Page 113 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
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the human abilities to conduct inspections. These standards for the future, the TRA has developed innovative solutions
also include ensuring information privacy and clarity, enabling that contribute to strengthening development and upgrading
and assessing human capabilities, managing operations and human cadres by relying on the advanced infrastructure that
documents periodically, and constant auditing and development. characterizes the ICT sector in the country. In this regard, the TRA
TRA provides many Type Approval services, including registering has launched and developed the Academy, which offers a wide
and approving telecommunications devices, registering suppliers range of advanced training programmes, free of charge, to all who
of telecommunications devices in the UAE, and custom clearance wish to develop their practical, professional and personal skills.
of telecommunications devices. The TRA system of type approval Al Mansouri stressed that the TRA Academy has proven UAE’s
includes determining and registering telecom devices that can be readiness to face challenges, adding, "We in the UAE believe
used in the UAE without causing damage for users, interference that the development and training of human resources must
or damage to communication networks. It also includes continue under all circumstances, being the most valuable asset
supervising and participating in the approval and registration of and the most important force. In light of the conditions the world
telecommunications devices in the UAE before import to ensure is witnessing, and the near-full halt of training and educational
their compatibility with laws and regulations. Type Approval also centers in most countries of the world, the TRA Academy has
contributes to the custom release process for devices intended been a solution accessible to thousands of those wishing to train.
for non-commercial use in addition to regulating the import and The figures achieved by the Academy in recent days confirm the
sale of telecommunications devices in the UAE, ensuring that human community need for such solutions within the context of
manufacturers and suppliers are registered and approved by digital transformation and achieving sustainable development."
TRA, as well as issuing type approval certificates for devices that The training programmes launched by the Academy focus on
comply with the specifications required by the TRA. developing technical, professional and entrepreneurial skills.
(May 31, 2020) The Academy has launched a large number of programmes that
meet the requirements of the current situation such as time
The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, TRA, has management and productivity programs. The TRA Academy is
highlighted an increase in e-commerce activities in the UAE over an integrated training platform providing online and traditional
the past months. This increase also coincides with an increase in courses. It was created as a key initiative of the government
the use of social media on the internet, under the framework the service mTransformation program. It Academy offers free online
social distancing rules and health measures adopted during the interactive training courses in business, technology and special
current crisis. During the previous period, the TRA also supported skills. Since its launch, the platform has received thousands of
institutions and individuals in the telecommunications sector, trainees from across the world, offering latest training programmes
contributing to the continuity of business of all national sectors. in Arabic and English conducted by international instructors and
The authority has coordinated with services providers to offer experts in training. (May 6, 2020)
many of their services for free, to support the country’s efforts
to promote remote learning, telemedicine and e-commerce, as The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) has
well as raise the public’s general awareness during the current published the monthly report on Cybersecurity developments in
circumstances. The TRA pointed out that the e-commerce sector the Federal Government of the United Arab Emirates for the month
has witnessed a recent increase in activities, coinciding with the of April 2020, on its website. The report reviewed the efforts made
government’s decision to reduce unnecessary social gatherings. by the National Computer Emergency Response Team (aeCERT) to
(May 19, 2020) prevent and address cyber-attacks that were experienced by the
UAE federal entities only. The team responded to approximately 34
The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, TRA, has thousand cyber-attacks, during the month of April, varied between
announced that 42,000 trainees from 83 countries had taken malware (46%), vulnerabilities (47%) and phishing attacks (7%),
advantage of the free training courses available on the TRA the team also dealt with 197 cyber incidents. Malware: Software
Academy (previously Virtual Academy) during the last week of created for the purpose of destroying, influencing, or illegally
March, achieving a significant increase in the number of trainees. obtaining systems and programs. Malware includes viruses,
This demonstrates the success of the Academy as a modern ransomware, spyware, and others. Vulnerabilities: Software errors
solution for those wishing to develop their capabilities and their in the systems that can be exploited by criminals to interfere with
personal and professional knowledge, especially in light of the the systems and influence them. Phishing: A process in which the
exceptional circumstances the world is witnessing today, the criminal impersonates reliable companies or entities to trick the
Authority said in a statement. Commenting on this milestone, users into submitting their private data such as the password and
Hamad Obaid Al Mansouri, TRA Director General, said, "In line bank information, through fake messages or websites.
with the directives of the wise leadership to shape and prepare (May 6, 2020)
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