Page 117 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
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        of Digital  Transition and the United Arab Emirates” Technology   of information.  The potential benefits of integrating AI solutions
        Research  Council—AI71’s  parent  organization—come  together   are significant. According to a PwC study, the adoption of AI could
        to forge this new alliance. This initiative is a key component of   potentially increase Africa’s GDP by $1.2 trillion by 2030, which
        Morocco’s “Morocco Digital 2030” strategy, aimed at accelerating   translates to a 5.6% GDP growth. This partnership not only aims
        the country’s digital capabilities. By adopting AI71’s advanced AI   to secure data but also to increase transparency and compliance
        solutions, such as the “Falcon” system, Moroccan enterprises and   with international standards, fostering an environment conducive
        governmental bodies will gain access to state-of-the-art tools for   to digital innovation and growth for Moroccan startups.
        data management, ensuring enhanced security and confidentiality   (October 17, 2024)


        The Telecommunications Regulatory  Authority (TRA) organizes   318,149.  The number  of subscriptions  to  Integrated  Services
        an  auction for  the special numbers  of the Omani  Qatari   Digital Network (ISDN) channels decreased  by 2.8%, totaling
        Telecommunications  Company  (Ooredoo);  containing  43   48,979, while public telephone numbers remained unchanged at
        diamond  numbers  and 157 gold  numbers.  The  auction  was   6,801. Fixed wireless subscriptions also saw a decline of 25.6%,
        launched on the company's website, noting that the bidding will   amounting  to 553.  In  terms of regional  distribution,  Muscat
        continue  until three o'clock on Tuesday, December  10, 2024.   accounted for the largest share of fixed analogue telephone lines,
        The Authority distributes the amounts collected  from the sale   holding 48.45%, followed by Dhofar at 10.55%, and North Batinah
        of special  numbers  to charitable  societies  approved  by the   at 10.85%. The remaining governorates made up the final 30.15%.
        Ministry of Social Development, according to what is stipulated   This data highlights the shifting landscape of telecommunications
        in the Telecommunications  Regulatory Law  in Article (16) and   in Oman, with a marked preference for postpaid and high-speed
        its  executive  regulations in  Article (49),  which states  that  (the   broadband  services,  while  traditional  fixed-line  connections
        Authority determines the fee for allocating special numbers and   continue to decline. (November 13, 2024)
        undertakes to  collect it  and deposit its  proceeds  in  a  special
        account  allocated for donations  to  charitable bodies  and   The Ministry  of Transport, Communications,  and Information
        institutions). (December 8, 2024)  Technology  (MTCIT) has signed  a  cooperation  agreement  with
                                                               the University  of  Technology  and Applied  Sciences  (UTAS) to
        Oman’s  telecommunications  sector has  undergone  notable   advance the government’s digital transformation efforts in Oman.
        changes over the past year, with significant growth in postpaid   This  initiative  aims  to  equip  future  leaders with  the necessary
        mobile phone subscriptions and a steady rise in internet usage,   skills for innovation and creativity within the digital landscape.
        according to the latest data from the National Centre for Statistics   Under  the auspices  of the Government  Digital Transformation
        and Information. By the end of September 2024, postpaid mobile   Program (Tahawul), MTCIT and UTAS will jointly launch a Master
        subscriptions  in Oman  had increased  by 23% compared to the   of Science program  in  Digital  Transformation and Innovation.
        same period last year, reaching a total of 2,163,883 subscriptions.   The program is  designed  to  strengthen  collaboration  between
        In contrast, prepaid mobile  subscriptions  saw  a  6% decline,   the government  and academia,  enhancing  the skill  sets of
        dropping to 5,077,026. Despite this decrease, the overall number   human resources essential for navigating digital advancements.
        of mobile phone  subscriptions,  including  both prepaid and   The agreement was signed by H.E. Dr. Ali bin Amer al Shidhani,
        postpaid, grew by 1.2%, amounting to 7,240,909. Of these mobile   Undersecretary for Communications and Information Technology
        subscriptions, 3,837,108 were issued by mobile operators, while   at MTCIT, and Dr. Saeed bin Hamad al Rubaie, President of UTAS.
        1,239,918 came from resale channels. Broadband internet usage   (October 28, 2024)
        also showed growth, with active mobile broadband subscriptions
        reaching  5,821,865  by  the end of September.  Fixed internet   Telecommunications Regulatory Authority issued regulations for
        subscriptions  rose by  3.5% compared to September  2023,   Data  Center  and Cloud  Computing.  The regulation  includes  six
        totaling 577,713.  Fixed broadband  subscriptions,  those with   chapters distributed over 30 articles. It addresses the provisions
        speeds exceeding 256 kilobytes per second, increased by 3.5%   for providing data center services and cloud computing services,
        to 576,011. However, low-speed internet subscriptions, including   information  security  and contractual  obligations,  methods  of
        telephone-based  and some leased lines, remained  minimal,   processing subscriber content and data, and others. The objectives
        with only 1,702 subscriptions. The data also revealed a decline   of the  regulation  include,  enabling  investment  in innovative
        in traditional fixed-line services. Fixed-line subscriptions fell by   technologies  and services, improving communication  services,
        25.1%, bringing the total down to 430,585 by the end of September.   Developing  a  flexible  and evolving regulatory  environment,
        Subscriptions to analogue fixed-line services, including prepaid   Licensees to provide fixed public telecommunications services,
        and postpaid lines, saw an even sharper decline of 72.6%, dropping   Data Center and Cloud Computing Provider, Shared Data Center
        to just 62,749. Conversely, the number of fixed lines connected   and Cloud Computing Services.
        to Internet Protocol (IP) technology increased by 10.5%, reaching   (October 1, 2024) www

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