Page 110 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
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        Authority (TRA) stated that the participation of TRA in marking   communication  applications  in addition  to providing online
        this occasion came this year under exceptional circumstances,   education, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education.
        during  which  efforts were made  to ensure the  continuity  of   (May 18, 2020)
        communication services by the Internet protocol through visual


        Pakistan  Telecommunication  Authority (PTA) has extended   Pakistan  Software  Export  Board  (PSEB),  an  organization  under
        the deadline  for mobile devices to  3rd  June,  2020  for all  un-  Ministry of IT and Telecommunication. (May 14, 2020)
        registered devices.  IMEI  number presents on mobile devices
        helps in the recognition of devices. The extension has been given   Federal Secretary Ministry of IT and Telecommunication Shoaib
        to the public to facilitate in difficult time of COVID-19 and ensure   Ahmad Siddiqui  has  directed  the management  of Pakistan
        social distancing during this difficult time. It would ensure social   Software Export Board (PSEB) to ensure close coordination with
        distancing during lockdown. The blocking of such mobile devices   the IT industry to minimize the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on
        will start from 4th June 2020 and will be communicated via SMS   it and take all possible steps for providing maximum facilitation
        well in time. As per terms and conditions, all mobile devices being   and assistance to the industry during these challenging times.
        linked to local networks using local SIM are subject to registration   Federal Secretary  Ministry  of Information Technology  and
        within 60 days from first use of device on local mobile networks in   Telecommunication  chaired a  meeting  to  review  steps being
        Pakistan. However due to unexpected circumstances, unregistered   taken to minimize the COVID-19  pandemic  related  impact
        device IMEIs which were to be blocked between 18th March to 3rd   on Pakistan’s  information  technology  industry.  The meeting
        June 2020 will now start getting blocked from 4th June 2020. In   was  attended  by  senior  Ministry  officials,  Managing  Director  -
        line with the Telecom Policy 2015, Pakistan Telecommunication   Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB) and Chairman - Pakistan
        Authority (PTA) launched Device Identification, Registration, and   Software Houses Association (P@SHA). The chair was apprised
        Blocking System (DIRBS) in collaboration with 3G Technologies.   that in order to ensure business continuity of BPO-Call Centers, a
        PTA is aware of telecom consumer’s needs and is taking number   working group was created to handle associated issues in a rapid
        of steps to help them in resolving their problems. Launch of this   and effective manner.  The  said working group  includes  senior
        new service is  yet another proof of PTA’s  sincerity towards  its   representatives from the Ministry of Information  Technology
        vision of protection of telecom consumers  and their rights. He   and Telecommunication,  Pakistan  Telecom  Authority, Pakistan
        said that this system will be implemented to automatically Identify   Software  Houses Association and  Pakistan  Software  Export
        sub-standard, fake, and illegally imported mobile phones, register   Board.  The  task  force  has  managed  to  mitigate  or  minimize
        and block non-compliant  devices on mobile phone  networks.   urgent  issues  pertaining  to  BPO-Call  Center  Industry  such  as
        This unique system will restrain illegal imports, helps legitimate   whitelisting of call centers and enabling work from home for call
        device importers, and mobile device users, and improve overall   center  agents. Efforts are being made to enable  usage  of soft
        security situation. PTA has always been involved in facilitating   phones which would facilitate smaller companies and freelancers.
        telecom  consumers  with  the best telecom  services along with   (May 8, 2020)
        legal protection of their rights. The statistics of telecom growth in
        Pakistan are proof of the satisfaction level of telecom consumers   The Universal Service Fund (USF) has awarded contract worth PKR
        with the quality of telecom services provided to them. Today the   588 Million to Telenor Pakistan for providing hi-speed broadband
        mobile operators have enhanced this coverage to over 65% of the   in  Sanghar  Lot  (Sindh).  Federal  Minister  IT  &  Telecom,  Syed
        population. Broadband subscribers that stood on 1.3 million till   Amin ul Haque inaugurated the Next Generation Broadband for
        2014 with limited speed offerings today has crossed a milestone   Sustainable Development project in Sanghar (Districts of Sanghar
        of  50  million  (2018)  with  mobile  broadband  speed  crossing  20   and Umerkot) at a ceremony held at Ministry of IT & Telecom on
        Mbs. (May 16, 2020)                 Thursday. The contract was signed by Haaris Mahmood Chaudhry,
                                                               CEO USF and Irfan Wahab Khan, CEO Telenor Pakistan. Secretary
        On  the  direction of the Federal Minister for IT  and   IT,  Shoaib  Ahmad  Siddiqui  was  also  present at  the ceremony.
        Telecommunication,  Ministry  of  Information Technology  and   Chief  Guest  of  the  ceremony,  Syed  Amin  ul  Haque  stated  that
        Telecommunication  is  making  special efforts  to promote IT   under the vision of Digital Pakistan, the Ministry of IT & Telecom
        exports and encourage IT companies. IT & IT enabled services   is taking concrete steps to spread the benefits of digitalization
        (ITes) export  remittances comprising  of computer  services   to the masses.  He said that during  the spread of Coronavirus,
        and call center services have surged to US $901.486 million at   Ministry of IT & Telecom will keep on making efforts to ensure
        growth  rate  of  23.94  %  over  the  first  9  months  of  FY  2019-20   that broadband  connectivity  helps  us overcome  this crisis. He
        (July-March), in comparison to US $727.353 million during the   added that the key stakeholders in IT & Telecom sector should
        same period in FY 2018-19, according to performance report of   work  together vigorously to  come  up with  innovative  ways  for

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