Page 103 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
P. 103


        EU Publishes Handbook to Help New Rural Broadband Networks

        The European  Commission  (EC) has published  a  “dedicated
        handbook”  for rural policy makers and broadband  project
        managers who plan to roll-out new ISP networks into remote areas,
        which uses examples from the UK (e.g. B4RN etc.) and other EU
        countries to show how the job can be done both “effectively and
        efficiently.” The broadband handbook (PDF) itself is over 22MB
        (MegaBytes) in size and 46 pages long. The overview it provides
        is a fairly general one, although it should offer a useful starting off
        point for anybody who might be considering their own network.
        In fact it’s definitely one of the more readable examples of such a
        guide. The first part of the handbook makes the case for rural and
        remote area broadband investment and outlines the technological
        solutions, the European broadband targets and  progress, and
        sources of EU funding and support for broadband (it should be
        mentioned that funding for related projects has also come from
        communities, the private sector and other public funding sources
        etc.). Finally, the second part presents examples of good practices
        that rural and remote communities have used to solve the issue
        of broadband connectivity. It outlines the solutions implemented,
        taking  into account social, territorial  and economic  aspects. It
        also  addresses lessons learned  from unsuccessful  cases and
        defines a simple framework covering the key issues. The European
        Commission (EC) has published a “dedicated handbook” for rural
        policy makers and broadband project managers who plan to roll-
        out new ISP networks into remote areas, which uses examples
        from  the  UK  (e.g.  B4RN  etc.)  and  other  EU  countries  to  show
        how  the  job  can  be  done  both  “effectively  and  efficiently.”  The
        broadband  handbook  (PDF)  itself  is  over  22MB  (MegaBytes)  in
        size and 46 pages long. The overview it provides is a fairly general
        one, although it should offer a useful starting off point for anybody
        who might be considering their own network. In fact it’s definitely
        one  of  the  more  readable  examples  of  such  a  guide.  The  first
        part of the handbook makes the case for rural and remote area   second part presents examples of good practices that rural and
        broadband investment and outlines the technological solutions,   remote communities have used to solve the issue of broadband
        the European broadband targets and progress, and sources of EU   connectivity.  It  outlines  the solutions  implemented,  taking into
        funding and support for broadband (it should be mentioned that   account social, territorial and economic aspects. It also addresses
        funding for related projects has also come from communities, the   lessons learned from unsuccessful cases and defines a simple
        private sector and other public funding sources etc.). Finally, the   framework covering the key issues.

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