Page 111 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
P. 111


        fighting against COVID 19 through technology. He congratulated   He also added that all these projects are playing an integral role
        the teams of USF and Telenor Pakistan and also hoped that they   in enabling people of Pakistan to carry on their activities through
        will continue to achieve these milestones in future as well. While   broadband technology during the COVID 19 pandemic. Through
        sharing his views at the ceremony, Shoaib Ahmad Siddiqui said   the project in Sanghar lot, broadband coverage will be provided
        that the main objective of USF is to facilitate the masses through   in 500  mauzas  in Sanghar, covering  an  approximate  unserved
        broadband technology in the country. He added that during the   area of 12,000 sq. km and benefitting a population of 1.47 million
        Corona Virus pandemic, Ministry of IT & Telecom is making sure   people.  Sharing his views on the  development,  Irfan Wahab
        that broadband connectivity plays an integral part in creating ease   Khan, CEO Telenor Pakistan said, “We are more committed than
        for people. He further said that USF projects are already making   ever before to strengthen the pillar of connectivity as part of our
        a huge difference in lives of people and with the new challenging   purpose of connecting people to what matters most to them. At
        scenario during the spread of Corona virus, these projects have   Telenor Pakistan we are driven to empower the country through
        become more crucial for socio-economic benefit. Also speaking   enhanced  connectivity, creating opportunities and uplifting  the
        at the ceremony, Haaris Mahmood Chaudhry, CEO USF informed   lives of millions and stand firm in our commitment to break socio-
        that Federal Minister, Syed Amin ul Haque, Secretary IT, Shoaib   economic barriers through the use of mobile technology.”
        Ahmad  Siddiqui  and  USF  Board  of  Directors  have  been  giving   (May 7, 2020)
        constant guidance and support to USF for making rapid progress.

                                                                                               Saudi Arabia

        The International Telecommunication  Union (ITU) celebrated   that the world is witnessing during the coronavirus pandemic. It
        World Telecommunication  and Information Society Day  with   highlighted the importance of adopting sustainability principles
        the participation of the Saudi Communications and Information   to  overcome  difficult  times  as  well  as  the  efforts  exerted  by
        Technology  Commission (CITC)  to  raise  awareness about the   the Kingdom on the digital transformation level to mitigate the
        impact of telecommunications  and IT on societies  and their   potential effects of the virus on businesses’ continuity and service
        economies. CITC held a dialogue session and discussed the best   delivery. (May 18, 2020)
        ways to harness technology to achieve sustainable development
        goals at a local community and international level to show the   The Ministry  of Communications  and Information Technology
        effective role of telecommunications and the importance of   (MCIT)  confirmed  that  the  emitted  electromagnetic  waves  and
        IT for the future of the Kingdom.  Under  the slogan,  “ICTs for   the effects of modern  radio communication  waves, including
        Sustainable  Development  Goals,”  the  virtual  session  was  held   fifth-generation  networks,  do  not  adversely  affect  the  human
        with the participation of prominent Saudi figures. Several themes   body,  health  and  environment  and are safe.  The ministry, after
        were covered,  including  an historic  overview of the concept   summarizing the results of medical studies and research collected
        of  sustainable development  and the role of  the private  sector   until the time of preparing the report, indicated that there is no
        in promoting sustainable development  goals chaired by  Al-  correlation or scientific evidence to prove adverse health effects
        Nuhait, general manager of the sustainability program at Saudi   or general risks to human health and the environment by radio-
        Telecom Co. Director General of the Secretariat of the National   electromagnetic waves. The ministry added that more studies are
        Digital  Transformation Committee  Norah Al-Zaid  discussed   being conducted around the world by relevant organizations, and
        the importance of an enabling environment to help government   a more conclusive outcome could then be detailed. The ministry
        bodies  and encourage  partnership  with the private sector  to   pointed out that the electromagnetic radiation emitted by radio
        achieve these goals. Al-Zaid noted the recent virtual G20 meeting   waves used in wireless communications for the fifth generation
        of trade and investment ministers presided over by the Kingdom,   technology will not exceed the levels of electromagnetic radiation
        highlighting the recommendations and digital policies outlined to   of the current fourth generation technology. The fifth generation
        promote and accelerate responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.   networks aim  to provide high speed  and low  latency factor to
        The  session  also established  a link between  the sustainability   support the increasing demand for communication services.
        that  societies are  seeking and  the exceptional  circumstances   (May 1, 2020)

                                                                                                     Sri Lanka

        Microsoft and the Ministry  of  Education  in Sri Lanka  have   remote pedagogy  during a  time  when the health and  safety
        signed  a  memorandum  of understanding  (MOU)  to advance   of educators  and students  is  paramount. The agreement  will

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