Page 114 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
P. 114



        COVID-19 Lockdowns Accelerate the Uptake of Digital

        Cross-border Transactions

                                                Telcos from Europe to the Middle East have seen a notable

                                                increase in customers making use of cross-border mobile
                                                top-up products using the DT One network

        The global impact of the COVID-19    observe dramatic increases in the number   “During  times of crisis being  able to talk
        pandemic  has radically changed  the   and value of international mobile data and   to  your family  and loved ones  is  vitally
        way  the world functions  in a  very  short   airtime credit top-ups.    important. At DT One we are committed to
        space of time.  From the sudden  shift  to                               finding ways that we can help to support
        remote working  for millions to  national   One of DT One’s key product  offerings   our partners, customers and people relying
        lockdowns across the globe, COVID-19 is   is phone-to-phone  (P2P)  cross-border   on our network to cope with the hardships
        changing consumer attitudes, behaviours   top-ups - which give telco customers the   that  COVID-19  brings. Through  a  variety
        and purchasing habits.   According to an   option to buy data, call time or text time for   of promotions  and added-value offers,
        Accenture report, many of these new ways   anyone in any country instantly as a value-  we have  been  working closely  with  our
        will remain post-pandemic as consumers   added service.                  partners to  help  people  stay  connected
        embrace  digital  commerce and online                                    and online,”  says  Thierry  Siminger,  Chief
        tools to learn and connect with others.   For telcos offering  international  top-ups   Commercial Officer at DT One.
                                             to countries  like the Philippines,  Nigeria,
           One of DT One’s key product       Ghana and Senegal, digital channels have   For   telcos       offering

           offerings     is    phone-to-     seen more  than  100%  growth  on some   international       top-ups
                                             corridors  while  smaller  point-of-sale
           phone  (P2P)  cross-border        networks have lost more than 50% of traffic   to  countries  like  the
           top-ups - which give telco        as a result of the stay-at-home orders and   Philippines,     Nigeria,
                                             restrictions in movement.
           customers  the  option to                                                Ghana and Senegal, digital
           buy data, call time or text       For  the millions  of  migrant workers who   channels  have seen  more
                                             live and  work  abroad, staying connected
           time for  anyone  in  any         to their loved ones back home is  more   than 100% growth on some
           country instantly  as a           important than ever, as worries and fears   corridors  while  smaller
           value-added service.              around health and  job safety  increase.   point-of-sale    networks
                                             Telcos have seen an increase in the value
                                             of transactions,  with people  sending   have  lost  more  than  50%
        DT One, the world’s leading B2B network   higher  amounts of credit than usual   of traffic as a result of the
        for mobile top-up solutions, bill payments   to  their friends  and family  back  home,   stay-at-home  orders  and
        and mobile rewards, has seen the impact   underpinning  the importance  of human
        of COVID-19  as  telcos around  the world   connection during difficult times.   restrictions in movement.

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