Page 121 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
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encourage entrepreneurs, invest in national capabilities, which will initiatives to develop national capabilities in public policy and
contribute to GDP by increasing the number of local companies digital regulations, as well as improve regulatory awareness.
specializing in emerging technologies. CST highlighted that this Since the establishment the DRA in 2021, over 1000 participants
edition had witnessed the participation of over 900 participants, from both public and private sectors have benefited from the
representing 290 teams. The challenge focused mainly on AI, IoT, academy’s training programs. (November 5, 2024)
robots through within communications, Space and technology
tracks. The winners were awarded by Mr. Raed Alfayez, Deputy The Communications, Space and Technology Commission (CST)
Governor for Technology Sector at CST, and Mr. Ibrahim Neyaz, has announced the launch of the Tech Innovation Challenge
CEO of National Technology Development Program, with the 2024 in collaboration with the National Technology Development
presence of H.E. Mohammed Altamimi, Governor of CST, and H.E. Program (NTDP), Huawei and the Artificial Intelligence Governance
Eng. Haitham AlOhali, Vice Minister at Ministry of Communications Association. This initiative aims to motivate the communications,
& Information Technology, and a number of Their Excellencies. It space and technology sectors growth by developing innovative
is worth noting that the Tech Innovation Challenge builds on the solutions, raising awareness of emerging technologies and
previous IoT Challenge, which held three editions and witnessed artificial intelligence (AI) among stakeholders and professionals,
a participation from more than 3,000 individuals, resulting in over as well as advancing the digital economy by increasing the number
1,500 submitted ideas that presented innovative solutions to of local companies specializing in emerging technologies. CST
various challenges in Saudi markets in many fields. mentioned that the challenge is aimed at innovative entrepreneurs
(December 10, 2024) and specialists in AI, the Internet of Things (IoT) and robotics,
with tracks covering communications, space and technology.
The Communications, Space and Technology Commission (CST) It highlighted that the Tech Innovation Challenge builds on the
announces the winners for the Spectrum Auction in the Frequency previous IoT Challenge, which held three editions and witnessed
Bands (600, 700, 3800) MHz for Mobile Telecommunication a participation from more than 3,000 individuals, resulting in over
Networks to be as follows: STC won a total of (40) MHz in the 1,500 submitted ideas. (October 2, 2024)
frequency band (600) MHz and a total of (100) MHz in the
frequency band (3800) MHz, while Mobily won a total of (20) MHz The Communications, Space and Technology Commission (CST)
in the frequency band (700) MHz and a total of (100) MHz in the concluded the Digital Technology Forum 2024, which was held
frequency band (3800) MHz, and Zain won a total of (30) MHz in the under the theme “Synergizing for a Sustainable Digital Future “. The
frequency band (600) MHz The auction will contribute with over forum aims to highlight the potentials of collaboration between
25 billion SAR to the GDP by 2030, through enhancing the digital government and private organizations in technology sector, with a
infrastructure, promoting investment and competitiveness in focus on the major developments in the tech markets. The forum
Mobile Telecommunications Networks, and deploying innovative announced the huge leaps in the technology sector over the past
and high-quality telecom Services. The auction will also increase year, with an increase in the Technology market size reaching 91
the total licensed frequencies for mobile telecommunication billion SAR in 2023, marking a CAGR exceeding 11% over the last
networks from 1110 MHz to 1400 MHz, with an increase of 27%. five years. Moreover, CST pointed out that the number of tech
This achievement positions the Kingdom as the leading country companies listed in the stock market reached 20 companies,
among the G20 countries the in total licensed spectrum for mobile with a market cap exceeding 148 billion SAR. Additionally, Saudi
networks in bands below 6 GHz. Furthermore, CST highlighted Arabia achieved first place in the Middle East and North Africa
that the Kingdom is the first country in Europe, Africa, and the for venture capital value. This year’s forum presented several
Middle East to license the 600 MHz frequency band for mobile awards for the winning tech companies, mainly the Co-Innovation
telecommunication networks. (November 11, 2024) Award which was launched by CST to recognize the top three
innovative tech products developed in collaboration between the
The Digital Regulatory Academy (DRA) held a training program on service provider and the end user. The winning products of the
“Role and Value of Critical Resources in the Digital Market”, which 3rd edition of the Co-Innovation Award are “DocCerts,” Faseeh,”
aims to enhance capabilities in resources management within and “Muneer‘. Moreover, their Excellencies have awarded the
the ICT sector, evaluate the role of regulators and policymakers winning companies of the Tech Excellence Award, which aims
in sources management and demonstrate its contribution to the to celebrate companyes contributing to the development of
development of digital markets. The 5 days program was attended local tech content and achieving national goals, in addition to
by 30 experts from MCIT+ entities and a number of representatives the winners of the Leading Tech Companies for Empowering
from National Regulations Committee and service providers Women, which aims to recognize the efforts of outstanding
in the ICT sector. The training program provided strategies to tech companies in providing an empowering environment for
develop and influence digital markets through practical scenarios, women. CST organizes the Digital Technology Forum annually, in
fostering a deeper understanding of the critical infrastructure that partnership with the Ministry of Communications and Information
underpins these markets. It also addressed the management of Technology (MCIT) to keep pace with the latest developments
limited resources, including IP addresses and radio spectrum, and trends in the technology sector. Through 4 panel discussions
explored the shifts between regulation and governance, and and 4 presentations, the forum highlighted the main opportunities
enhanced decision-making skills by examining the economic and tools for collaboration in the Saudi technology sector. The
and social effects of digital markets. The program is part of DRA forum's sessions and presentations addressed Ecosystem
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