Page 114 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
P. 114


                                                                                                     Sri Lanka

        The  Telecommunications  Regulatory Commission  of Sri Lanka   Nepal Telecommunication  Authority (NTA), the governing  body
        (TRCSL) has reportedly opened  discussions  with  Elon Musk’s   for telecommunications in Nepal is seeking consultations for the
        SpaceX  venture concerning  the possible  launch  of Starlink   implementation & promotion of 5G in vertical sectors of Nepal.
        internet services  in  Sri  Lanka.  MENFN  cites a  tweet from  the   5G is  the popular  name for mind-boggling  internet  speed  and
        regulator confirming that ‘preliminary engagement was initiated   massive connectivity  in this  modern  world.  And Nepal is  also
        with SpaceX  in exploring  the introduction  of Starlink Internet   awaiting 5G to join this race. That’s why NTA is opening  up a
        Services in @SriLanka’. Apparently the first round of discussions   way to implement 5G as soon as possible. The government of
        ‘focused on regulatory aspects and prerequisites of initiating the   Nepal has already allocated funds to prepare a Master Plan for
        service in the near future for Sri Lanka’. As previously reported by   the implementation & promotion of 5G in Nepal. For this, NTA is
        CommsUpdate, earlier this month the US-based Low Earth Orbit   now inviting Expression of Interest from eligible contestant firms
        (LEO) satellite broadband provider revealed that it is now serving   for consulting services. This will  further assist  to develop  an
        around  140,000 subscriptions  across more than 20  countries,   action plan for efficient & effective use of 5G. Interested firms can
        up from 100,000 in August. The company supplied the metrics   get further information from NTA’s official website or electronic-
        in a  presentation  to the Federal  Communications  Commission   Government Procurement (eGP) system. The primary objective is
        (FCC) in early November, adding  that  over 750,000 would-be   to study the development & growth trend of 5G cases in Nepal. 5G
        users across the globe have placed ‘orders/deposits’ for satellite   being the fastest connection speed, is going to be the mainstream
        connectivity. On a gloomier note, however, the company warned   connection for broadband as well as industries. NTA also seeks
        the FCC that the ongoing  chip  shortage is  slowing down the   for prioritizing vertical sectors  to integrate  5G in those areas.
        production of its satellite dishes. Starlink seeks to become the   This will also further bring & implement action plans. Facilitating
        world’s  first  high  speed,  low-latency  satellite  ISP,  coordinating   5G for Nepali customers as soon as possible has been the main
        the largest fleet  of operating  satellites to deliver a  consistent   objective. The work scope of the project is to find practical usage
        broadband service to the most disconnected areas. The public   of 5G in various sectors. It will also focus on the pattern of Nepali
        beta program commenced  in October  2020 and Starlink began   users.
        accepting pre-orders – priced at USD99 – in February this year.   (November 14, 2021)
        (November 30, 2021)


        A Sudanese court has ordered the country’s three main mobile   blackout ‘a violation of international law’. The coup, led by General
        operators to restore internet services, after access was cut off   Abdel  Fattah  al-Burhan, halted a  power-sharing  arrangement
        last month following a coup by military leaders. A judge ordered   between  the military and civilians.  Top civilian politicians  have
        Kuwaiti-owned Zain, MTN  of South Africa and local provider   been detained and Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok was placed
        Sudatel (Sudani) to  restore internet  services immediately,   under house arrest. Mediation efforts have stalled, and Burhan
        according to lawyer Abdelazim Hassan, who raised a complaint on   has said he is committed  to appointing  a  technocratic  cabinet
        behalf of the Sudanese Consumer Protection Society. In a tweet,   until elections in July 2023.
        the US Agency for International Development (USAID) called the   (November 11, 2021)


        The  US Treasury announced  that  it has reached  an agreement   the OECD agreement, which would reallocate a portion of taxing
        with the Turkish government  on Turkey’s transition from its   rights to market jurisdictions. In addition, the agreement allows
        digital services tax to the new taxing rules under the OECD-led   certain excess amounts paid in digital taxes in the interim period
        October  8 international agreement. The  agreement  adopts the   by  in-scope  companies  to be creditable against  future Pillar
        same terms as those reached by the US last month with Austria,   One liability. In return for the coordinated withdrawal of Turkey’s
        France, Italy, Spain, and the UK. The terms allow Turkey’s digital   digital tax, the US agrees not to pursue retaliatory trade actions.
        taxes to stay in place pending implementation of “Pillar One” of   (November 23, 2021)

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