Page 115 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
P. 115


                                                                                 United Arab Emirates

        The  National Telecom  Equipment Lab at  the Telecommunica-  as the Online Services Index (OSI), Ease of Doing Business Index,
        tions and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA) hosted   the Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index, the Global
        a delegation from the University of Dubai. During the visit, they   Competitiveness Index, and innovation indices. "The issuance of
        discussed  the stages of telecom  devices testing, and ways  of   the Electronic Transactions and Trust Services Law comes into
        cooperation between TDRA and the University of Dubai. The vis-  effect at an important stage in the history of our country, as we
        iting delegation learned about the lab, which is run by special-  celebrate  the golden jubilee of the UAE.  In  this  stage, we  start
        ized national cadres, and reviewed the tasks entrusted to it. The   a new chapter towards the UAE Centennial 2071 by enhancing
        delegation was briefed on international standards adopted by the   digital transformation that  impacts the economy, society, and
        National  Laboratory  for device testing, using the latest  testing   the whole life in the UAE," said Talal Humaid Belhoul, Chairman
        systems approved by international organizations specialized in   of TDRA’s Board of Directors. Majed Sultan Al Mesmar, Director-
        this field. The National Laboratory is considered a technology ref-  General of the TDRA, commented, "The issuance of the decree-law
        erence by UAE entities and institutions, as it examines telecom   on Electronic Transactions and Trust Services marks a start of a
        devices, supports national projects, qualifies and enables Emirati   new stage in the process of comprehensive digital transformation
        cadres. The Lab team briefed the visiting delegation on the lat-  in the UAE. This law deals with many details of the daily life of the
        est devices and technologies tested in the Lab, such as mobile   various segments of society, including individuals and companies.
        phones, radio devices, Wi-Fi devices, early warning devices, and   It will have a positive impact on the higher goals of the country,
        Bluetooth devices. Commenting on this visit, Eng. Saif Bin Ghe-  in terms of promoting the digital economy and consolidating the
        laita, Director of Technology Development Affairs at TDRA, said:   global reputation of the UAE as an investment hub." The new law
        “The National Telecom Equipment Lab is the first-of-its-kind in   improves the procedures of licensing  processes  based on new
        the Arab  region, and aims  to ensure that  the telecommunica-  services that support  digital transactions. It  allows  many civil
        tion devices used in the UAE comply with the approved technical   and commercial transactions, such as marriage, personal status,
        specifications as well as with safety and security standards, and   and notary public, along with real estate transactions, such as
        that they do not cause any harm to individuals, networks, or the   renting, buying, selling, and contract modifications. It will increase
        technological infrastructure that unapproved devices may inflict.   the effectiveness  of judicial procedures and the settlement  of
        The National Laboratory has raised the level of conformity of tele-  civil  and commercial  disputes. The digital signature assists  in
        com devices, due to its role in monitoring the markets and import-  issuance  of permissions, licenses,  or approvals,  in the form of
        ed telecom equipment to the UAE.” Ghelaita added: “Today’s visit   electronic records, and acceptance of fees or any other payments
        of University of Dubai to the National Laboratory embodies the   in electronic form. It will also enable the electronic placement of
        spirit of cooperation and the exchange of knowledge and expe-  bids and receiving tenders related to government procurements.
        riences between the various UAE institutions, and their quest to   (November 28, 2021)
        introduce the new generation to the importance of ICT in achiev-
        ing digital transformation and enhancing digital services, as well   The Telecommunications and Digital  Government  Regulatory
        as the  importance  of technical  standards of electronic  devices   Authority (TDRA) announced  an  increase of the UAE  national
        and their impact on services and achieving sustainable develop-  portal users by 50% in the 3rd quarter of 2021 as compared to
        ment goals.” They also received detailed explanations from the   the same period of 2020. Portal users amounted to 5.2 million.
        Lab staff about the challenges they face such as the technology   They paid 7.7 million visits to the portal and viewed portal pages
        rapid development, which requires continuous building, qualify-  11.3 million times. TDRA stated that this increase in portal users
        ing and development of specialized cadres in this field. The team   reflects  the user  trust in the  portal  as  the  main reference  of
        presented the key achievements of the Lab, including obtaining   information related to the UAE. The increase further reflects the
        international recognition through ISO 17025, testing more than   significant efforts exerted by the portal team to develop content
        1,000 devices since the project’s launch, building and qualifying   and services. TDRA referred that the most visited pages are those
        national cadres specialized in the field of testing, in addition to   related  to visas, handling  the  COVID-19 crisis, travelling  to the
        contributing to many national projects such as the National Early   UAE, Emirates ID, COVID-19 vaccinations, and tests.  Regarding
        Warning System, Emergency Call System (eCall) in vehicles, caller   this  increase, H.E.  Ahlam Al  Feel, Director of  TDRA’s  Corporate
        name detector project “Kashef”. (December 15, 2021)  Communication  Department, said: “The UAE’s  national portal
                                                               (  is  the main  source of trusted information related to  all
        The Telecommunications and Digital  Government  Regulatory   aspects of life in the UAE. It gives users access to government
        Authority (TDRA) has confirmed that the Electronic Transactions   policies, projects, services, and tourist and legal information. We
        and Trust Services  Law, promulgated  by Federal  Decree-Law   develop  and improve the content of the portal  continuously  to
        No.  46  of 2021,  creates a  new  stage of comprehensive digital   keep up with users’ needs, UAE’s orientations, and leadership’s
        transformation  in the UAE.  The new law  improves the digital   directives, and reach all  categories  of customers  and increase
        economy  and consolidates  the  UAE’s position,  to become  one   their happiness.  To achieve this goal, we apply the latest
        of the leading  countries  in providing digital services. It  will   systems and AI technologies that provide the user with complete
        accelerate the achievement of national goals and indicators, such   information easily.”   (November 2, 2021)

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