Page 112 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
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                                                                            REGULATORY & POLICY UPDATESATORY & POLICY UPDATES  SAMENA TRENDS

                           A SNAPSHOT OF REGULATORY ACTIVITIES

                                          IN THE SAMENA REGION


        The Minister of Post and Telecommunications, has emphasized   the generalization  of  modern  communication  technologies  and
        the country’s  commitment  to expanding  access  to modern   the digitization of government services, one of the important lines
        communication technologies and digital services. This initiative   of his ambitious program for the economic revival of Algeria,” said
        is  a  key  part  of  Algeria’s  strategy to drive economic  growth   Minister.  He  emphasized  that  Algeria  has  mobilized  significant
        and achieve a leading position in the digital landscape. During   resources and human capital to achieve its ambitious goals in
        the opening of an International Telecommunication Union (ITU)   digital transformation. After hailing a generation of young people
        regional  workshop themed  “Towards Inclusive and Targeted   imbued with national values, seeking to assert themselves and
        Connectivity  in the Arab Region,” Minister highlighted  Algeria’s   demonstrate their skills in all fields, through start-ups and medium
        dedication to digital advancement. “Algeria has benefitted from   and large enterprises, the minister said that these companies have
        the political will of the country’s highest authorities, led by the   adopted the digitization process and have perfectly integrated it
        President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, who has made   in service of their strategies. (November 14, 2024)


        The   Telecommunications  Regulatory  Authority  (The  efforts to deliver exceptional telecom services to all.”
        “Authority”) revoked IMCTelecom  W.L.L  Individual International   (October 16, 2024)
        Telecommunications Services License (ISL) granted on 29 August
        2006 and renewed on 29 August 2021. Accordingly pursuant to   The 74th Information and Communication Technology Governance
        Article 31 of the Telecommunications Law, the ISL granted to IMC   Committee (ICTGC) meeting, chaired by Mohammed Ali Al Qaed,
        Telecom  W.L.L is revoked effective from the date of publishing   Chief Executive  of  the Information &  eGovernment  Authority
        the final announcement in the Official Gazette. For the avoidance   (iGA), was held remotely to review projects and purchase orders
        of doubt, IMC  Telecom  W.L.L  is  not licensed  to provide any   submitted by various government entities. During the meeting, Al
        telecommunications services in the Kingdom of Bahrain.  Qaed highlighted Bahrain’s impressive achievement in the United
        (November 17, 2024)                     Nations” eGovernment  Development  report  2024,  where the
                                                               country ranked 18th worldwide. He commended the contributions
        The Telecommunications  Regulatory  Authority of Bahrain  was   of all ministries and government entities that played a role in this
        recognized  for its” Regulatory Enablement  at the  South  Asia,   success. The committee’s  agenda included  several important
        Middle East,  and North Africa (SAMENA) Telecommunications   items, such as the Ministry of Justice, Islamic Affairs, and Waqf’s
        Council’s  Leadership  &  Excellence  (LEAD)  Awards ceremony   digital transformation  project. This initiative encompasses  the
        in Dubai, UAE.  In attendance  were executives and dignitaries   development of virtual notary and virtual court hearing services,
        from the most prominent telecom operators, ICT providers, and   aimed at creating a secure platform for conducting court hearings
        regulatory bodies in the region. This award reflects the Authority’s   and notarial services digitally. Advanced technologies like artificial
        commitment to deliver world-class telecommunications services   intelligence and blockchain will be employed to enhance identity
        to the people  of Bahrain.  This recognition  underscores the   verification  and  ensure  document  confidentiality.  The  project
        Authority's significant achievements in enhancing national fiber   will  also  integrate  with  the eKey  system  and  the government
        connectivity  and the advancement  of multi-gigabit networks.   notification  system  to  maximize  the  use  of  shared  services
        General Director at  TRA, Philip  Marnick  commented  “We are   provided by  the iGA.  Additionally, the committee  assessed the
        honored to receive this award, which recognizes our dedication   Ministry of Electricity and Water Affairs’s mobile app project for
        to making Bahrain a global leader in telecommunications market.   electric  vehicle  (EV) chargers, designed  to  streamline payment
        Our commitment  to providing  fast, reliable  internet  access  to   processes at EV charging stations. This initiative is part of the
        every  consumer has been  the driving  force behind  our work.   ministry’s efforts to enhance the infrastructure for electric vehicle
        This award confirms the TRA team’s dedication and the ongoing   charging  across Bahrain.  The  committee  also examined  the

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