Page 143 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
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                         to ensure their respective quality of service levels and   are included in the current Access List Determination
                         user experience comply with the country’s Mandatory   (ALD), dated  2  December 2021.  The  watchdog has
                         Standards for Quality of Services (MQSoS), the MCMC   invited  members  of the  public  to  participate  in  this
                         notes  that  failure  to comply  with  the  directives  could   inquiry by sending written submissions on the specific
                         results in each of the operators being subject to fines of   questions,  preliminary  views  and  the  rationale  and
                         up to MYR200,000 (USD45,370).                  analysis presented in its paper. A deadline of 8 August
                         (June 24, 2022)                2022 has been set for submissions. Among the notable
                                                                        proposals made by the MCMC are plans to include two
                         The  Malaysian  Communications  and  Multimedia   new defined terms in the MSA, those being: ‘customer
                         Commission (MCMC) is launching a public inquiry on   demand  list’, defined  as  being  ‘a  list  submitted  by  an
                         a  review  of ‘Mandatory  Standard  on  Access’  (‘MSA’).   access seeker requiring certain actions to be taken by
                         In  a  press  release  regarding  the  matter  the  regulator   the  access  provider  to facilitate  the  placement  of an
                         said that the inquiry was being carried out pursuant to   order’; and ‘high priority areas’, which would be defined
                         sections 55, 56, 104(2) and 106 of the Communications   as  meaning  ‘certain  locations,  facilities  or areas  in
                         and  Multimedia  Act 1998.  A public  inquiry  paper   respect of which a new fast-track process for access
                         released by the MCMC has set out its preliminary views   to Common Antenna Systems will apply to facilitate the
                         on  amendments  to non-pricing  terms  and  conditions   placement of an Order by the access seeker’.
                         for those communications facilities and services that   (June 14, 2022)

                         The  Federal  Telecommunications  Institute  (Instituto   decrease and revert in favor of the other shareholders
                         Federal de Telecomunicaciones, IFT) has approved the   as  the  credit  is  paid  off. The  IFT  notes  that  the  term
                         proposed financing arrangement between the Mexican   of the PPP contract has been modified, from 20 years
                         Development  Bank  (Banobras,  Nafin  and  Bancomext)   (with the possibility of extension) to 40 years (without
        Mexico           and ALTAN Redes (Red Compartida), which will result   the possibility of extension). Further, the watchdog has
                         in  the  latter  becoming a  public-private  partnership   reiterated the coverage milestones approved in February
                         (PPP). The Mexican Development Bank will loan ALTAN   2022: 85% by 24 January 2027 and 92.2% by 24 January
                         Redes  USD161  million,  while  other  shareholders  will   2028.  Red  Compartida  launched  its  open  access  4G
                         provide loans worth USD50.5 million. As a result, ALTAN   network in March 2018. A total of 114 MVNOs are now
                         Redes’ shares will be contributed to a Trust, which will   offering connectivity via the  700MHz  network, while
                         be 61%-owned by the Mexican Development Bank and   81%  of the  subscriptions  are mobile users and  the
                         39%-owned  by  the  other  shareholders.  The  Mexican   other 19% correspond to fixed wireless access (FWA)
                         Development  Bank  will  have the  right  to appoint  the   accounts. Red Compartida currently offers coverage to
                         majority of the  members of the  Board of Directors,   70.97% of the population.
                         while  its percentage  of trustee rights  will  gradually   (June 23, 2022)

                         The Moldovan regulator ANRCETI has published three   regional  coverage  and  publicly  available  electronic
                         draft decisions on the award of DTT channel licenses   communications services, in  digital  terrestrial  TV
                         in the country. In a statement, it says that they will be   system
                         available for public consultation until July 15. ANRCETI   3)  the  project  on  the  approval  of  the  Special  License
        Moldova          adds that the decisions are:                   Conditions for the use of radio frequencies / channels
                         1) the project regarding the approval of the procedure   in the frequency band (470-694 MHz) in order to provide
                         for  organizing  and conducting the  competition for   networks with regional coverage and publicly available
                         issuing  licenses  for the  use  of radio  frequencies  /   electronic communications services in digital terrestrial
                         channels in order to provide publicly available electronic   TV system.
                         communications networks and services, in the digital   Broadband TV News notes that the transition to digital
                         terrestrial TV system                          terrestrial  broadcasting  in  Moldova was due to be
                         2) the project for the approval of the specifications of   concluded at the beginning of this year. This, according
                         the  competition for the  issuance  of licenses  for the   to Moldpres, was following the approval of a draft law
                         use  of frequencies  /  radio  channels  in  the  frequency   on the process by the country’s Cabinet of Ministers on
                         band (470-694 MHz) in order to provide networks with   December 14, 2021. (June 27, 2022)

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