Page 116 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
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                                  REGULATORY ACTIVITIES BEYOND

                                            THE SAMENA REGION

                         Telecoms and broadcasting regulators, the Electronic   of moving towards compliance with deadlines set by
                         and Postal  Communications  Authority (Autoritetit Te   the EU and ITU; in an October 2020 paper, the ITU had
                         Komunikimeve Elektronike Dhe Postare, AKEP) and   recommended a target of end-2022 for the migration of
                         Audiovisual  Media Authority (Autoriteti i  Mediave   media broadcast operators from the 700MHz and the
        Albania          Audiovizive, AMA) have  signed a  memorandum  of   reissue of the spectrum to mobile network operators
                         cooperation,  agreeing  to work together  to address   (MNOs).  Other areas of cooperation will  include  the
                         areas of common interest to the two bodies.  In a   establishment of a joint group to monitor interference
                         joint  statement the pair  said  they  would cooperate   and the creation of a unified inventory of frequencies.
                         on the release of the 700MHz band by the AMA and   (November 9, 2021)
                         the administration of the band by AKEP with the goal

                         The  telecoms  regulator  INACOM  could  announce   Unitel has indicated its readiness to roll out the new
                         the  allocation  of  the  country’s  first  commercial  5G   technology  once it  gains regulatory  permission.
                         spectrum before the end of the year. The distribution   Newcomer  to  the Angolan  cellular market  Africell
                         of the 3.3GHz-3.7GHz  frequency  band for the   intends to introduce its commercial services soon with
        Angola           development of 5G technology was recently approved   ‘5G-ready’ infrastructure,  upgradeable  from 4G via
                         under a presidential order, whilst mobile market leader   software updates. (December 15, 2021) Expansao

                         Australia’s Department of Infrastructure, Transport,   also  delivered more equitable  holdings  of the critical
                         Regional   Development  and    Communications  low-band spectrum”. Telstra stated its allotment was
                         (DITRDC)  has  announced  that  the government  is   the  maximum amount  of low-band  spectrum  it was
                         investing a  further AUD20  million (USD14  million)   allowed to bid for under limits set by the government.
        Australia        in  funding for a  second  round  of  the ‘Australian  5G   It how holds 2x40MHz of low-band spectrum in major
                         Innovation Initiative’. In a press release regarding the   cities and 2x45MHz  in regional  and remote  areas.
                         development, the government body suggested that the   The Australian Communications and Media Authority
                         initiative ‘will enable organizations to trial the use of   (ACMA)  stated Optus won 12 of 16 lots, with two
                         5G technologies  that could  transform  the  Australian   allocated at a pre determined price and a pair of 1MHz
                         economy  and encourage  more businesses  to adopt   blocks automatically assigned for winning the 900MHz
                         5G technology’. With the DITRDC having said that the   allocation. Acting ACMA chair Creina Chapman said the
                         second round of the initiative will make an additional   spectrum was designed to support 4G and 5G network
                         AUD20 million available for projects, it noted that up to   deployments. Minister for Communications,  Urban
                         AUD2 million of this will be allocated for projects in the   Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts Paul Fletcher stated
                         Western Parkland City which will build on the Australian   “the outcome of this auction is an important milestone
                         Government’s investments under the Western Sydney   in making sure the benefits of 5G will be shared by all
                         City Deal. Consultation on the draft guidelines for the   Australians.” The spectrum licenses commence on 1
                         second round of funding will commence in the coming   July 2024 with a 20-year term compared with the 15
                         weeks, the DITRDC noted,  with applications  to open   years of previous allocations. ACMA auctioned 26GHz
                         early in 2022. (December 10, 2021)  mmWave spectrum in April. (December 8, 2021)
                         Australian operators Optus and Telstra boosted their   The government  has  announced  the passing of the
                         nationwide spectrum holdings, spending AUD2.1 billion   ‘Telstra Corporation and Other Legislation Amendment
                         ($1.5 billion) for 850MHz and 900MHz airwaves in the   Bill 2021’, a piece of legislation designed to guarantee
                         country’s latest auction. Optus acquired 2x25MHz of   ‘that  important  consumer  outcomes  continue  to be
                         900MHz  spectrum  for AUD1.5  billion, while Telstra   delivered  regardless  of  how  fixed  line  incumbent
                         secured 2x10MHz  in the 850MHz  band for AUD616   Telstra  structures itself, both now and in the future
                         million. In a statement, Optus CEO Kelly Bayer Rosmarin   through a flexible regulatory framework’. Announcing
                         praised the “competitive auction  process  that  has   the development, Minister for Communications, Urban

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