Page 116 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
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and regulatory guidelines. The Regulatory Sector also aims to abreast of the most cutting-edge digital technologies as they
promote a fair and efficient competitive environment, contributing foray into the job market, the minister underlined. Underlining the
to the improvement of service quality for users. Through this new significance of such endeavors, the Kuwaiti minister expected a
structure, the authority aims to reflect its vision of providing a “new generation” of tech leaders to lead the digital transformation
highly developed regulatory environment with greater precision in Kuwait, ensuring that the nation if firmly placed on a path
and effectiveness by transitioning from a traditional administrative towards a “brighter and more prosperous” future, he emphasized.
role to a fully integrated regulatory and supervisory role. This role Addressing the gathering, Country Manager for Google Cloud in
focuses on protecting consumer rights, ensuring transparency, Kuwait Shaymaa Alterkait said that the tech giant is “dedicated
and enhancing market competitiveness. The Communication and to fostering a thriving digital ecosystem,” allowing businesses,
Information Technology Regulatory Authority is confident that government entities and individuals to harness the “power of
these changes will strengthen its role as a protective umbrella for the cloud and AI” to drive economic growth. Google Cloud's
users and ensure the provision of the best possible services. The expanding network of 40 regions, 121 zones and 187 network edge
authority always looks forward to the support and participation of locations represent the “backbone” of the global infrastructure,
citizens and residents on this new path. she highlighted, saying that Google has built a “dedicated and
(November 11, 2024) uniquely skilled” team that will contribute towards Kuwait's digital
Kuwait plans to deepen its partnership with Google Cloud as part (October 9, 2024)
of efforts to give impetus to a national digital drive in line with
its strategic 2035 vision, Communication Minister Omar Al-Omar Kuwait has pre-qualified four companies to bid on the development
said. Luring more foreign investment would be a by-product of of its fixed telecommunication network, according to local reports.
a full-fledged digital transformation, the minister told a one-of-a The firms include Bahrain Telecom Company (Batelco), UAE’s e&,
kind gathering entitled, “Cloud Day,” an initiative organized by Canada’s Brookfield Corp, and Italy’s TIM Group, as reported by
Google, with whom Kuwait has already established a joint training Alqabas. The Kuwait Authority for Partnership Projects (KAPP) is
program for the development of “national skills” pertinent to overseeing the project, which will be executed as a public-private
Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity technologies, added the partnership. The four pre-qualified companies have been invited
minister. A national training program is already up and running to purchase the necessary bidding documents. The partnership
in a bid to further hone the “digital skills” of youngsters and contract for the project will span 50 years.
state body employees alike, giving them the opportunity to keep (October 7, 2024)
Morocco is positioning itself as a digital hub and trendsetter in on their digital transformation journeys. As Morocco continues
Africa, driving inclusive and sustainable transformation as the to lead Africa’s digital evolution, its strategic investments and
continent embraces the rapid evolution of its digital landscape. collaborations are helping shape a digitally inclusive future for
This commitment was highlighted during the G20 Compact with the continent. Technology is increasingly becoming a key driver
Africa’s peer-learning event on digital investments, held in Rabat of empowerment and economic resilience for Africa.
from December 2 to 4. The event brought together African leaders, (December 4, 2024)
international partners, and industry experts to exchange strategies
and discuss actionable steps to foster digital innovation across Subscribers of national fixed and mobile networks will be able
Africa. It further reinforced Morocco’s role as a leader in digital to port their numbers with greater ease and fluidity thanks to
transformation on the continent. At the event, Amal El Fallah the implementation of the Porting Authorization Code. It is an
Seghrouchni, Morocco’s Minister Delegate for Digital Transition identifier assigned by each operator to their customer’s call
and Administrative Reform, outlined the country’s strategy for number. It provides information on the operator with whom the
digital transformation. Seghrouchni emphasized the importance subscription or subscription is made, the customer category and
of building essential infrastructure and fostering a digital culture the type of contract in force. (November 12, 2024)
to ensure digital inclusion. Her vision aims to improve access
to information and communication technologies (ICT) across In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, managing data securely
all sectors of society, establishing a more inclusive economy. and efficiently remains paramount for both governments and
Seghrouchni also highlighted that digital inclusion is not just businesses. Recognizing this, Morocco has embarked on a
about technology, but a powerful driver of societal change. significant step to enhance its digital infrastructure through a
“Closing the digital gap is crucial for improving productivity, public strategic partnership with AI71, a leading artificial intelligence (AI)
service quality, and fostering innovation,” she said, adding that firm. The collaboration was officially sealed at the Gitex Global
Morocco is ready to share its expertise with other African nations technology exhibition in Dubai. This event saw Morocco’s Ministry
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