Page 72 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
P. 72



        The Landscape of Data Sharing Regulations Amidst the

        COVID-19 Crisis

           All around the  world, telecom  operators
           (Telcos)  are sharing  data with  governments
           and other stakeholders, even in more

           protective jurisdictions such as the European
           Union (EU), to stop the spread of the virus. On
           the other hand, there are definitely compliance
           and  reputational  risks associated  with  such
           data sharing that can materialize in the time
           to come.

        The COVID-19 crisis is considerably changing the way our societies
        balance public health against all other concerns. While lockdowns are
        the most characteristic symbol of this trade-off that societies have
        to make, contact and localization tracing are also redefining the way
        we understand data privacy. All around the world, telecom operators
        (Telcos) are sharing data with governments and other stakeholders,
        even in more protective jurisdictions such as the European Union (EU),
        to stop the spread of the virus. On the other hand, there are definitely
        compliance and reputational risks associated with such data sharing
        that can materialize in the time to come. While there is a clear shift of
        paradigm when it comes to data sharing, updating existing regulations
        will be a complex task as well. What can Telcos do to emerge clean
        post the crisis or even stronger with respect to their privacy protection
        actions  and perception,  and how can they prepare for the  post-  Rohit Sethi
        COVID-19 regulatory landscape, is a top of mind for most.   Principal
                                                                    Arthur D. Little
        East-Asia has transformed data sharing into the new big conversation
        The extent of data sharing already happening  or planned  varies for
        each country and jurisdiction. Contact tracing already started as early
        as late February this year in South Korea. South Korea’s Centers for
        Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) ran the contact tracing system
        that used data from 28 organizations covering police, credit card and
        smartphone  companies,  to  trace  the movement of  individuals with
        COVID-19.  Other East-Asian  countries  were also  early  movers in
        building their COVID-19 response based on shared data for example,
        Taiwan’s “Digital Fence” that used Telcos’ GPS data to monitor people
        in self-quarantine,  and Singapore, where “TraceTogether” contact

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