Page 115 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
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The Iraqi government has announced its intention to collaborate Minister’s office. This initiative reflects Iraq’s commitment to
with international telecommunications companies for the leveraging global expertise to ensure a successful and efficient 5G
deployment of its first 5G mobile network. This move signifies a rollout. By partnering with established international players, Iraq
major step towards modernizing the country’s digital infrastructure aims to accelerate the deployment process and benefit from best
and enhancing connectivity for its citizens. A committee, practices in 5G technology. The selection process will focus on
headed by Communications Minister Hayam Al-Yassiri, has identifying the “best operators with experience in the Middle East,”
been tasked with engaging with potential international partners. highlighting the importance of regional expertise and needs of
The committee will prioritize companies with demonstrated the Iraqi market. This development marks a significant milestone
experience in 5G network installation and operation, particularly in Iraq’s digital transformation journey. The introduction of 5G
those with a strong presence in the Middle East. “The committee technology is expected to bring numerous benefits, including
will negotiate with international telecom operators in serious faster internet speeds, improved network reliability, and enhanced
and capable companies with experience in the installation and opportunities for innovation across various sectors.
operation of the 5G mobile phone network,” stated the Iraqi Prime (October 24, 2024)
In a significant meeting held in Amman, Jordan, Dr. Waed Kingdom has advanced two spots in fixed internet rankings, now
Badhieb, the Acting Minister of Communications and Information sitting at 31st place internationally with an average download
Technology of Yamen, discussed ways to enhance cooperation speed of 155 Mbps, according to data released by Ookla, a
in the telecommunications sector with Bassam Al-Sarhan, reputable source for tracking trends in broadband and mobile
the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners and CEO of the internet speeds globally. The Telecommunications Regulatory
Jordanian Telecommunications Regulatory Authority. During Commission (TRC) stated in a press release to The Jordan Times
the meeting, both officials emphasized the importance of that this progress can be attributed to Jordan’s strong regulatory
strengthening their partnership. They highlighted the need for framework, which fosters competition and investment. The TRC
exchanging expertise and providing technical support to develop emphasized that public-private partnerships are crucial for
Yemen’s telecommunications sector. This collaboration aims to advancing the Economic Modernization Vision. The TRC also
improve technical services and bolster the telecommunications mentioned that Jordan’s ranking is expected to improve further
infrastructure in Yemen. Minister Badhieb praised Jordan’s as fiber internet subscriptions increase steadily, driven by the
pioneering experience in the telecommunications field. He rollout of 5G services and the issuance of necessary licenses to
expressed Yemen’s commitment to solidifying bilateral relations telecommunications providers. Bayan Khaled, a computer and
and leveraging Jordanian technical support and expertise in this automation engineer, commented that “the improvement reflects
vital area. The focus on collaboration reflects a mutual desire enhanced regulatory frameworks and increased investments in
to enhance the quality of telecommunications services in both fiber infrastructure.” He added that such developments could
countries. This meeting marks a crucial step toward fostering attract additional investments in the local digital market, but
stronger ties between Yemen and Jordan, particularly in the maintaining this momentum will require focused cooperation
telecommunications sector, which is essential for economic and sustained efforts. Razan Hourani, a telecommunications
growth and technological advancement. specialist, noted that the planned expansion of 5G services across
(November 21, 2024) the country indicates promising advancements in connectivity.
“We are witnessing a surge in tech-focused investments in
Jordan has made notable progress in the global rankings for Jordan, which lays a strong foundation for digital innovation,” she
mobile download speeds, moving up three positions to 84th place stated.
worldwide with an average speed of 29.4 Mbps. Additionally, the (October 28, 2024)
The Communication and Information Technology Regulatory the telecommunications and information technology sector
Authority announces the launch of a new organizational structure and better meet the needs of its beneficiaries. The new update
that includes a comprehensive update of its sectors, along includes the Regulatory Sector, which focuses on protecting
with the establishment of new departments and divisions. This the rights of beneficiaries by monitoring the performance of
aims to enhance the authority's effectiveness in regulating companies and ensuring their compliance with standards
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