proposed  solutions  to facilitate widespread adoption.  In this   (October 24, 2024)

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