Page 110 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
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        lay 100,000 kilometers of fiber for a private   contributors  are from the  private sector.   our initiatives, but we’re also encouraging
        fibre  network,  expected  to  be  completed   We work collaboratively to ensure value for   academia and civil society to collaborate.
        in 2025. “When it comes to the Universal   money, especially in remote areas that may   By involving every stakeholder, we ensure
        Service  Fund,  which  we use  to extend   lack a strong business case.” She added,   sustainability is embedded in our projects.”
        connectivity  to rural areas, the primary   “In Kenya, the private sector is essential to

        CCP  Conducts  Phase II  Merger  Review of PTCL’s Acquisition  of Telenor

        Pakistan and Orion Towers

        The Competition Commission of Pakistan   to present their views.  During a  recent   Mustafa  Munir Ahmed  of Legal  Oracles,
        (CCP) is conducting an in-depth Phase II   hearing, Asif Inam, Chief Operating Officer   with Wateen Telecom represented by Mian
        Merger Review  of PTCL’s  acquisition of   of Transworld Associates, along with Legal   Sami-ud-Din of BNR, and Jazz by Khalid
        100% shareholding in Telenor Pakistan   Counsel Ms. Rabia Kiyani, emphasized the   Ibrahim.  The CCP’s  team  included  key
        (Private) Limited  and Orion Towers   need  for both preventive  and  corrective   officials such as Shahzad Hussain (Director
        (Private) Limited. The  review focuses  on   measures, citing international  regulatory   General/Registrar),  Barrister  Ambreen
        key  aspects of  the telecommunications   practices from  the UK,  UAE,  and  KSA  to   Abbasi, Hafiz Naeem, Arshad Javed (Legal
        sector,  including  market   power   safeguard  competition through  structural   Department),  Ms.  Marryum Pervaiz  (HoD
        concentration,  competitive  dynamics,  and behavioral remedies. Telenor Pakistan   Merger Department),  Umer Sheikh (Joint
        and the potential impact of the proposed   was  represented by Vice  President  Ms.   Director),  and Noman Ahmed  (Assistant
        merger. The CCP bench, led by Chairman   Advokat  Anette  Aarset and  Counsel   Director).  The  commission’s analysis
        Dr.  Kabir Ahmed Sidhu  and Members   Shabbir Harianawala,  who  defended  the   will play a crucial role in determining the
        Salman Amin and Abdul Rashid Sheikh, is   transaction. Previous hearings  featured   merger’s potential impact on competition
        ensuring a thorough and inclusive process,   representations from PTCL, led by Senior   in Pakistan’s telecommunications sector.
        giving  all stakeholders  the  opportunity   Counsel  Ms.  Rahat Kaunain Hassan  and

        Telstra Pays AUD3M for Emergency Call Failures

        Australian operator  Telstra paid a   those  calls  by  providing the caller
        fine of more than AUD3 million ($1.9   details  to  emergency  service
        million) and took a number of steps   organizations via  email  and phone
        to rectify  its  processes  following a   calls,  ACMA  explained.  ACMA
        technical disruption at its emergency   member  and  consumer  lead
        call  center.  The    Australian  Samantha Yorke noted  it was
        Communications    and    Media  concerning  the breaches  occurred
        Authority (ACMA) noted the operator   because Telstra neglected to update
        updated  its  backup phone  number   its backup phone  data.  Yorke
        list and appointed an independent   acknowledged  Telstra had a strong
        consultant to conduct a review after   record of compliance in its role as the
        the agency found it failed to comply   national emergency  operator  and
        with  emergency  call  rules.  An   made considerable  efforts to keep
        investigation  spotted  473 breaches   the public informed  during  the
        of the rules during an incident on 1   outage.  She  added  Telstra took a
        March, when Telstra’s call centre had   variety  of  immediate actions when
        trouble  transferring  calls  to  problems were identified, which “go a
        emergency services for 90 minutes.   long way to restoring the community’s
        It initiated a contingency process to   trust  in  this  critical service”.  In
        transfer calls using a list of backup   October, ACMA introduced  rules  to
        numbers, but several were incorrect,   ensure mobile  subscribers  can
        resulting  in 127 calls not being   access emergency  services after
        passed over. The operator managed   operators switch off 3G networks.

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