Page 108 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
P. 108


        difficult to ascertain the consequences of COVID-19, but mobile   is negatively impacting the operators and wreaking havoc on their
        phone services will face huge challenges soon if the regulatory,   revenues. We request the government to consider our proposals
        tax and VAT-related issues are not addressed immediately, said   so that the industry can help the country with its full potential," he
        AMTOB Secretary General SM Farhad. "The coronavirus situation   said. (May 9, 2020)


        An “Our Digital Opportunity” initiative has been launched to help   ensure transparency and data disclosure to provide users with
        small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) overcome the coro-  adequate information, indicators of the service quality level and
        navirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Amr Talaat, Minister of Communi-  how responsive  telecommunication  operators  and service pro-
        cations and Information Technology, has announced. Talaat said   viders are to different types of complaints. This positively reflects
        work on the initiative had already begun before the global pan-  on the users’ satisfaction and improves their experience in ob-
        demic took hold. He added that his ministry has been interacting   taining high quality services. NTRA received 52,038 complaints
        with civil society organizations and major international compa-  from telecommunication service users, including complaints on
        nies to ensure their cooperation in the initiative’s implementation.   mobile fixed Internet services. The number of 50,549 complaints
        Talaat said the initiative will assign at least 10% of Egypt’s digital   was resolved, exceeding 97% of the total number of complaints
        projects to SMEs,  creating a  practical framework for achieving   received. (May 17, 2020)
        partnerships  with small and emerging  companies.  Talaat  also
        emphasized that the ministry’s initiative will also have a package   Egypt, represented  by  the Ministry  of Communications  and
        of projects directly  contracted  with emerging  companies.  This   Information Technology (MCIT), is chairing the virtual meeting of
        comes in addition to a training program in data science and artifi-  Study Group 5 (SG5): Environment, climate change and circular
        cial intelligence, with a group of SMEs able to compete for a train-  economy,  of the International Telecommunication  Union (ITU)
        ing opportunity at the ministry’s expense. The winner will then   Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T), on May 11-20.
        join the projects implemented by the ministry. Talaat added that   The purpose of the meeting is to progress on the current work and
        implementation will occur through a digital opportunity platform   finalize the discussions related to the World Telecommunication
        launched  by the Information Technology  Industry Development   Standardization  Assembly  (WTSA-20)  preparations.  SG5  is
        Agency  (ITIDA).  It  will  include  all  proposed  projects, the scope   responsible  for studies on methodologies  for evaluating ICT
        of implementation and the required mandates, provided that the   effects on climate change and publishing guidelines for using ICTs
        company submits their financial and technical offers to the main   in an eco-friendly way. Under its environmental mandate, SG5 is
        operators. The results of the competition will be announced via   also  responsible  for studying  design  methodologies  to reduce
        the platform. The initiative’s first phase will include 33 projects   ICTs and e-waste's adverse environmental effects, for example,
        with a budget of EGP 900m. (May 19, 2020)  through  recycling  of ICT facilities and equipment.  In addition
                                                               to  its  climate-focused  activities, the ITU-T  Recommendations,
        In  its  keenness  to improve the quality of telecommunication   Handbooks  and  other  publications  produced  by  SG5,  have
        services and enhance  the users’ experience  in obtaining  high   four main objectives. The first is to protect telecommunication
        quality and affordable  services,  the  National Telecom  Regula-  equipment  and installations against damage and malfunction
        tory Authority (NTRA) has issued a report on “Telecom Service   due  to electromagnetic  disturbances,  such  as  those from
        Users Complaints Tracking and Follow-up System”. This reflects   lightning. In this field, SG5 is one of the world's most experienced
        the transparency that enables users to acquire adequate infor-  and respected standardization bodies. The second is to ensure
        mation on the services offered. The report comprises the indica-  safety of personnel and users of networks against current and
        tors of following up on the users’ complaints received on NTRA   voltages used in telecommunication  networks.  The third is  to
        call center, on telephone number 155. It includes the number of   avoid health risks from electromagnetic fields (EMFs) produced
        complaints received, the percentage of complaints handled after   by telecommunication  devices and installations.  The  fourth is
        escalation to NTRA during the measurement period, and the ser-  to guarantee a good quality of service (QoS) for high speed data
        vice providers’ average complaint response time during the first   services by providing requirements on characteristics of copper
        quarter of 2020. The report comes within the framework of NTRA   cables and on the coexistence of services delivered by different
        role to enhance communication and interaction with users and   providers. (May 10, 2020)

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