Page 90 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
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        Vodafone Germany to Switch Off 3G on 30 June 2021

        Vodafone Germany has announced plans   service to  increase  the capacity,  speed   access  at  no  extra  charge.  Existing  3G
        to  shut  down  its 3G network  on  30 June   and  coverage  of  its  4G  network,  which   customers will be switched to the firm’s 4G
        2021, as it focuses on the rollout of faster   currently reaches 98.6% of German homes.   network and their old SIM cards exchanged
        LTE  and  5G  networks.  Until  that  date,   Vodafone states that only around 5% of its   for free.
        Vodafone  will  gradually refarm portions   data traffic is carried over its 3G network,
        of the spectrum currently used for its 3G   while its  tariffs  and plans all  include  LTE

        Operators, Technical Companies Form Open RAN Lobby Group

        A  group of 31  big name operators  and   different players and potentially lower   of networks, and incentivize supply chain
        technology  companies  sought  to bolster   the barrier to  entry  for new innovators”,   diversity.  IBM  detailed  potential  steps
        technical  work on open  RAN by  teaming   by advocating for policies which advance   in a blog, pressing the NTIA to help raise
        to  promote government  programmes   the development  and standardization of   awareness  of  open  5G  technologies,  and
        favoring  research and adoption of the   open interfaces. She added in a blog the   calling on the US Department of Defence to
        approach. The Open RAN Policy Coalition   goal is  to offer policy-focused backing   use its equipment procurement processes
        includes  AT&T,  Amazon  Web  Services,   to other open  RAN groups  (for instance,   to  give preferred consideration  to  open
        Facebook,  Google,  IBM,  Intel,  Microsoft,   the O-RAN Alliance and Telecom Infra   architectures.  It  added  the government
        Qualcomm, Rakuten Mobile, Samsung    Project)  which are working on  technical   could  also  accelerate  open  5G  R&D  and
        Electronics America, Telefonica,  Verizon   standards. Though it will work to influence   deployment efforts  through grants, tax
        and Vodafone, among others. However,   governments  across  the globe,  the Open   credits and interest-free loans.  Vodafone
        traditional equipment  vendors  including   RAN Policy Coalition  pointed  to the US   identified  other  global  targets  in  a
        Nokia,  Ericsson  and  Huawei  were  as a key focus, stating the  country “has   separate, related, statement, with external
        noticeably  not on the membership  list.   an important role to play” in advancing   affairs director Joakim Reiter encouraging
        Diane Rinaldo was  appointed  executive   development of an open supply chain for   authorities in Europe to include open RAN
        director: she previously headed  the   5G technologies. US officials could be the   as part of their future industrial strategies,
        US  National Telecommunications  and   most receptive to the group’s efforts, with   and back research, pilots and deployments.
        Information  Administration  (NTIA),  a role   the government  recently  exploring  open   He added the technology should also be a
        which involved advising President Donald   RAN  as a way to reduce  reliance  on  kit   priority for international institutions aiming
        Trump’s administration. In a  statement,   from Chinese vendors  Huawei  and ZTE.   to bridge the digital divide in Africa.
        Rinaldo explained the coalition  aims  to   The group noted the government  might
        “ensure interoperability and security across   fund research, development  and testing

        TeraGo Bbegins 38GHz mmWave 5G Fixed-Wireless Trials

        Canadian B2B connectivity/cloud provider
        TeraGo has begun 5G fixed-wireless trials
        at its headquarters in the Greater Toronto
        Area, utilizing the 38GHz millimeter wave
        (mmWave)  frequency  band  with Nokia
        network equipment and end-user devices
        from Askey  Computer  Corp. Due to the
        impact of COVID-19, actual customer trials
        have been delayed until the second half of
        2020, with the aim of bringing benefits to
        businesses  including  enhanced  speed/  in the 24GHz band and 25 of 27 licenses   company provides businesses with cloud,
        throughput,  low  latency,  and  ‘fiber-like’   issued  in  the  38GHz  band,  covering   colocation  and connectivity  services
        reliability.  In Canada’s largest six cities,   2,210MHz in Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver,   supported by its own fiber backbone and IP
        TeraGo holds 14 out of 20 licenses issued   Ottawa,  Calgary  and Edmonton.  The   network, and operates five data centers.

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