Page 105 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
P. 105



        How ICT Service Providers Can Turn Pandemic Threats

        into Opportunities

                                                   We are entering a critical period. Measures taken in the
                                                   digital field in the next 12 to 18 months will determine
                                                   whether businesses can succeed in the new environment.

                                                   Companies that build the right digital capabilities can
                                                   survive and prosper.

                                                The dual shock of the COVID-19  crisis   market on  which  it now depends  is
                                                and lower oil prices  is  forcing many   underdeveloped in the GCC. Technology
                                                governments  and companies  in the   infrastructure and business regulations
                                                GCC to digitize their operations despite   have  not assisted  the development
                                                growing pressure on costs. Information   of digital platforms in the region. For
                                                and communications  technology  (ICT)   example, digital finance is barely present
                                                providers are ideally placed to help these   in the region,  which  lags East  Africa in
                                                organizations secure effective and value   the level of digital payments.
                                                for money  solutions to  this  dilemma.
        Jad Hajj, Partner                       To capture this opportunity, they  must   We are entering  a critical period.
                                                urgently develop plans incorporating   Measures  taken  in  the  digital  field  in
                                                new product  development,  marketing   the next 12 to 18 months will determine
                                                and operations.                    whether businesses can succeed in the
                                                                                   new environment. Companies that build
                                                The  sudden  economic  decline  will   the right digital capabilities can survive
                                                inevitably  lead  to  severe  financial   and prosper.
                                                restraints throughout the economy, and
                                                will  affect expenditure on information   ICT  service  providers  in  the  GCC  are
                                                technology (IT). All sectors, save health   best placed to  support  companies
                                                and education,  will  likely  reduce  IT   and governments  during  this critical
                                                spending.  Cutbacks  in  the transport   phase. Most of them already have solid
                                                sector, for example, may even reach 10%   relationships  with government  entities
                                                according to IDC.                  due  to their support  on recent  digital
                                                                                   transformations. They  have access to
                                                Despite  the necessity  for savings,   talent through  contracts  with third-
                                                the organizational  world has  had to   party  providers,  and they  specialize
                                                make radical changes  in the way it   in products  and services  that are now
                                                operates due to constraints on personal   especially relevant. ICT service providers
        Hani Zein, Principal                    movement and  face-to-face contact.   must therefore act in four areas.
                                                Another  problem is that the digital
        Strategy& Middle East, part of the
        PwC network

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