Page 125 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
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The Argentina government confirmed it will make provision of 5G services in a tender carried out by the
available additional frequencies for the provision of government. The government obtained $875 million
5G services. The presidential spokesperson Manuel for the frequencies, less than the initial expectation
Adorni stated that the government will award the of $1.05 billion. The GSMA report showed that 5G
Argentina 100 megahertz of spectrum that had been previously penetration in Argentina is expected to reach 9% by
reserved for state company Arsat for mobile 2025 while it would expand to 48% by 2030. GSMA also
communications, as well as 50 megahertz that are in noted that 5G networks will cover 84% of Argentina’s
the hands of telecommunications services regulator population by 2030, up from 38% in 2025.
Enacom. In October 2023, Argentine operators Claro, (October 23, 2024)
Movistar and Personal secured spectrum for the
Australia's competition regulator said it is seeking An Australian Communications and Media Authority
views on the Macquarie-backed telecommunications (ACMA) investigation found that between November
group Vocus” A$5.25 billion ($3.39 billion) takeover 2022 and April 2024 CBA contravened Australia’s spam
of local telecom operator TPG Telecom's enterprise, laws by sending over 170 million marketing messages
Australia government, and wholesale (EG&W) fixed business and to Australians that did not include a way to unsubscribe.
fiber network assets. The Australian Competition and 34.8 million of these messages were also sent to
Consumer Commission (ACCC) said it is seeking views people who either had not consented or had withdrawn
from interested parties on the likely impact on prices their consent to receive these messages. This is CBA’s
and service quality in the supply of fixed line voice second major breach of the spam rules after it paid a
services, data networks and connectivity services, $3.55 million penalty in May 2023 for sending 65 million
among other queries, if the deal was to receive approval. emails without working unsubscribe arrangements.
TPG Telecom announced the deal in October, stating ACMA Chair Nerida O’Loughlin said the further
that it would retain its radio network infrastructure, breaches and vast scale of CBA’s non-compliance was
mobile and fixed retail and wireless businesses after unacceptable. “The ACMA took action against CBA just
Vocus” takeover of its fiber and fixed assets. ACCC has last year for not delivering on their customers” rights to
invited submissions from interested parties regarding unsubscribe from marketing messages. We have now
the acquisition by Dec. 2, while providing Feb. 13, had to take further action after this new investigation
2025 as a provisional date for the announcement of its found that CBA had incorrectly classified millions of
findings from the ongoing review. TPG Telecom said in messages as non-commercial. “Australians are sick
an emailed response to Reuters that it is committed to and tired of this kind of spam intruding on their privacy
working closely with ACCC and Vocus “to ensure this and it’s clear CBA did not have its systems in order,”
review process concludes as quickly and efficiently as Ms O’Loughlin said. The Spam Act 2003 permits purely
possible". Vocus Group declined to comment. “service” messages that are not commercial to be sent
(November 18, 2024) without consent or an unsubscribe facility. However,
the ACMA found CBA’s messages either promoted
The Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) has paid a products and services (including for insurance, credit
$7.5 million penalty after it sent more than 170 million and loan offerings) or promoted CBA itself.
emails that did not comply with Australia’s spam laws. (October 17, 2024)
The ongoing story of Brazilian digital infrastructure the General Superintendence of Cade (SG-Cade),
solutions company and neutral fiber optic network has approved without restrictions the purchase by
owner V.tal’s plans to buy financially troubled V.tal of Oi's fixed broadband customer unit (ClientCo
telecommunication company Oi's broadband unit – operating under the name of Oi Fibra). In making
Brazil has taken a positive turn as Brazilian competition its decision, the regulator decided that, as ClientCo
already operates 100% through V.tal's infrastructure
regulator Cade has approved the purchase – though
it’s far from over yet. One of the regulator’s units, network, any vertical integrations are pre-existing.
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