Page 102 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
P. 102


        Senate Asks Government to Suspend Deployment of 5G Network in Nigeria

        The Senate directed the Federal Government
        to suspend the planned deployment of the
        Fifth  Generation  Network  in  Nigeria.  The
        Senate resolution is sequel to a motion on
        the present status of 5G Network in Nigeria.
        The motion was sponsored by Sen. Uche
        Ekwunife (PDP Anambra), who in her lead
        debate said there were growing concerns
        on the on-going  discussion  about the
        current  status  of  5G  network  in  Nigeria,
        especially  in regards to the question,  'if
        Nigeria  is  presently  connected  to  5G.'
        She said  there  were  further concerns  by
        some scientists and medical experts that
        emission from 5G towers could adversely
        affect the health of citizens by causing
        symptoms like damage to the eyes and
        immune systems,  among other  adverse
        effects. She, however, said that 5G network
        has  also  been  reported to  hold a  lot  of
        promises for mobile broadband  services   the  world  leaders  in  the  roll  out  of  5G   also investigate  the technological impact
        because  of its  faster speed  and better   mobile technology has placed an indefinite   of the network on Nigerians and report
        capacity. She expressed concern over the   moratorium  on  the  use  of  5G  network   back to plenary within two weeks. The
        uncertainty surrounding whether or not the   because  of the health concern.  She  said   red chamber, however, asked the relevant
        5G network has been launched in Nigeria   that it was  important to investigate the   federal agency supervising the ICT
        will continue to fuel the speculations and   status of 5G network in Nigeria to ensure   operations in the country to suspend the
        rumors concerning  the deployment of   that  Nigerian citizens are not exposed  to   5G  deployment  until  a  thorough  probe  to
        5G  network  and  its  faster  effect  on  the   unreasonable risk of great bodily injury or   determine its suitability for human health
        citizen of  Nigerian.  She said  that  several   harm. The  Senate in its other  resolution   had been achieved.
        countries,  including  Switzerland,  one  of
                                             directed  the  concerned  committees to

        O2 Tipped to Challenge Latest UK 5G Spectrum Sale

        Telefonica  subsidiary  O2  UK  reportedly   felt had not been “resolved during previous   told MWL  any  delay  “threatens  the UK’s
        plans  to  challenge  terms  of  a  sale  of  5G   consultations”.  An Ofcom  representative   strong  start  in  5G”  but  conceded  a  legal
        frequencies in the 700MHz and 3.6GHz to   told MWL  it  was  disappointed  “one   challenge  would  be “understandable”.
        3.8GHz bands, a move Financial Times (FT)   operator has threatened to launch a legal   “Owning  contiguous  blocks of  spectrum
        stated could delay the process by up to a   dispute”. While the regulator  didn’t  name   is crucial to achieving many of the much-
        year-and-a-half. The newspaper reported   O2,  it  warned  any legal challenge “could   touted  benefits  of  5G,  such  as  superfast
        O2  harbored concerns  over the way  the   slow things down for mobile users and the   speeds and high throughput. O2 has also
        spectrum will be sold, demanding regulator   economy”. FT explained  the auction  was   been  less  motivated than rivals  EE  and
        Ofcom sell contiguous blocks rather than   scheduled to take place during the second   Vodafone to quickly rollout its 5G network,
        fragments and preparing a legal challenge   half of the year, but had been put on ice due   so in this sense any delay may have more
        to  the process.  O2  told Mobile  World   to  the COVID-19  (coronavirus)  outbreak.   of an impact on its rivals”. Rival 3 UK
        Live (MWL) only that it had written to the   Sources told the newspaper  any  legal   holds 100MHz  of  contiguous  spectrum
        regulator to raise concerns about the sale,   challenge could cause an 18-month delay   from prior acquisitions, which O2, EE and
        with FT noting this was part of a procedure   to proceedings.  Kester Mann, director,   Vodafone  UK  had expressed  competitive
        enabling  operators  to flag concerns  they   consumer and connectivity at CCS Insight,   concerns about.

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