Page 73 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
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        tracing  app  was  built  upon  Bluetooth   In  addition to commitment on the above   the absence  of such  national legislation,
        connection  data  between  devices.  For   principles  by the entities gathering  and   any Telco sharing personal location data,
        hard-hit Western countries,  technological   managing the personal data, there should   even with governments,  is  therefore in
        responses  have been  much slower,   be  a wider protection  for individuals in   non-compliance  of the law.  Questions
        primarily owing to stricter data protection   terms of state-level or national-level data   were already being  raised about data
        laws and higher cultural aversion towards   protection  act(s).  In  most  of  the  apps/   shared, or rumored to be shared by Telcos
        privacy infringements. However, in light of   mechanisms launched so far, all measures   such as Vodafone in Italy, Telekom Austria
        the success achieved by certain East Asian   required for an ideal state have not been   A.G. in Austria, and BT and O2 in the UK.
        countries in containing the virus’s spread,   observed.
        the overall view seems to be changing.                                   Whereas Telcos  have a  central  role in
                                                                                 direct  mobile  data  sharing,  they are only
           In line  with  the  generally  established  principles  around        facilitators in app-based  approaches,
           data protection  as  clearly delineated  in the  European             where  the two  key  types  of  players  are
                                                                                 governments  and the large technology
           General  Data Protection  Regulation  (GDPR),  in an ideal            giants  such  as  Apple  and  Google.
           situation, any app/ mechanism built to combat COVID-19                Singapore spearheaded  the government
           should adhere to the principles of: Consent i.e. ensure that          approach using systematic consent
                                                                                 through  an  opt-in  basis  for their  contact
           appropriate  permission has been  received  from the  data            tracing  app, TraceTogether.  Rather  than

           subject, Transparency i.e. inform data subjects as to how             working with  Telcos’ data,  this  app used
                                                                                 Bluetooth  to  make  devices  communicate
           their data will be used, Purpose limitation i.e. ensure that          with each other and, ultimately with public
           the gathered data is used only for the purposes indicated,            health  authorities. Several European
                                                                                 countries  are  trying to  emulate similar
           and  Security standards i.e.  ensure  appropriate  security           apps for example, France’s StopCovid app,
           measures will be undertaken to protect this personal data             which publicly  claims to be “anonymous
           from getting leaked or shared outside of the original intent.         and voluntary”.  However,  the  consent
                                                                                 component  is  already being  blurred in
                                                                                 some countries as governments, such as
        Several gaps exist with respect to an ideal   For example, in South Korea and Taiwan, the   in India, made the  app usage  mandatory
        state of data sharing                data shared by Telcos with the government   for specific parts of the population such as
        The existing and new types of information   can serve to identify specific cases and is   for people who work in public and private
        that  organisations  may  collect  to  applicable  to  all  the population,  whether   offices,  for  all  train  travelers  and  for  the
        combat COVID-19  cover aspects  such   they  provide consent  or not. While these   ones living in high-risk areas with respect
        as  effectiveness  of self-isolation, body   measures provide a pragmatic means for   to spread of the virus. Additionally, given
        temperature, visitors  to  the premises,   effective containing of the spread, they do   that India does  not have a national data
        and device location data, all of which are   raise serious privacy concerns.  However,   privacy  law, there are concerns  over the
        personal data.                       data sharing Telcos stand on robust legal   app being used in a way that violates civil
                                             grounds for example, in South Korea, a law   liberties, including as a state surveillance
        In line with the generally  established   drafted in the wake of 2015 MERS outbreak   system  that  could be exploited  after the
        principles  around data  protection as   gives the Korea Centers  for Disease   app outlives its  coronavirus-tracking
        clearly delineated in the European General   Control & Prevention (KCDC) unwarranted   purpose.
        Data  Protection  Regulation  (GDPR),  in  an   powers  to require data  when  there is  a
        ideal situation, any app/ mechanism built   public health emergency.        Whereas Telcos  have a
        to combat  COVID-19 should  adhere to
        the principles of: Consent i.e. ensure that   In more protective Western  countries,   central role in direct mobile
        appropriate permission has been received   similar  laws  are  mostly  non-existing   data sharing, they are only
        from the data  subject,  Transparency   however, the GDPR does allow for such data
        i.e.  inform data  subjects as  to  how their   processing  if certain principles  are met.   facilitators  in  app-based
        data  will  be used, Purpose limitation  i.e.   In  normal  times,  the  GDPR  prohibits  any   approaches, where the two
        ensure that the gathered data is used only   sharing of personal data without consent.   key types  of  players are
        for the purposes  indicated,  and Security   However, exceptional provisions exist in
        standards i.e. ensure appropriate security   case of epidemics to deal with personal   governments and the large
        measures  will  be undertaken to  protect   health data and to allow EU member states   technology giants such as
        this personal data from getting leaked or   to introduce specific legislations for other
        shared outside of the original intent.  types of data such as mobile location. In   Apple and Google.

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