Page 108 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
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        areas, based at  universities across the   from video game users, the SDDS will   of Liverpool, with collaboration from the
        country:                               enable research  into mental  health,   University of Oxford and the University
        •  The Imagery Data Service (Imago): Led   digital literacy, online  community,   of Edinburgh.
          by  professors at  Newcastle University   addiction,  discriminatory  behavior,  •  The Healthy  and Sustainable Places
          and University of Liverpool,  this data   and disinformation. It  will  be led by   Data Service:  Led by the  University of
          service combines AI  and stakeholder   professors at the University of York.  Leeds,  this project  will  leverage  data
          collaboration  to  develop new  data   •  The Geographic Data  Service: This   sets from the retail, business, transport
          products  based on satellite imaging,   project will  bring together  different   and infrastructure sectors to help tackle
          helping  tackle challenges  like urban   data  sources to  provide insights  into   ongoing  challenges  related  to health
          development  and social inequalities in   fair  and sustainable growth, focusing   and sustainability in local economies.
          the UK.                              on  geographic  differences  and  the   “This  investment in  a  new network  of
        •  The Smart  Data  Donation  Service   challenges faced by vulnerable groups.   smart data services helps put the UK at the
          (SDDS):  The SDDS will  recruit data   It  will  support  new partnerships   forefront of data-driven innovation. Data
          donors  to provide data  securely with   and coordinate a national master’s   infrastructure is as critical to our shared
          researchers,  aiming to help  develop   dissertation program to help  nurture   prosperity as  transport,  water  or  power
          evidence-based  policy around online   the next generation  of smart  data   networks.
          safety  and digital  wellbeing. Initially   researchers. The project is  led by
          focused  on  90,000 data donations   professors from UCL and the University

        Ofcom will Award Spectrum in the 25.1-27.5 GHz and 40.5-43.5 GHz Bands
        Next Year

                                             innovative services such as virtual reality   In a previous update, Ofcom also confirmed
                                             and factory  automation,  Ofcom said.   that the mmWave spectrum  auction  will
                                             Ofcom has also published information for   not include  a  negotiation  period during
                                             parties considering participating in the   the final assignment stage, which typically
                                             spectrum auction, including:        provides winners of spectrum  with the
                                                - practical guidance to help participants   opportunity to agree that their respective
                                               navigate the  auction,  including  how to   allocations of spectrum  will  be adjacent.
                                               apply, and indicative timings for each   Ofcom also previously confirmed it will not
                                               stage of the award process;       hold an auction of mmWave spectrum until
                                                - information  about the spectrum being   a decision has been made by the country’s
                                               made available and the conditions  for   competition  authorities on a  proposed
                                               use of the spectrum; and          merger  between local carriers  Vodafone
                                                - information about where the spectrum   and Three UK.  The U.K.’s  Competition
                                               will be licensed for use.         and Markets Authority (CMA) has recently
                                             The  auction will take place  in 2025 and   provisionally found  that  a  multi-billion-
        U.K. telecom regulator Ofcom announced   Ofcom noted that it will provide a further   pound  commitment to  upgrade the
        the  publication  of  the  text  of  the  final   update on  timings  before  the end of  this   network of the new entity resulting from
        regulation  for the upcoming  spectrum of   year. In September 2023, Ofcom announced   the merger of local carriers Vodafone and
        mmWave frequencies.  This text, which   that it will open these spectrum bands to   Three UK  across  the country,  including
        may be subject  to minor amendments,   mobile technology, including 5G services,   the rollout of 5G, combined  with short-
        will  be enacted  and become  law  in early   for the provision  of faster  5G  speeds   term customer  protections  could  solve
        2025, Ofcom said. Next year, the watchdog   across 68 towns and cities across the U.K.   competition  concerns  identified  by  the
        will award spectrum in the 25.1-27.5 GHz   Ofcom aims to award several 15-year, fixed   regulator  in September  and allow the
        and 40.5-43.5  GHz  bands. The regulator   term citywide licenses to use the mmWave   merger to go ahead. The CMA investigation
        noted that  this  spectrum  can carry  large   frequencies in 68 major towns and cities   provisionally found in September that the
        amounts  of data and has the potential   across the U.K., as well as some localized   merger could  lead to  higher  prices for
        to improve mobile speeds  in busy areas,   licenses  for “low  density areas” within   customers and harm the position of mobile
        such  as train stations, football stadiums   those cities via a shared access licensing   virtual network operators.
        and concert venues. It could also support   framework, according to previous reports.

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