Page 113 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
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electronic animal registration system project proposed by the technologies, such as Low-Code platforms, will be utilized for this
Ministry of Municipalities Affairs and Agriculture. This initiative project. Finally, the committee reviewed the implementation of
aims to create a system for registering animals and documenting decisions made in previous meetings and discussed the progress
their health records, automating related procedures as part of the achieved in ongoing projects.
ministry’s digital transformation efforts. Modern development (October 1, 2024)
Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission Following a recent policy decision, the Bangladesh
(BTRC) will issue more Nationwide Telecommunication Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) has taken the
Transmission Network (NTTN) licenses if services to customers initiative to conduct a comprehensive audit of Teletalk, the state-
are compromised as the regulator prioritizes service quality, owned telecom company, for the first time. Teletalk, as a state-
said BTRC Chairman Maj Gen (retd) Md Emdad Ul Bari. “NTTN owned entity, holds an important position in providing mobile
licenses should be limited, but we need to assess whether we and data services to a substantial portion of the population. The
have become “hostage” to them, holding back the entire nation. If audit aims to assess the company's operations, financial health,
necessary, we will issue 10 more licenses,” he said. “We can even and adherence to regulatory guidelines. When asked about the
grant licenses on a zonal basis. I am only considering this idea; initiative, Musfiq Mannan Choudhury, Commissioner of BTRC,
it is not something I plan to implement immediately. Our main said, “We have already issued files to audit Teletalk". Previously,
requirement is to deliver services to users,” he said. “Our priority BTRC has conducted audits of the three private operators, namely
is service, not just sustaining businesses,” added Bari. The BTRC Grameenphone, Robi, and Banglalink. However, this marks the
chairman was addressing a discussion styled “The Importance first time that the government telecom operator Teletalk is being
of a Nationwide Telecommunication Network for the Future of formally audited by the regulatory commission. As per official
Bangladesh", organized by the Telecom and Technology Reporters sources, the regulatory body has received audit objections of more
Network Bangladesh at a Dhaka hotel. The NTTN guidelines were than BDT 14 thousand crore from the three private operators.
introduced in 2008. According to it, the task of NTTN operators in BTRC has thus far collected a part of that amount, with the rest
Bangladesh is to build, maintain and manage a nationwide fiber- being collected in an ongoing process.
optic transmission network, providing shared infrastructure for (October 30, 2024)
telecom operators and internet service providers.
(November 5, 2024)
Given the rapid growth of the telecommunications sector in Egypt and fostering a competitive environment for telecommunications
and in line with the state's ambitious plans to establish numerous service. (December 10, 2024)
smart cities, the NTRA, Egypt has issued a new regulatory
framework for the establishment, operation, and leasing of Egypt has granted licenses to seven major companies, significantly
in-building wireless infrastructure. The presence of a neutral enhancing the country’s position as a leading global hub for digital
operator to manage this infrastructure will significantly contribute services and outsourcing. The ceremony, which was attended by
to realizing Egypt's vision of transforming into an advanced Minister of Communications and Information Technology Amr
digital society, opening up new avenues for economic growth. Talaat, saw companies such as Vodafone International Services,
This regulatory framework aims to encourage investment in the Raya Call Center Services, Telecom Egypt for Information
establishment and leasing of shared infrastructure for mobile Systems (Exceed), Concentrex, Capgemini Egypt, Genpact Egypt,
networks within buildings. By improving coverage and service and TTAC Egypt receiving the licenses. The licensing event was
quality inside buildings, this framework will enable companies to witnessed by NTRA CEO Mohamed Shamroukh and Ahmed El
provide better services to their customers and allow individuals Zaher, CEO of the Information Technology Industry Development
to enjoy a seamless digital experience anywhere. The Egyptian Agency (ITIDA). This initiative is a crucial step in supporting the
telecommunications market is one of the largest in Africa and the expansion of Egypt’s call center sector and reinforcing its role in
Middle East, and it is highly dynamic. With four major companies the global digital services and outsourcing market. The granting
already competing in the market and serving over 100 million of these licenses underscores Egypt’s commitment to fostering
subscribers, there is significant potential for growth, development, growth in the digital and outsourcing sectors. This move is
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