Page 107 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
P. 107


                           A SNAPSHOT OF REGULATORY ACTIVITIES

                                              IN SAMENA REGION


        Algeria’s Authority for Regulation of Post & Electronic Commu-  monitored provinces, while Mobilis – a subsidiary of state-owned
        nications (Autorite de Regulation de la Poste et des Communi-  Algerie Telecom – displayed the worst level of non-compliance
        cations Electroniques, ARPCE) has issued warnings to all three   in  the  QoS  (voice,  SMS,  web  browsing,  FTP  file  transfer,  video
        of the country’s mobile operators, Mobilis, Djezzy and Ooredoo,   streaming) categories. TeleGeography’s GlobalComms Database
        for non-compliance with their 4G network coverage and quality   says that Mobilis and Ooredoo Algeria each have a commercial
        of service (QoS) obligations. The ARPCE issued the cellcos with   4G LTE network presence in all 48 Algerian wilayas, while Djezzy
        the compliance notice based on the results of network monitoring   currently offers LTE in 37 wilayas. All three cellcos launched 4G in
        carried out in February-March this year in the provinces (wilayas)   selected provinces assigned to them under license conditions in
        of Blida, Djelfa, Tlemcen, Adrar and Constantine. Regarding quality   October 2016 and were permitted to expand their LTE networks to
        of network coverage criteria, VEON group-backed Djezzy scored   additional wilayas in batches conditional on meeting QoS stan-
        the lowest, complying with requirements in only one out of five   dards. (May 5, 2020) Agence Ecofin


        Md. Jahurul Haque, the Chairman of the Bangladesh Telecom-  eliminate double taxation. Mobile operators are currently paying
        munication  Regulatory  Commission  (BTRC),  has  revealed  that   Tk 200 tax per SIM, which they say is a major barrier to taking
        GrameenPhone  (GP)  will  pay  the  outstanding  BDT10  billion   telecom services to low-income people, according to an AMTOB
        (USD115.4  million)  claimed  by  the  BTRC  as  unpaid  dues  in  its   statement issued. "If the SIM tax is waived, mobile phone coverage
        2019 audit of the telecoms firm. The company paid the first in-  will widen in the rural areas and it will bring greater benefit to the
        stalment of BDT10 billion in February 2020, following the Supreme   national economy," it said. The AMTOB called for bringing down
        Court’s order to pay BDT20 billion to the regulator by 23 February;   their corporate tax from 45 per cent to 30 per cent, a rate currently
        a GP petition filed that month resulted in the Appellate Division   applicable to other companies in Bangladesh. The corporate tax
        upholding the Supreme Court’s order and giving the company un-  rate for mobile phone operators is 22 per cent in India, 30 per cent
        til 31 May to cover the remaining dues. (May 19, 2020)  in Pakistan and Nepal, 28 per cent in Sri Lanka and 20 per cent in
                                                               Afghanistan. The minimum threshold of the turnover tax creates
        Mobile phone operators in their budget proposals for the upcom-  a huge pressure on small carriers, which pay 2 per cent of their
        ing fiscal year have called upon the government to streamline the   revenue regardless of whether they incur a loss or make a profit,
        telecom tax regime, saying the existing policies encumber them   the AMTOB said, adding that three lossmaking operators are pay-
        and stand in their way to contributing more to the economy. The   ing this tax from the equity injected by shareholders. "Bringing
        operators'  contribution to  the country's  economy  is  7  per cent   down the turnover and corporate taxes is a prerequisite for the
        now, but if proper tax reforms can be brought on board, the rate   sustainability of the industry." The operators share 5.5 per cent of
        will rise further, the Association of Mobile Telecom Operators of   their gross revenue with the government, while contributing an-
        Bangladesh (AMTOB) said in the proposals emailed to the Nation-  other 1 per cent to a "social obligation fund" of the regulator, the
        al Board of Revenue. "Since the sector is already going through   AMTOB said, stressing the need for eliminating double taxation.
        multiple issues regarding taxation, it's time to find solutions to   It also urged the NBR to clarify the Value Added Tax and Supple-
        them," said AMTOB President Mahtab Uddin Ahmed. As the whole   mentary Duty Act, 2012, which they say does not provide specific
        country is facing unprecedented challenges due to the COVID-19   guidelines  with regards to VAT exemption  for regulatory  agen-
        outbreak,  the telecom sector has  become  the backbone  of all   cies. "The government  agencies  and regulators are not follow-
        sorts  of communication,  business  and entertainment, he add-  ing the VAT regulations as they are demanding or collecting VAT
        ed. In the proposals, the operators requested the government to   without registration and are not issuing any VAT challan, which
        abolish SIM tax, bring down the corporate tax, lift turnover tax and   goes against the principle of the VAT law," the AMTOB said. It is

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